This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 388 Fortunately, I'm one of the best

Chapter 388 Fortunately, I am superior

Originally, Brother Hanzi didn't intend to kill Lin Cheng at all in this wave. It is logical that he would not be able to single-handedly kill Seti, who is dodged, so he just wanted to clear the army first so that Serti would not let him go. Mention to eat tapi 14 minutes before.

In the end, Lin Cheng didn't expect Lin Cheng to insist on eating the coating before retreating despite the damage from the defensive tower.

Finding that his own damage combined with the defensive tower quickly lowered Seti's blood volume, Brother Khan would naturally not let this opportunity pass by.

But never expected.

Sett, a forceful hero, has too abnormal recovery ability when his blood volume is low. It is obvious that the crocodile has a small anti-armor serious injury, but he is full of conquerors. Walk

Remember: "Brother Han Zi handed in the TP return line, FPX should have communicated that the second dragon is going to be released, why don't Sett leave now? I was fainted under the tower... Hey! W is too crooked, and he will be killed alone Lah! Huh? Something's wrong... This can also be counter-killed? Isn't it? Man, this can also be counter-killed?"

957: "Is this the damage of Ruin Seti? The crocodile in the small anti-armor cloth shoes is so instant. This is the damage of the crocodile dodging a W."

Remember: "Brother Chengzi's Wing Chun boxing method is very good! Brother Hanzi obviously didn't expect this to happen. When both top laners had flashes, both sides just hit a single kill without a flash. .”

"Damn it! Go beyond the limit and fight back! Brother Hanzi is going to be numb."

"Damn it! Why? Even if the level equipment is crushed, this is not to the point of crushing. Is it reasonable?"

"Brother Hanzi was originally the only one in FPX who never died, and now he can't hold back anymore."

"Empty W and then a random A to win? Outrageous!"

"The crocodile that this strong man hit his grandson's shoes on his father's vest looks like a bird, and the crispy skin is gone with two punches?"

"Conqueror and perseverance do not stand upside down!"

"The title of Bloody God of War is not given."

Against killing the crocodile, Lin Cheng actually broke out in a cold sweat.

In order to covet a tapi and take three defensive tower damages, this wave almost caused a big accident.

Fortunately, the crocodile's big move was played earlier. If the crocodile is too big in this wave, he probably has to flash and run away after eating the red anger W.

Tusin: "What? Lin Cheng can kill this solo?"

Bono: "Amazing, Lin Cheng! I thought you were going to give it away."

Although a group of people were flustered, Lin Cheng's tone was calm and clear: "This wave is a bit dangerous, but fortunately, brother Cheng has a better skill."

Just after Lin Cheng completed the solo kill, a battle broke out in the middle lane soon.

Kuro suddenly drifted close to Karma when he consumed nearly half of Karma's health.

Doinb was obviously frightened, and he handed over the flash ahead of time and ran back.

Generally, when the Tsar in the middle is pressing the line, he suddenly plays like this, and there is a high probability that he will be followed by the jungler, so Doinb's choice does not seem to be a big problem.

However, Kuro didn't make a big move at all. After a flash that frightened the opponent with a drift, he immediately called the jungler to arrange the opponent.

However, Qian Jue happened to be playing F6 next to him at this time, and the Tsar waited for the opponent's Qian Jue before Kazik came.

After finding out that he was cheated, Doinb's Karma waited until Qian Jue finished playing F6 and started to keep people.

Seeing that Karma, who had only one-third of his health, dared to come over to hold the chain, Kruo knew that someone was coming.

But Kuro was worthwhile with the flash in his hand, and directed the sand soldier to slam Karma with a backhand.

Kuro's equipment is too far ahead, and Karma's blood volume drops rapidly, so he pulls out two strengthening chains and quickly pulls them away.

Qian Jue found it out from the grass in the river below in time, and the maimed czar quickly pointed out the third ring.

