This foreign aid is ridiculously strong.

Chapter 492 The team is really beaten!

Chapter 492 The team is really beaten!
The blood exchange at the first level was a great success, and Lin Cheng's Ari, who learned E at the first level, can still take the initiative in the pawn line.

After being promoted to the second level first, Lin Cheng deliberately gave up his position and leaned behind his long-range soldiers to make up the knife.

In the case of no vision, he still has to guard against a one-handed troll.

After brushing the three wolves, the troll took a look at the situation on the road, and found that there was no chance, so he chose to read the return journey directly.

The early jungler time is extremely precious. Few LCK junglers are willing to waste time rushing to catch people when they are not sure.

Why do some junglers crash themselves just by brushing?It is because too much time is wasted when shopping.

Lin Cheng didn't know that the opposing jungler had already returned, and he was still carefully standing behind his long-range minions to develop.

He consciously kept throwing Q to lower the health of the minions to ensure the line control and try to scrape the opponent as much as possible, but even if Jace showed his position, he didn't throw E first to try to consume it.

In this way, when Ahri held his E skill, Jess would not dare to come up to melee combat at will.

Although Rich found a chance to hit Ahri with a close-range booster, Lin Cheng backhanded the electrocution, causing Jess, whose blood volume itself was not too healthy, to fall directly below half health.

Jess only had one biscuit left, and Lin Cheng himself needed an extra bottle of red medicine for Dolan to quit pretending, and his blood volume returned quickly.

Rich was honest, Lin Cheng had to beware of the trolls in the upper half while controlling the blue, and he didn't take the initiative to trouble the opponent.

For a while, the two sides played the feeling of the mid laner in the top lane, facing each other to make up the knife.

The top lane situation is stable, but the bottom lane is unilaterally suppressed by KT.

The first-level Yasuo was forced to learn from the wind wall, relying on the junglers of the two sides to exchange wild areas, Karma and Han Bing kept crossing the line to press the position to prevent the opponent from making up the knife.

Just like Lin Cheng was worried about the threat of trolls, the opposite duo didn't dare to come out and be drained of blood, and huddled behind and waited for the blue team to push the line as soon as they came up.

Until the 50 seconds line was about to enter under the red square tower, DYN's duo still had 0 CS, and Han Bing had 18 CS.

At this time, the top line remained in the middle, and Lin Cheng released the line ahead of time and retreated to his own tower when he reached the third level.

Yasota went down the road to make up the knife, and Karma forced out the wind wall with an RQ.

The ice is pressed forward, and the jewelry eye is inserted behind the red square tower.

TP lights up, from Sett in the middle.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Cheng who retreated to the tower also surrendered his TP.

Corgi: "It's so uncomfortable to be suppressed in the bottom lane. Yasuo can only wait for the slow line to come in. He should be prepared to resist the pressure in the early stage."

Rita: "It depends on how much time Yasuo can make up the damage when the minion line enters the tower, but he has learned the wind wall at the first level, and facing the harassment of the KT duo, he only has four seconds to comfortably make up the damage under the tower."

Corgi: "Hmm~~~ Ice is eye-catching, there is TP! The TP in the middle lane, and the top lane also has T! This is a wave of four and two! It's so early!"

The blue party's sudden attack was completely unexpected by the opponent.

The two sides exchanged wild areas, and Senna deliberately went to the grass opposite the blue BUFF pit to replenish his vision after Han Bing and Karma went online.

This field of vision discovered in advance that the prince had finished brushing the red square wild area and entered the river, so they knew that the prince was going back to brush his own wild area.

It stands to reason that it should be safer to replenish troops under the tower at this time.

So the troll rushed directly to the upper half of the jungle to clear the jungle after returning, and had no intention of coming to the bottom lane to squat.

But KT's sudden two TPs disrupted everything.

Jess was only half-healthy in the top lane and didn't dare to hand over his teammate, because Ahri retreated to the tower early and was not interrupted by Jess when he found a position.

