Chapter 466
After winning the MSC championship, the entire KT team held a dinner in the evening.

Just now they were reserved in front of the camera, but after the absence of the camera, everyone in KT completely let go of themselves, making a lot of noise and constantly toasting each other.

Lin Cheng didn't want to spoil the fun either, so he drank some soju with his teammates.

After all, it's not a problem for him to drink Coke next to others when they clink glasses and drink.

After three rounds of drinking, Kuro and Bono, who were a little bit drunk, cried together and lamented that this championship was not easy to come by.

Lin Cheng and assistant coach Acorn chatted about the future.

Acron said to maintain the state, one step at a time to play the summer game well.

Although Lin Cheng deliberately drank very little, he also entered a slightly drunk state. He laughed at Acron's words and started his own performance:
"As long as we don't get sick, our KT is invincible."

"Summer split? Brother Cheng can beat the top laners in the LCK with one hand."

"In the future, it will be easier for you to arrange tactics, and remember one thing: the road is the father."

"As long as I get the counter position, the opposite base will automatically explode, do you believe it?"

As Lin Cheng talked more and more, he felt a little lack of oxygen.

So he picked up the soju bottle next to him and took a big gulp, then stood up and pointed at Kang Dongxun:

"Old Kang! Tell Jin Jifan that you will leave the red buff to me on the red side. What red does he want as a jungler?"

Obviously, Lin Cheng has gone from being slightly drunk to being delirious.

Kang Dongxun has black lines all over his face, are you teaching me how to do things?

Seeing that Lin Cheng still wanted to gulp down his drink, Aiming, who was still sober, quickly snatched his bottle away.

Let Lin Cheng drink it down again, and it's time to perform the show of breaking boulders with his bare hands.

In this way, the team members had a happy and relaxed celebration banquet during the two hours of noise.

The next day, Lin Cheng didn't wake up until near noon after a long sleep.

After getting up and tidying up slowly, Lin Cheng touched the base restaurant to settle breakfast and lunch together.

Today is Monday, but there is no need for training. After yesterday's game, Kang Dongxun gave everyone another week of free time.

The LCK Summer Split will start on the 17th, and there is still more than half a month left. The other LCK teams are still on vacation, and even if they want to train, they can't make appointments with their opponents.

Those who want to rank during this period can rank at the base, and those who want to rest can also arrange it by themselves.

The base was empty, and I didn't know where the teammates had gone. After eating, Lin Cheng bid farewell to his aunt in the cafeteria and returned to the community by car.

On the grass in the community, Xiaoying walked back and forth bent over with two little bean dings, pushing aside the grass, but she didn't know what she was doing.

The sunshine was not very gentle, Lin Cheng couldn't help feeling when he saw this scene: It's nice to be young.

At that age, he used to be naughty and ran all over the street under the scorching sun, but when he grew up, he no longer had this passion at all, and he was determined not to go out to bask in the sun if he could hide in the house to cool off.

Seeing Lin Cheng waving, Xiaoying ran over with a thump, her whole body was hot, and beads of sweat covered her red face.

"Uncle! Can you let Enxi come down and play with us? Let's catch the big beetle together."

Xiaoying is different from ordinary girls. Others are afraid of insects, but she is not afraid at all.

Lin Cheng even saw Xiaoying slap a stink bug flat with his own eyes.

The scene of crushing stink bugs completely established Xiaoying's fierce image among the hairy children in the neighborhood.

"Isn't Xiaoying hot in such a big sun?"

Xiaoying hurriedly wiped the sweat off her face with her small hands, and said nonchalantly, "Xiaoying is not hot!"

"But Yunho and I are both hot."

The little fat man who followed behind saw Lin Cheng and quickly complained, "I want to go home and turn on the air conditioner, but Xiaoying won't let me go home."

Xiaoying frowned, turned around and said ferociously: "It was agreed to help me catch the big beetle before going home, and you are not allowed to run away halfway."

The emaciated Yunho felt a little wronged, "But there are no big beetles in the community, Xiaoying, you have to be reasonable."

Xiaoying girl snorted angrily, and waved her small fists: "I'm just reasoning with you, things that have been agreed cannot be changed."

Seeing Xiaoying's waving fist, Yunho shrank his body and stopped talking.

Compared with reason, he felt that Xiaoying's fist was more deterrent.

Lin Cheng shook his head, knelt down and held Xiaoying who was groaning, "There are no big beetles in the community, if Xiaoying wants it, uncle will take you to the mountain tomorrow to catch big beetles, okay?"

"Really? Enxi want to go together?"

Xiaoying was a little disappointed at first, but she suddenly became happy when she heard what happened next.

Lin Cheng touched her little head: "Of course, Yunho, do you want to go together?"

The two little Doudings hurriedly shook their heads frantically, expressing their resistance to catching insects with Xiaoying.

"Okay! Hurry up and go home, remember to come out to play when the sun is low next time."

Lin Cheng waved his hands and got up to leave.


"what happened?"

Xiaoying reached out her hand to grab Lin Cheng's clothes corner, raised her face and asked curiously, "Is it true that you can't have children?"


Lin Cheng was shocked, what's the problem?
As a result, the other two little bean dings were not in a hurry to go home and turn on the air conditioner, and moved to Lin Cheng's feet, looking very curious.

"Isn't it pitiful that you can't have a baby?"

"That's right! I told my mother that my uncle can't have children, and my mother's expression was so strange."

Xiaoying also said: "Mom also told Xiaoying not to say this outside."

Lin Cheng: "..."

Seeing the three little kids talking more and more outrageously, Lin Cheng hurriedly interrupted, "What? Who is making up rumors about me? And... what did you tell your mother about this kind of thing? And Who told you I couldn't have a baby?"

"It's Enxi who said it. Enxi said that uncle can't have children."

Xiaoying raised her hands and said loudly, and looked at Lin Cheng curiously with innocent eyes.

"Enxi said that uncle is very powerful and can do everything, but unfortunately he can't have children."

Lin Cheng almost vomited blood, what happened to this little girl Enxi?

Just as he was trying to distinguish himself, Lin Cheng suddenly came to his senses.

Last time, the little girl worked on the puzzle for a long time, and she ran to ask Lin Cheng for help when she kept failing. Lin Cheng completed the puzzle in two or three strokes, and then said to Enxi with confidence:
"Uncle is very powerful! There is nothing that uncle can't do, um~~~ Except for having children, uncle can do everything except having children."

Obviously, the little girl Enxi clearly misunderstood Lin Cheng's point, and when she showed off her jigsaw puzzle in front of Xiaoying, she condensed his words a little bit.

As a result, Xiaoying also got the wrong focus, and the rumor that Lin Cheng couldn't have a child spread among Maozi.

Not to mention, some little fur kids even ran to their parents to say something.

No wonder the neighbors I met at the gate of the community today looked at me with strange eyes.

After figuring out the joints, Lin Cheng called it outrageous.

A sentence that is obviously very flattering, how can it become that I have lost my fertility if it is passed around in the community?
 That's two chapters today. . .

(End of this chapter)

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