Chapter 401 Chapter 369

Lin Cheng's attack was so sudden that even the director couldn't react in time.

On the broadcast screen, only the moment when the blue jewelry appeared, the ghost of the blue steel shadow appeared on the high ground on the red side. In the blink of an eye, he lost Brother Shuizi who had just finished his equipment, and then lit up the stopwatch to delay the time.

Zeyuan: "What is this? This Qinggangying is like a ghost! What about my big AD?"

MacT: "Brother Chengzi's operation is very cool, but Ah Shui's flash and E skills also brought the enlarged Qinggangying to the tower, and Qinggangying is also very dangerous."

Before the words fell, Kuro's Tsar drifted over the wall of the Three Wolf Pit and appeared under the red highland tower at the moment Ike's W skill suppressed the Qinggangying Stopwatch and got up.

In order to prevent Qing Gangying from getting up and sending the adult's head out, Kuro decisively flashed his big move and turned and pushed.

Ike and the blind monk were pushed up before they could do anything to Qing Gangying.

The monkey's E skill advanced, opened the big move, and knocked the Tsar and Qinggangying into the air.

Immediately, three flashes sounded, and the rest of KT all stepped forward to hand in their flashes.

MacT: "Brother Chengzi beat EZ first, but his position is not good, and he is about to be pushed up. Then Ah Shui's death is not a loss. Qinggangying is a 1000-yuan head."

Zeyuan: "Huh? Four flashes! KT is playing so big! Everyone handing flashes must protect Brother Cheng! This is called status in the team!"

The bull's head flashed and directly connected to the czar's control, knocking the blind monk and Ike into the air again.

Thousands of ice arrows were fired at once, and they stepped forward to start outputting.

The troll laid down the frozen field and rushed forward like a mad dog.

Although KT's wave of control was very beautiful, but because the czar was targeted by the monkey for the first time, he couldn't kill Ike, who was in the most dangerous position, without any way to output.

But Tao Bo couldn't focus his fire on Qing Gang Ying who stood up.

As soon as Lin Cheng got up, he ran to the right side of the opponent's high ground, trying to remove the hatred from the defensive tower first.

Although his hand speed is very fast, he didn't even take damage from the defensive tower before turning on the stopwatch, but he still took two damage from the defensive tower in Ike's position.

However, 369 seems to have recognized Lin Cheng.

Regardless of the front teammates, the monkey's second-stage ultimate move chased after Qinggangying's buttocks and turned around.

Fortunately, the monkey's development is severely stunted, and his blood volume is not particularly dangerous when the blind monk and Ike have no time to control Lin Cheng.

On the other hand, Kuro flashed over and made a round push, which was cool, but he also put himself in a very dangerous situation without killing his opponent in seconds.

The damage from the monkey itself knocked out a lot of the Tsar's blood. The blind monk who landed hit the floor, kicked the Tsar towards Ike, and knocked the bull's head and the troll into the air at the same time.

The three-ring damage with the left hand instantly knocked out the Tsar in seconds.

However, Ice and the troll almost killed Ike, forcing the left hand to use a big move to avoid damage.

Tao Bo's people spotted Lin Cheng's Qinggang shadow after they dealt with the Tsar, the blind monk W approached him with his eyes, and Tian Yinbo made a move.

At this time, although Lin Cheng pulled off the hatred of the defensive tower, his blood volume was already very low.

The blind monk's two-stage Q can definitely complete the beheading.

Qing Gang Ying under the Highland Tower suddenly turned around to avoid Tian Yinbo, just as another ghost shook his head to avoid Tam's tongue sticking out from behind.

Confidently shaking his head to avoid the skill, Lin Cheng turned his head and took two steps, and kicked AQ backhanded at the blind monk, using his greed to recover a little HP.

Seeing that the explosion was not enough, the blind monk and Tam chose to turn back and retreat to the Highland Tower.

The monkey at 369 didn't give up, and Qing Gangying, who was chasing the remaining blood, followed two more steps.

But the choice of 369 is a big problem, and the three teammates next to Qinggangying are simply not regarded as human beings.

The blood volume of the monkey was quickly lowered by a burst of ghost shots from the ice.

Lin Cheng backhanded the real damage of the second-stage Q with precise etiquette.

Nearly one-third of the monkeys with blood volume died suddenly.

Zeyuan: "KT's control link is good, but the output is not very explosive. The Tsar falls first, Ike's ultimate move returns some blood, and the opportunity for Taobo is coming! The opponent has no flash or skills, this wave can be fought... · But it's showing off for Qinggangying again!
The monkey is still chasing, it's over! 369 is already a bit over the top, blind monk and Tahm have turned their heads, why do you still have to chase Qinggang Ying with three people output? "

MacT: "This wave of Karsa and Prophet is quite calm. If they chase two more steps, all three of them may die."

Ze Yuan: "Just now, the monkey's second-stage ult was only stronger by Qinggang Ying, but in fact, it might be better for him to go to the back row. At that time, Qinggang Ying was fighting against the tower. As long as Tam sticks to it, there is no threat.

Hmm~~~ But after all, Qinggangying's 1000 yuan is right in front of him. Killing one Qinggangying is indeed more cost-effective than killing two. Although the 369 wave of financial management has not been obtained, there is still no problem with the idea. "

MacT: "Actually, it's okay! Although this wave of Taobo pays an extra kill, KT paid the price of five flashes, and there are no map resources now. One exchange for two Taobo is acceptable."

In fact, KT didn't make much money in this wave of one-for-two. The flashes of all five positions paved the way for the next wave of Xiaolong team battles.

However, KT did not intend to give the opponent a chance to operate at all, and very decisively let go of the wind dragon that refreshed in 23 minutes.

On the contrary, only 1 minutes later, Lin Cheng knocked down the exploding cones and just caught 369 wandering monkeys.

When seeing the monkey, Lin Cheng was not in a hurry to make a move, but just moved forward and waited for the monkey to release its skills.

Now that the equipment is crushing, as long as Lin Cheng's Qinggang Ying goes up first, it is impossible for 369 to survive without the support of his teammates.

So Lin Cheng wanted to wait for the opponent to release W and retreat, and then he used the E skill to pursue.

As long as the E is crooked on purpose, the monkey will die if he is caught by the Qinggang shadow if he can't use his big move to break the hook lock.

The monkey paused and stood there blankly.

Experience told Lin Cheng that after 369, W ran away.

Lin Cheng stepped forward to pursue.

Suddenly, the monkey broke through his invisibility and rushed towards Qinggang Ying, knocking down with a stick to activate his big move.

Lin Cheng was a little surprised, seeing him dare to fight back.

Normally, in this situation, Lin Cheng would consider whether someone was coming from the opposite side.

But KT's vision is so good. It has been found that TES's Nosuke duo who has vision in the upper half, Tamm can't support the lower half even if he is driving a roller coaster.

And Ike led the line on it again, and EZ exchanged expressions with Hanbing in the middle. It is impossible for anyone to support 369.

Thus, Lin Cheng easily beat the monkey to death with a backhand attack.

Zeyuan: "369 is committing a crime! He has already been beaten to the point of unconsciousness! Originally, he had the big move Qing Gangying and it was not easy to keep him. Once the monkey died, KT would use the dragon."

MacT: "He may be pretending that there is someone behind him, so suddenly playing a wave of players who are a little more cautious is afraid that the opponent's support may slip away, but KT's vision can clearly feel the movements of everyone in Taobo. The operation of 369 looks like sending."

(End of this chapter)

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