Chapter 463 Chapter 461
A wave of opponents was wiped out, KT turned around and took down the dragon, instantly pulling the economy that was originally biting to more than [-].

On the return trip, the red side started to make up a round of pushes.

Controlling the field of vision in the lower half, the four players in front of KT pushed in a group, and Lin Cheng's Kalista led the line in the bottom lane.

This big dragon BUFF is not in a hurry to kill the opponent in a wave. It is the safest choice to pull out all the outer towers to further widen the economic gap.

In order to prevent the opponent from jumping over the wall in a hurry, KT advances very carefully before determining the number of opponents' defenders, and does not give the opponent the opportunity to open up the key players.

Top Fight really wanted to fight, and all five of them gathered in the middle to look for opportunities.

However, when the surrounding vision is occupied by the red side, the blue side has never been able to find a chance to open up the group.

Knight's Zoe was stuck on the wall and the long-range hypnotic bubble stuck on the wall and hit the czar, but Kuro's decisive drift and pulling away made the opponent have no chance to open him.

Taobo's attempt to start a team failed, and Lin Cheng quickly took down the unguarded second tower of the blue side below.

Instead of pressing the high ground, Calista turned to the middle.

Taobo in the middle didn't start the team up just now, and now he has to divide his people to defend the high ground in the bottom lane, allowing KT to easily overwhelm the second tower of the blue square in the middle.

Immediately afterwards, the red team turned up in a group without stopping, and began to put pressure on the second tower on the road.

Such a solitary outer tower did not dare to rally and defend. KT successfully flattened all the opponent's outer towers with nearly 1 minutes left in the dragon BUFF.

KT is not in a hurry to take advantage of the last time of the big dragon to push higher. After searching the wild area and taking down the water dragon, all members return to replenish one after another.

The economic gap has exceeded seven thousand.

Zeyuan: "KT played really well in this operation transition! After the failure of the Taobao mid lane team start, the opponent used the advantage of the lane transition to push three second towers in a row. "

Remember: "Although the two sides fought back and forth in the past, KT handled this kind of snowball operation too well. Before 3 minutes, both sides were still in balance. After Taobao was beaten, it is now [-] economically poor. gone."

Hitomi: "The problem now is that Ezreal's team battle output environment is not as good as before, and all KT players except Thresh have life-saving equipment.

No one could encounter EZ before because it was impossible for KT to let the Tsar start the team first. If the Tsar couldn’t find a good opportunity to enter the field, it would be easy to send it away directly. But now that the Tsar has a golden body, he can try to start the team first. Carly If Sta throws Olaf over to EZ, the output environment will not be so good. "

Zeyuan: "The most important thing is that KT's equipment is really ahead. They can even deal with the front row of Taobao without worrying about EZ. Calista and Olaf have resurrection armor, the Tsar has a golden body, and Aphelio If Sri Lanka has a stopwatch, the fault tolerance rate of both sides is not at the same level."

Going out again, Calista and Tsar pushed back the pawns on both sides who were pushed by the opponent, and then huddled together with their teammates in the center.

There are no map resources to be involved, and teammates have not grouped together to give positive pressure. At this time, it makes no sense for the wingers to go deeper and lead the line.

When the second big dragon refreshed the red side, he didn't rush to rush. Lin Cheng's Kalista went to the bottom lane first to send the pawn line forward, drawing the opponent's defensive attention.

Lucian no longer dares to come out and push the line with Kalista. If he is one and a half behind, he can easily be solo killed again without a defensive tower as a support.

Lucian didn't dare to come out, and neither did the others from Taobao.

Once someone comes to grab it, Kalista uses the resurrection armor to delay for a few seconds, which is enough for KT and others to RUSH the dragon.

Therefore, the advancing speed of the bottom line was completely controlled by Lin Cheng.

Just when Lin Cheng deliberately stuck a large wave of soldiers in the blue Fang Gao underground, the four KTs in the front suddenly started to fight Dalong.

Baron's HP drops very quickly.

Zeyuan: "We're starting to force the dragon! But the field of vision is not clear. There is a blue square false eye on the wall outside the dragon pit."

Remember: "Tusin's scan just found this eye, why didn't you remove it? Didn't see it?"

The Taobao people consciously leaned against the upper half of the area, and immediately discovered KT's movement to fight the dragon through the remaining fake eyes outside the dragon pit, and the blue team rushed over.

Soon, Lin Cheng's Calista gave up advancing on the pawn line stuck under the Highland Tower, and retreated directly, disappearing from the blue team's sight.

At the same time, through the only remaining fake eye, Taobo found a red square TP lit up outside the Dragon Pit.

Thresh walked up and put down his ult to block the road from a long distance away.

Taobo no longer has the blue jewelry, but KT's actions undoubtedly indicate that the dragon's blood volume is running out.

The opponent wants to RUSH the dragon!

369 under the Highland Tower originally wanted to clear the line first, but after seeing this situation, he didn't dare to procrastinate, so he directly handed in TP and fell to the front.

After all, the three Cs on the opposite side are extremely fast at fighting dragons, and it must be too late for Lu Xian to clear the line first.

However, the TP that appeared in the blue side's vision was not handed over by Lin Cheng at all, but the TP handed over by the Tsar hiding in the Dragon Pit.

Zeyuan: "Fishing! KT is fishing! 369 has been fooled! This wave of Taobao is about to fall."

Remember: "Wow~~~ KT came to tune the tiger away from the mountain, and played a trick to trick Lucian into the front, and there is no one to guard the bottom lane."

Hitomi: "The main reason is that Taobao can't predict the speed of the opponent's dragon attack, and they can't go to the field of view after being blocked by Thresh's big move. They don't know the blood volume of the dragon."

Just after Lucian started TP, suddenly Calista's figure reappeared under the high ground.

369 was shocked: "Calista is still there! He wants to steal the house!"

Jackeylove: "I can only fight! I can only fight!"

TP could no longer be cancelled, so Topsport could only rush to the river to force a team fight with the opponent.

However, due to KT's vision advantage, Topbo didn't dare to approach too recklessly in front of them. As a result, when they were caught by Thresh's big move, all KT members had already ran out of the dragon pit.

Although Zoe used the hypnotic bubble of the big move to adjust the position to suppress the landing position of the czar TP, but the czar drifted behind his teammates and did not give the opponent a chance to keep people.

The KT four retreated from the left.Taobao couldn't keep people for a while, seeing that Calista was already demolishing the high ground at a high speed, the blue team had no choice but to turn around and RUSH the dragon.

Zeyuan: "Wow~~ How helpless! Tobo didn't keep the Czar after he found out that he was tricked, so he can't waste time chasing people! Kalista is not slow to tear down the tower."

Hitomi: "Tao Bo can only forcefully fight the baron. The RUSH baron will return immediately. If the baron doesn't fight, Calista T will still be taken down by KT when he comes over."

Tao Bo forcibly fought the dragon, while Lin Cheng just took down the opponent's high ground.

Lin Cheng: "Hold on! I'll just demolish the house."

Tusin: "Don't worry about tearing it down, they won't be able to go back."

(End of this chapter)

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