The plane in the middle found Sett behind him, and flew up to Sett to deal a set of damage.

However, the plane does not have the ability to interrupt Sett's TP, and this set of damage will also fill Sett's spirit value to full.

Yasuo's wind wall on the bottom road has disappeared, and before Seti landed, Karma drew A to attract the hatred of the defensive tower.

Thousands of ice arrows fired to slow down the two of them.

When Kuro's Sett TP hits the ground, he directly relies on acceleration to adjust a step, and the E skill is activated with a powerful hand splitting the head.

Senna dodges Sett's E, only Yasuo is dragged back.

Sett W punched deliberately.

Although Yasuo came out weak, the real damage cannot be reduced if he cannot avoid the center of the punch.

Sett's heroic value was almost full, and Yasuo was knocked out of his mind by this punch.

You must know that both Yasuo and Senna are only level [-], and the people from KT's TP are all level [-].

Before his teammates took action, Lin Cheng was very scheming and sold out.

Lin Cheng: "Brothers, here I come! Give me the head, otherwise I won't be able to match up, and Jess almost killed me just now."

Kuro is very righteous, "Here is your head, you come to C."

Bono, who was playing red BUFF to supervise the battle, almost wanted to expose Lin Cheng's lie on the spot. Do you think I missed the road just now?

Jess almost killed you solo?
Yasuo was blasted into the main artery by Seti's punch, and the ice shot down, and Senna quickly gave him treatment.

Lin Cheng's Ahri TP landed, and the Q skill defrauded the orb to scratch the two of them. The second-stage Q directly cooperated with the teammate's damage and took away Yasuo.

"First Blood!"

Lin Cheng's backhand E skill charmed Senna, and Seti rushed over with two old punches.

The first-level Senna was as crisp as a Pippi shrimp, and his blood volume instantly bottomed out.

Seti, who switched to the defensive tower, had already turned around and walked out ahead of time, and Han Bing also put down the weapon in his hand. After Lin Cheng leveled A, W Yaoyihuhuo successfully closed his head.

"Double Kill!"

Successfully crossed the tower, but unfortunately because Kuro's blood volume was not high when he came over, he chose to dodge and pull out the defensive tower after switching resistance.

Corgi: "It's very easy to cross the tower! The two level [-] heroes of DYN in the bottom lane are surrounded by four people at the bottom of the tower. There is really no room for maneuvering. The W learned by Yasuo can't even save the wind. If the teammates don't TP immediately to rescue It must be dead.

This far DYN bottom road is cracked!Yasuo was overtaken after only two last hits, and Rich also felt very uncomfortable in the top lane. Ahri TP went down to pick up two heads and came back to the lane. "

Rita: "Wow! In the end, even Han Bing stopped to give Ari a head. There is no need to talk about Chengzi's status!"

"Brother Cheng's team is really domineering! It's outrageous to give Ahri everyone's head."

"This man's head is stuffed to his mouth, 2333."

"The whole KT team has a clear mind and is the father on the road."

This wave won the double kill, and just returned home with more than 1000 gold coins. Lin Cheng took out the killing ring, the increase classics, and a pair of shoes.

Killing people and buying first-hand dreams, and increasing the classics are down-to-earth running towards the lost chapters.

Although Jess took advantage of Lin Cheng's TP to push the pawn line into the blue side's defense tower, but because the first wave of cannons were still there, Lin Cheng didn't lose too much pawn line when he ran back to the line.

Comparing the extra small long sword on Jess who came back, Lin Cheng couldn't help sighing:

Sure enough, good people are rewarded.

Regardless of gain or loss, Brother Cheng helped his teammate catch Yasuo Flash at the first level, and soon received the reward he deserved.

Lin Cheng has completely forgotten about the time he helped his teammates catch Yasuo's flash 2 minutes ago, his heartbroken face.

(End of this chapter)

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