This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 394 Preventing 369 from being smashed

Chapter 394 Preventing 369 from being smashed

Discussed the topic of domestic top laners, because they have not yet entered the BP, and the two commentators analyzed the teams of both teams as a whole.

Zeyuan: "In my opinion, KT may still have some small advantages. Regardless of personal ability, this year's KT's ability to snowball in the LCK is really too strong."

MacT: "However, I believe that Taobo's players will not be timid. As the top team in the LPL, we must be able to operate and fight well."

As a commentator who once made a 'political mistake', MacT has found the code to explain it.

No matter what he thinks in his heart, LPL audiences love to hear these words anyway.

Zeyuan said again: "It's still worrying to be on the road. To be honest, if the two sides are on the road and the teammates don't intervene in this game, the 369 line may not be so comfortable."

MacT: "It still depends on the state of the game. Cheng is a very strong player, but when 369 is in a good state, he can crush anyone. What if he directly crushes Brother Orange?"

"Okay! Wait for a hand of 369 dried broken orange brother!"

Zeyuan laughed, and raised the volume again: "Come on, 369! You can do it."

"Fuck! The milk is up."

"Why don't the colonel let go of this yin and yang weirdness? Look down on 369 and just say it."

"Brother Dry Broken Orange is here? Can't you wish to die at 369?"

"The colonel has spoken, 369, choose a way to die."

"One thing to say, I think 369 is really no worse than the single on the opposite side."

"What gave you a strong illusion of 369? You couldn't see it back and forth with Dolan, right?"

"I'm going to say something for Dolan now, why look down on Dolan?"

In fact, there is a lot of discussion about the duel points between the two sides on the road, and almost all the commentaries of various language streams cannot avoid this topic.

In addition to the Chinese stream, the Korean stream commentary does not think that 369 can pose any threat to Lin Cheng.

No one can shake Lin Cheng's dominance in the LCK top lane this spring. If it is said that he was directly smashed by 369, neither the commentator nor the LCK audience will believe it.

Not to mention the English language, touting Lin Cheng over there is the political trend, and the dog-legged commentator is as always infinitely optimistic about Lin Cheng.

Dry wear 369, if you don't complete a single kill in the lane, you will lose. If you can't get three layers of tapi in 14 minutes, Lin Cheng is not in a good state...

What Lin Cheng didn't dare to say, let the two English-speaking brothers finish all the words.

Finally, after the on-site referees on both sides communicated and confirmed, the game entered the BP stage.

KT is on the blue side, BAN first, and TES is on the red side.

As soon as it came up, KT BAN Syndra first in the blue side, and chose to target Knight in the middle.

Although Syndra's AOE damage ability is not strong, as one of the most powerful mage heroes in the early stage, this hero has outstanding ability to suppress the opponent and radiate the wild area.

The red side disables Daomei with a backhand.

Zeyuan: "Hey! Yes! The white crescent has no head, iron sword girl, protects 369 in one hand, and prevents 369 from being crushed by Brother Orange."

Mact: "Well~~~ Daomei is indeed very vicious in the hands of Brother Chengzi. Maybe 369 will produce a hero who is not easy to fight Daomei. If he is afraid of being counted by the opponent, give him a ban first."

"Is it okay to prevent 369 from being crushed? 2333."

"Colonel, please pay attention to your position."

"I can't hold back any longer. The colonel was just waiting for a hand of 369 to crush Brother Chengzi. Is this showing his true colors?"

"Low EQ: prevent 369 from being smashed, high EQ: BAN sword girl is afraid of being countered."

"Mike T is also tactful."

"It's broken! I taught him how to explain."

The second BAN position of the blue side KT was given to Yuumi.

Taobo likes to choose Yuumi very much in the bottom lane, but this hero is a hot chicken in KT's system.

Because when the support chooses Yuumi, he can't do eyeballing alone, and Lin Cheng's style of play is doomed that he needs a lot of vision protection from Tusin.

KT's style of play this season is actually very clear. Lin Cheng is highly valued in the team's system.

Bono often starts to protect Lin Cheng from the planning of the jungle route, and Kuro is also a style of play that always leans upwards. In addition, Tusin often provides vision protection on the top lane in a few minutes.

It can be said that apart from Aiming, the other three members of the team are Lin Cheng's invisible guardians.

Lin Cheng was able to play a dominant performance in the top lane, in addition to his own operations, his teammates also contributed a lot.

The second BAN position of the red square TES was given to Verus.

This is the version BAN position that the red side must bear. In the previous game today, Verus's BP rate was 100%. As long as this hero is released, the blue side will definitely snatch it.

KT's third BAN position was given to the male gun.

The red side finally BAN thought for a long time, and finally decided to ban Calista.

Skateboard shoes are a cancer for LPL teams, but LCK teams like this hero very much.

For the four teams playing against MSC this time, AD players all have high Kalista proficiency.

MacT: "I feel that there are too many heroes released like Taobo, and there are many choices for KT to make."

Zeyuan: "That can't be helped. No matter who is in red, it will be difficult to be a BP against KT. Brother Cheng's hero pool alone can't be targeted at all."

The troll was locked on the first floor of the blue square.

This hero can serve as a tool man very well, and it also adds a lot of difficulty to the BP behind the opponent.

The troll on the opposite side lights up first, do you dare to choose a tank?Do you choose the C position without displacement?
MacT: "The opponent chooses the troll, so Taobo can grab Seti by himself."

Zeyuan shook his head: "Sett is very powerful in KT's system because they can swing in all directions, but this does not apply to Taobo."

The red square TES saw the troll, and showed EZ on the first floor without hesitation.

According to Ah Shui's style, if you give him an AD with no displacement, he might be stopped by a pillar if he walks up to the troll's face and shows off.

Immediately afterwards, Karsa's signature blind monk was presented on the second floor of the red square.

It can be seen that the players are very confident, but the blind monk is not suitable for the current game version.

This year's blind monk's winning rate in the two divisions is not very high. LPL is slightly better, but it is really miserable in LCK.

A total of 15 blind monks were played in the LCK in the spring split, and only three of them were won. Among them, there are many blind monks such as Tarzan, Canyon and Clid.

The opponent is determined to go to the wild, and the blue side KT locks the Czar first on the second floor.

At the same time, Kuro mischievously showed the enchantress on the third floor.

It seems to be saying: I heard that the Enchantress on the other side is playing well, I want to see her.

In the previous match against DRX, Knight's enchantress had a wave of Tianxiu operations to play with the entire DRX team. That scene made Hanwen Liujie exclaim: "This LeBlanc is too strong! He is a monster!"

Enough of being naughty, Kuro on the third floor replaced the enchantress with Qinggang Yingshuo at the last second.

Lin Cheng has already confirmed in advance, which means that he will be out of Qinggang Shadow first.

Although he may be countered, Lin Cheng is very confident in his Qinggang Ying.

He didn't believe that 369 dared to jump on his face with a Lucian.

 Halfway through BP's writing, I am guilty, and everyone scolds lightly.

  But now I'm really hungry and can't move anymore. I'm going to eat and watch the game later.

  Can RNG beat DK?
(End of this chapter)

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