This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 461 The situation begins to get out of control

Chapter 461 The situation begins to get out of control

Tusin's lantern brought Lin Cheng to Tabai to make this wave of KT's group that should have made a small profit, but four people were killed. In addition to Olaf who was scraped to death by EZ's big move in front, all five of KT died in a circle.

The number of heads on the field was chased to 7:7, and KT's gradually revealed advantage was chased back by Taobao.

Although the economic red side still has a small lead, it is a headache for KT to suddenly win four heads and gain weight.

EZ's hands are too long, and no one in KT's lineup in the mid-term team battle can handle EZ.

At this time, the director also gave a replay of the previous wave, allowing audiences in various language streams to savor it carefully.

Then the director cut to the scene of Lin Cheng. After picking up the lantern and delivering it, Lin Cheng, who was originally focused, suddenly couldn't help laughing. He turned his head and looked to the side, as if he was still talking about something.

Zeyuan: "Haha! Brother Chengzi laughed at Tusin's operation."

Remember to tease: "Let me guess, brother Cheng's mouth shape probably means: What are you doing, Tusin?"

Zeyuan: "Yes! Just now Thresh was too stealthy. Although KT lost in the result, Brother Cheng's operation is actually very smooth.

His passive use of Kalista is really good. He jumped out first and left people with various hiding skills to find the output position. He was sliding and outputting without any pause during the whole process. Players who have played the hero Kalista know this. Point is not easy. "

Remember: "Yes! The key point is that he is not Brainless Sliding Step A, and at the same time, he is still hiding his skills to maintain his output environment. Unfortunately, Thresh's lantern is probably the only thing that will be remembered after the game, hehe."

Tong Xi: "Taobo is getting better now! Ah Shui won four heads in a row, tying the number of heads, and the economy is about to equalize."

Zeyuan: "The key KT lineup has a big problem. No one of them can touch Ezreal. Originally, the four heads of EZ have greatly accelerated the speed of formation. KT will be very uncomfortable in the mid-term team."

"Brother Chengzi has a smile on his face, and MMP in his heart."

"Thresh's operation is really good, the best in the game."

"No one can refuse such a handsome lantern."

"The operation is really cool, but the ending is too abstract."

"I'm not afraid of giving away! I'm afraid that the players will not dare to operate because of this wave of giving away."

"Don't worry about this, Tusin has been daring to fight and give away for many years."

"It's getting better! The only round that didn't break in the three rounds of Taobao."

"It's sad, Taobo can barely hold on if it depends on the opponent's sending."

Although this wave of KT failed in the team battle, the only remaining duo in Taobao couldn't move the refreshed Xiaolong.

Olaf, who has been revived on the red side, leaned down to move the dragon ahead of time, and the Taobo duo just returned in the middle.

The rest of KT was resurrected and all members rushed to the second half.

Taobo obviously didn't have a firm will to control the dragon. The resurrected people didn't gather at the first time, and KT took advantage of the time difference to successfully take down the second dragon on their side.

This game is the water dragon soul, a dragon soul that the Taobao team hates very much.

Lin Cheng's Calista ran to the grass in the upper river to insert eyes, so as to find a chance to eat the last layer of taper on the tower on the blue square.

As a result, 369 had already ambushed in the grass ahead of time, and when Lin Cheng was looking into the grass, he was defeated and slowed down with his Q skill.

Q little bit W little bit, holy gun baptism chug chug.

With a wave of broken Lucian's burst is very strong, the first two bullets of the holy gun baptism beat Calista to half blood.

But Lin Cheng's reaction was really quick. When he was face-to-face and was swept away, he flattened A while sliding perpendicular to the direction of Lucian's ultimate move, and immediately gave way to the bullet of the baptism of the holy gun.

369 saw that the damage was considerable, and after taking two steps to find that the opponent slipped again, Lucian directly adjusted his E skill to stick to his face and wanted to fight to kill.

But Lin Cheng slid backwards at the moment when the opponent was close to the body, and then the Q skill immediately slid past Lu Xian's body again.

Lucian's bullets shot into the air behind Calista, and 369 quickly canceled the ultimate move and passively hit Calista to less than one-third of his health.

Lucian's set has a high explosive rate, but after losing his skills, he can no longer pose a threat to Kalista. Lin Cheng was defeated and slowed down, and his martial posture continued to adjust his body position to insert the spear towards Lucian.


With the spear drawn, Lucian died suddenly in the river.

Remember: "Hey! 369 took advantage of Lucian's ruined wave of strength and wanted to get back on the field. They lurked in the bushes and wanted to catch a solo kill...but they were solo killed. Jiubao felt that his mentality was no longer stable. You Dare to find someone to single out?"

Zeyuan: "There is a problem with thinking! It can only be said that there is a problem with thinking! Dare to take the initiative to do it with equipment that is more than half a big piece behind, 369 is against the sky."

Hitomi: "This wave of Lucian's ruined set of skills does have a chance to beat Kalista, after all, the opponent has already lost face, and the one with the first-hand advantage between the two shooters actually has a great chance.

However, Calista's operations are very detailed, and Lucian's ultimate move has a lot of bullets. If Calista didn't passively avoid the bullets of the holy gun baptism at the first time, it would still be very dangerous. "

Zeyuan: "It can be seen that the players want to operate, but to be honest, it doesn't make any sense. Now EZ is well developed and it's fine to fight in the mid-term. There is no need to go to the top iron.

And to be honest, in this round, the middle field and the support have helped the road many times. It was hard for 369 to reconnect with Lucian, who was originally cracked, but what if the teammates help you send a wave? "

After killing Lu Xi'an solo, Lin Cheng took advantage of the opportunity to demolish the blue side's top tower of blood, and successfully won the economy of the blood tower.

However, due to the delay in demolition of the tower and being supported by Zoe, Knight used the weak fragments on his body to limit Lin Cheng's operations. Zoe easily killed Calista after hitting the bubble.

In 15 minutes, the head-to-head ratio between the two sides was 8:8, and the economic gap was less than [-]. The situation is still very stalemate.

In 17 minutes, when Xiaolong had more than a minute to refresh, the front personnel on both sides fought in advance because of the river vision.

This wave of KT began to suffer obviously. Before Lin Cheng joined the battlefield, his teammates had eaten too much consumption, and EZ jumped face with Yumi's big move to start a team battle.

Taobo successfully killed three people when only the blind monk was killed, and EZ won the triple kill again.

No way, EZ is too fat. Although the magic cut has not yet evolved, the Ice Fist Demon Zong plus CD shoes and vampire's scepter are still very bluffing at 17 minutes.

The strong period of the Poke lineup itself is in the mid-term, but KT has to face a fat EZ.

The most important thing is that no one in KT can touch EZ at all, and it lacks a stable ability to start a team. Once the team battle is pulled away, just eat the consumption of EZ and Zoe and it will be impossible to fight.

The situation began to be out of KT's control.

(End of this chapter)

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