Chapter 498 Bloody Massacre
Corgi: "In this way, the time frame is fixed at 23 minutes and 46 seconds, and the head ratio on the field is 23:1. KT played a game of zero dragon towers. DYN did not get any neutral resources, and failed to tear down even one defense of the opponent. tower.

Although there was a bit of a thrill in the middle, the explosive pack of the plane and Yasuo completed a wonderful cooperation and almost played a perfect team battle, but Brother Orange still led KT to defeat DYN very easily in the first game. The defending champion gave this team the first time A head-on blow to the team fighting in the LCK. "

Rita: "There should be no suspense for the MVP, right? We voted for Brother Orange's Ari, 12 kills and 0 deaths. I can't even remember when the last Ari who was super god in the professional arena."

Corgi: "Of course there's nothing wrong with it. I've always used the word 'god down to earth' to describe Brother Chengzi. I don't think anyone would vote for this MVP. He's an Ahri who roams, starts groups, deals damage, and harvests everything. Doing it, and even being able to counter the opponent's attack, it is simply beyond our understanding of this hero."

"Brother Cheng, this Ahri is too smart to play, he enters and exits seven times in team battles, and his thinking is clear."

"It's more chic than me playing Li Bai."

"Farm approval get out of grams!"

"It turns out that there are no hot chicken heroes, only hot chicken players."

"Ranked Ahri, let's go!"

"Damn it! It's so sad to see Laozi, why does this person play in the LCK?"

"If Ed Pig doesn't bring Brother Chengzi back to Shanghai next year, I'll send him a dead mouse."

"Brother Chengzi! I'm Superman! RNG needs you to save me."

"Save my small Guodian first, and let the factory manager win the championship as a coach."

"Come to Taobao! Kick 369 and take off directly from the Chinese class!"

"369 is furious, Tao Bo is my problem?"

Back in the lounge, Tusin brought cheese sticks to share with his teammates.

Seeing Lin Cheng sitting beside him with a pensive look, Tusin asked curiously:

"Lin Cheng, what are you doing? Are you eating cheese sticks?"

Lin Cheng rubbed his chin, "I'm thinking about a very serious question. Is it inappropriate for us to be so aggressive now? If we keep winning, in case the fans get spoiled, why don't we give away our ashes if we lose key games in the future?" Yang?"

Teammates: "..."

What are you criticizing?
Lin Cheng continued: "Look, according to common sense, the international championship champions will usually be unacceptable when they return to China. Last time SKT won the MSI championship and came back to make a lot of money. They swooped and knelt all the way, and finally won the runner-up in the world championship. Fans not only Not scolding but desperately comforting, the atmosphere of public opinion is ridiculously good.

On the other hand, S8's RNG has been fierce for a whole year, and finally lost the S game and immediately exploded, so... Should we also drive low and go high?Avoid the tragedy of RNG. "

Kuro chuckled: "It makes sense, later you can play casually, and then commit crimes like crazy so that we will be chased by one and then lose a few rounds and wait for the fans to wake up, then catch up and reverse the public opinion... But this kind of tactic The risk is too great, I am worried that the coach will take your ashes away without waiting for the fans to wake up."

Lin Cheng changed the subject: "Haha! I was just joking! Why must I take the blame for this? I'm not good at operations like crazy crimes. I think Jin Jifan can take the blame."

Bono sneered and didn't speak.

He crossed Erlang's legs and gave Lin Cheng a sideways glance, with a sarcasm on his expression.

Lin Cheng: "Why are you laughing? In the last game you gave away all the heads of the whole team, and you were the only one out of five on the field."

Bono stopped smiling and cast a death stare.

In the second game, the two sides switched sides. KT got a lineup with strong suppression on the red side in the early three lines.

Lin Cheng got the Jess that Rich used in the previous game, and Bono took out the jungler Faith Blind Boy.

In this round, Bono stopped brushing, and the blind monk came early in the morning to help Lin Cheng catch a blood when Lin Cheng was frantically pressing the line.

Lin Cheng continued to press down on the road, and Kuro made another wave to completely blow up Rich.

Beyon's troll brought Zoe in the middle to try to break Lin Cheng's rhythm, but Lin Cheng forced Zoe to be replaced after being caught three times.

This point of Lin Cheng gave DYN a headache again.

Not only was Lin Cheng domineering above, but DYN's bot lane was also suppressed.

Deokdam's EZ was assisted by him to send two consecutive waves. KT gained a 10 gold advantage in the early [-] minutes, and the situation on the field was good again.

The momentum is like a rainbow, KT's pace may not be as fast as other teams, and some teams in the LPL, including Vietnam, may have a faster pace than KT.

But the biggest advantage of KT is that they rarely make mistakes.

They appear to be very methodical in accumulating snowballs quickly, rarely giving the opponent a chance to counterattack.

Speed ​​up the pace, but don't blindly disrupt the battle.

This is why KT has been so hard to beat since spring.

Certain teams may have a faster tempo, but the way they snowball is often a fierce brawl. It is not certain whether to snowball or send the opponent to take off.

KT's way of snowballing is not big fights, they accumulate advantages little by little through small-scale team battles, and people in the upper, middle and lower lanes will actively roam and fight with the advantage of numbers when they have the opportunity.

DYN also suffered a lot in the middle lane in this round. Tusin and Bono had just caught a wave in the bottom lane, and before the opponent could catch their breath, Lin Cheng came again after pushing the line.

Originally, Lin Cheng liked to roam when he was wired, and Kuzan suffered a lot in the middle lane due to the repeated attacks of the auxiliary jungler, and lost the first tower in the middle lane early.

The situation is very stable and step by step according to the rhythm of KT to the key point. In the last game, DYN almost played a perfect team fight. In this round, he was completely pressed to death without even making any resistance.

Bono, who was ridiculed by Lin Cheng just now, also played a wave of very exciting operations.

The blind monk caught the position of the wine barrel in the wild area, and when the first stage hit, he directly activated the second stage Q and kicked over.

At the moment when the wine barrel launched the E meat bomb impact, Bono's blind monk suddenly touched his eyes sideways, turned in the air and drew a 7 to avoid the E skill of the wine barrel.

The wine barrel hit by the meat bomb was chased and pounded after being slowed down by the blind monk's slap.

After being informed by his teammates that KT's top laner had disappeared, the wine barrel, who was in a hurry to escape, threw a big move in a hurry to blow up the blind monk.

As a result, Bono made a coquettish small spiral move and directly avoided the barrel's big move.

After chasing for a distance, the blind monk's cooled Q Tian Yinbo hit the wine barrel accurately, and went up and kicked the wine barrel over.

After completing this wave of wonderful operations, Bono yelled frantically in the voice: "Did you see it? Lin Cheng, did you see it?"

"I see, I see, you still have something."

Although Lin Cheng thought that this kind of operation could also be done with his own reaction, it was really not easy to be able to deceive the barrel E by touching his eyes so quickly in the air because of his non-intelligent spellcasting operation habits in Bono's small window.

"Then you apologize to me."

Lin Cheng: "???"

If you say you are fat, you are still panting, right?
Soon, Lin Cheng found that he was not qualified to laugh at Bono.

Because in this round, he actually sent the only head to the team.

The head ratio was 26:1, another bloody massacre.

(End of this chapter)

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