This foreign aid is ridiculously strong.

Chapter 500 The pattern of the world 1

Chapter 500
Lin Cheng said, 'We still need to watch our KT game? 'It made Huya's barrage turbulent again.

"This taste is too strong! Brother Cheng is worthy of you."

"Isn't this interview better than a game?"

"I remember Brother Chengzi is a fan of Milan?"

"I still need to watch Mao's game? It's another big victory when I feel it."

"Stop milking! My Mao's only wish is to go back 20 years in strength."

Li Zhenxian: "Back to the game, can Cheng please talk about the laning situation between the top laner Ahri and Jayce? Most of the audience should have only seen the duel between Ahri and Jacey in the middle lane.

You must know that Ahri’s win rate in Korean servers has rarely dropped below 50% this season. Could it be that Ahri, who has struggled to even hit the middle lane, can play as a top unit now?I believe that in the RANK after today, there will soon be a lot of attempts to top the single Ahri. "

Lin Cheng shook his head: "Ahri's mechanism is perfect, but in fact it is still very difficult to line up with Jess in the top lane, and it is easy to be ganked before level [-]. I don't recommend everyone to use Ahri as a top laner in rank."

Guangshi interjected: "So what about Yasuo? I heard that player Lin Cheng is very good at Yasuo as a hero. Now that Ahri has played, does it mean that Yasuo also has a chance to be picked?"

"Yasuo~~~Although I am ready to use him at any time, I have to say that Yasuo is a trash hero right now."

Lin Cheng is very real, I think Yasuo is too rubbish so I don’t need it, it’s not that there is something wrong with my Yasuo.

Guangshi was dumbfounded.

Yasuo appeared on the opposite side of KT in the first game.

And Yasuo has appeared in the LCK for several consecutive seasons, how did Lin Cheng turn him into garbage?

Lin Cheng continued: "In my opinion, the top laner Yasuo is really an orphan hero. He can't beat most top laners. This hero is only suitable for walking in the middle or bottom lane. Hmm~~~ I have a deep understanding. "

"Laugh! Typical things that I can't play well are rubbish."

"The last sentence is the essence of deep understanding, haha."

"Looking at Brother Cheng's Yasuo win rate, you can see why he thinks Yasuo is rubbish."

"Yasuo: ??? Blame me?"

"I heard that Lin Cheng is good at Yasuo? Isn't this host fishing?"

"The Koreans have a good sense of irony, and they deliberately roasted Brother Chengzi on the fire."

"High EQ: I heard that Lin Cheng is good at Yasuo, low EQ: he's good at cooking and loves to play."

Lee Jung Hyun: "Although we won the game with a clean attitude, there was a situation that was not good for KT in the first game. In the third dragon team battle, the cooperation between Corki and Yasuo almost became a turning point. Ari, who is known as a player, stepped forward, did the situation feel very dangerous?"

Lin Cheng: "Actually, it's okay. At that time, there is no time to worry. When I was driven, my teammates didn't react. I interrupted Jess's entry before I had time to communicate with my teammates."

Lee Jung Hyun: "Oh? It means that Cheng also communicated with his teammates when he went to cut the back row? What did you say to your teammates?"

Lin Cheng: "Don't die, leave the rest to me."

"Show! Brother Cheng's words are so calm and domineering."

"Turning the tide is better than taking a walk in the garden! Is this the pattern of the world?"

"Brothers! Put the pattern on the public screen."

"I'm crying! I wish I had teammates like this in games."

"How relieved are the teammates in that situation? It's so cool that the team has thighs."

"Don't give it away, the game can be won."

"You can drive as long as you can, daddy will figure it out (funny)."

"Brother Li said he was very angry! Why did he become a hero when he went in, and all my teammates ran away when I went in?"

After the brief interview with Lin Cheng, the host interviewed Bono again.

At the beginning, Bono also answered the questions in a straight-forward manner.

But soon, the host asked about the situation in the first round when the prince was caught leading Ari to play the vanguard.

Probably because of the blackness of those who are close to the ink, Bono is not thin-skinned, and he is also a set of tricks when he throws the pot.

Bono said: It was not my fault that I was caught, it was the problem of our entire team. The situation of being caught and killed was due to failure to communicate the positions of Couch and others.

And he also said that his prince knew he couldn't leave, so he deliberately stayed to attract firepower to help Lin Cheng escape and keep the bounty. He had shed blood for the team.

Lin Cheng couldn't help laughing beside him.

Obviously, Kuro reminded that the plane in the middle lane was not there at that time, so please be careful on the road.

Bono's original words at that time were: Don't be afraid!Lin Cheng, you just come with me to demolish the Blood Tower. If you die alone on the opposite side, you won't be afraid of anyone who comes.

Blind self-confidence beforehand, and then blame your teammates for not persuading you?
When will this guy learn to be shameless?
Soon, Lin Cheng couldn't laugh anymore.

Because Li Zhenxian asked about Lin Cheng's death in the second game, Bono started to output with all his strength.

"I just helped Lin Cheng catch the opponent to death, and Lin backhandedly sent out the bounty."

"I even reminded the opponent that the jungler was in the upper half, but he was still caught to death. I don't know why he dared to press so much because he didn't have vision."

"He died and caused my wild area to be rebelled. What's too much is that he resurrected and ate my stone man. In the end, he asked me why I didn't eat the toad on the opposite side."

"Lin Cheng has a lot of problems this time around. I think the coach should hold a meeting with him when he comes down."

Lin Cheng turned to look at Bono with an inexplicable expression on his face.

He said he was very embarrassed!
If you send it away, it's the whole team's problem. Should I be called to a meeting by the coach once I'm caught dead?
If it weren't for the difficulty of interrupting others on stage, Lin Cheng might not be able to resist rebutting on the spot.

Bono was really happy, Lin Cheng, the little B bastard, messed with his mentality all day long, and finally took the opportunity to disgust him.

I have to say, it's really cool.

As a veteran of the LCK, Kwang Seok will definitely not ignore the opinion of the Lord at this time.

Guangshi: "Contestant Lin Cheng seems to have something to say?"

"Wow~~~ To be reasonable, can I be blamed for being caught and killed in this wave? Although my teammates did send me a signal, but the pawn line is stuck there, I might as well die if I don't push it."

Lin Cheng spread his hands innocently: "Jess was originally a hero who wanted to press the lane, knowing that he might be caught, I pushed the lane to the jungler and didn't come back to squat, but it's not good to blame me for being caught and killed." Makes sense."

The three people in the commentary burst into laughter regardless of their appearance.

"He's in a hurry, he's in a hurry!"

"Spread your hands, and the factory manager is possessed."

"This shape is too classic, 23333."

"Lin Cheng's Bible version 2.0, if you don't come to squat in the jungle, can you blame me if you die?"

"I'm dying of laughter! Brother Cheng's generation of Bibles is still vivid in my memory."

"When the line is pushed over, no one will help me climb the tower. When the line is pushed over, the opposite jungler will always be nearby. How do you want me to play?"

"It's too real for these two people to blame each other."

"Shocked! At the beginning of the summer split, KT Ueno broke up, and the Invincible Battleship may fall apart."

(End of this chapter)

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