Kuro turned and retreated backwards.

Qian Jue started to chase, and Karma waited for the next wave of skills behind OB.

The two chased from the blue square one tower in the middle to outside the red square one tower, Kuro refused to dodge, and finally waited until the skill CD was over when he was about to be hit by Qian Jue.

Kuro, who was about to run away, changed his mind when he saw that Karma, who had only one-third of his health, was still behind the OB.

When Shifting Sands activates, send Sand Soldiers to rush towards Karma.

After brushing out the shield, the Tsar ordered the soldiers to poke violently.

At this time, the shield of Karma's E skill just disappeared, and the sand soldiers suppressed Karma's blood volume twice.

Kuro's timing was very accurate, just in the vacuum period of the opponent's outbreak, and Karma was disabled first.

In desperation, Qian Jue activated his ult move, Sheep Spirit Life, in order to keep his teammates.

Kuro squeezed the big move to death, and stood in the range of the lamb spirit and directed the sand soldiers to poke fiercely.

The sheep's breath will make the units with residual blood immune to damage, and the blood bars of the czar and Karma will not move, but the three soldiers quickly suppressed Qian Jue's blood.

Just as Lamb's Breath was about to end, Kuro handed over his flash to adjust his position.

The Tsar appeared in the middle of the two opponents, and launched the big move, the wall of the forbidden army.

The sand soldiers ran over with their shields, and Qian Jue and Karma were pushed out of the range of the sheep spirit at the same time.

Karma was stabbed to death by two sand soldiers as soon as he landed.

Just when the life of the lamb spirit ended, the Tsar in the range returned a mouthful of blood, but Qian Jue himself did not enjoy this treatment.

Now Tsar's blood volume is already higher than that of Qian Jue, and it is obviously impossible for Qian Jue to beat the Tsar when there is still a clear advantage in equipment.

Xiaotian could only dodge and run away.

At this time, the Czar has no ability to pursue and can only watch his opponent leave.

Remember: "Oh! Kuro killed Brother Coin in one hit and two singles. The Tsar's ult was well suppressed! Kuro's wave is too detailed, and Qian Jue's ult is completely for the opponent.

At the first moment, Kuro could have pushed Karma out to kill him, but he insisted on lowering Qian Jue's HP first before using his big move. Not to mention pushing all the opponents out, Qian Jue's remaining HP was also hit. But the Tsar. "

957: "Actually, this wave of Qian Jue shouldn't use the big move. The Tsar's big move is really too restrained, but in that case, seeing the blood of his teammate Xiaotian may be the first reaction, and he didn't think about it." so many."

Remember: "There were solo kills in both the upper and middle lanes. Today, the KT players are really in full condition. Except for Bono who flashed to grab the crab, the other four are too good."

"Brother Coin is looking at the wool in the back, insisting on bringing Xiaotian to give it?"

"Karma will not give the Tsar a chance to operate if he stays far away."

"Xiao Tian shouldn't have made a big move. He clearly knew that the Tsar was big."

"Don't you dare to give Brother Coin a chance? Do you still want to hang out?"

"It's okay for a bastard to kill a bastard alone."

"Kuro: There is a gap between bastards."

"Don't go to the middle lane to help the bastard, it's useless to help the bastard."

Kuro played a wave of wonderful operations, one against two, and his teammates naturally gave praises.

Aiming: "Beautiful! This wave of tsars dare to fight back?"

Tusin: "Not bad, everyone is in good condition. We are sure of the championship of this competition."

Bono: "Wow~~~ Why are you all so fierce today? You seem to be dumbfounded when I DF robbed crabs twice in a row just now."

Lin Cheng: "Li Shiheng is amazing! I thought you were too old, and you would definitely miss Qian Jue's ultimate move."

Kuro: "This wave is really thrilling, but fortunately I have a better skill."

Lin Cheng: "..."

Where did you hear this?
(End of this chapter)

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