This foreign aid is ridiculously strong.

Chapter 503 Online Expulsion from Fans

Chapter 503 Online Expulsion from Fans

Lin Cheng had nothing to do with himself in the live broadcast room, and the audience in the live broadcast room urged him to express their opinions.

"What do you think of Brother Chengzi? It seems that Brother Li is really going to be screwed."

"Brother Cheng, let me tell you about the trend of the Korean Open. It's hard not to understand Korean."

"Are there not many people who support Brother Li?"

"The most irritating thing is that the teammates are obviously worse, and Li Ge has become the blame."

Because he and Li Ge are rivals in the LCK, Lin Cheng’s fans and Faker’s fans can’t be said to have a good relationship, but there are still a large number of fans who are both Li Ge and Lin Cheng, and they encourage Lin Cheng to go to T1 next season and Li Ge Team up.

Lin Cheng explained to the audience who don't understand Korean: "There must be a lot of people who support Brother Li, but now most T1 fans are more inclined to see the effect of Clozer, but unless he is really a super genius, it is impossible to put Brother Li pressed him to death, after all, Brother Li’s state has been a little fluctuating during this period of time, it’s fine to adjust.”

"T1 fans really want Brother Li to be a substitute? The Korean little deaf blinds are so fucked up!"

"My crown was persecuted by the little deaf-blind Korean. Could it be that Brother Li will be persecuted too?"

"Brother Li is too old to be a substitute, but it's too much to take the blame and be a substitute."

Lin Cheng waved his hand: "Faker hasn't finished yet, talking about persecution is too exaggerated! For the time being, it should be just a normal club rotation, and it's not about who has more fans in the game. Was it taken down too?"


"Director: Shall I hit you! It's none of my business?"

"It's hard to feel bad if you don't have Black Seven Sauce for a day, right?"

"I think it would be fine if it was a benign rotation like S5. Brother Li, let's win the S championship again."

"The one in front is dreaming, first ask Brother Cheng if he agrees."

"Why are Brother Li's fans so poor in fighting power? If the stains were able to fight before, RNG would be blamed for the club."

"Without Faker, who would watch this trash team? Don't you really think T1 has fans?"

Lin Cheng explained: "It's not that Faker fans are not good at fighting, but Faker fans themselves are many T1 fans, and they should be in a wait-and-see state. If Clozer's performance is not obviously better than Li Ge, they will definitely not sit still. of."

"And it's not like you said that T1 has no fans. The Korean T1 team actually has a lot of fans."

After a pause, Lin Cheng gave an example: "In China, most people who like T1 team are because of Brother Li, but in South Korea, many people like Li Brother because he is in T1 team."

Many foreign audiences will think that Faker has far more unique fans than the team's fans. At this time, they should unconditionally kill those who clamor to support Faker as a substitute.

In a sense, the number of Faker's personal fans is indeed much larger than that of T1.

At least overseas.

But among the local Korean audience, the number of fans of T1 is far more than the number of Faker's personal fans.

Before Faker's debut, T1 and KT were the two most representative e-sports giants in South Korea, and they had accumulated a large number of fans.

Unlike China, the development of the Korean e-sports system started very early, and some clubs with a long history have cultivated a group of die-hard fans.

You must know that T1 has been established for nearly 20 years. Among these people, there are even hardcore fans who have transferred to the project and supported T1 since the StarCraft era.

It's not that whoever is famous in the team is unconditionally inclined to star players. Although they can also be regarded as fans of players, these fans are more loyal to the team.

This loyalty does not mean that they unconditionally support the club's decision-making. These team fans will criticize the coaches, players, and management. Their demands are actually very straightforward: no matter who plays, as long as they can win, they will support them.

These fans are pure, but their demands are often the most difficult to satisfy.

Moreover, this kind of fan's action power is much stronger than that of ordinary fans, and some are even extreme.

When they are dissatisfied with the status quo of the Ju team, there is nothing they dare not do. Things like sending blades and death threats are often done by Extreme Team fans.

It can be said that the vast majority of T1 fans are Faker fans, and they also like Faker, but once it is proved that Li Ge's dismissal is more conducive to the team's advancement, these team fans will not hesitate to support Li Ge as a substitute.

However, if the subsequent games prove that Li Ge's substitute is a weakening of T1, then this group of fans will not hesitate to support Li Ge's return to the game.

This is the essence of e-sports, and in the end, strength must speak.

Lin Cheng: "The situation is like this. In fact, KT is not too far behind. Don't look at the fact that KT fans are clamoring to support me. They say that if they win the S championship, they will give me the right to spray for life. Once I win Yes, they will definitely want me to give up my position."

"Bangzi is too real! Why don't you hurry back to LPL, brother Chengzi?"

"Go back to LPL to win a world championship, Brother Cheng has a lot of fans, even if you ride on the head of the club and shit, it's fine."

"Come back, Brother Cheng! Recast the starch coffin board, pointing at S11."

"Actually, we are similar to the LCK. After Yuchan retired, he has a lot less fans."

"Those are fans of champion passers-by, they come and go quickly."

"God is being backlashed! In the past, dog fans ruined the popularity of passers-by."

Lin Cheng chuckled: "You guys really think I don't visit Weibo and Tieba, right? I haven't seen those people who have lifetime free spraying rights in the LPL have a good end? Want to spray but can't find an angle?"

While speaking, Lin Cheng browsed domestic websites.

The situation of domestic portal websites and is not too different. Some science fans are skeptical about the news of Li Ge's replacement, some are cursing the club, and some unknown elements are taking the opportunity to stir up trouble.

However, I was a little surprised to see someone directly insulting and cursing Clozer Lin Cheng who has not yet appeared on the T1 official blog.

They haven't played the scene yet, so it's a bit too much to arrange words like fat pig and dead family.

Lin Cheng suddenly became vigilant: "I warn you, even if you lose the game in the future, don't scold my teammates. Otherwise, one will count as one, and all of you will be expelled from the fans."

After thinking for a while, Lin Cheng said again: "Well~~~ I forgot that there are many intersex people in China, and in the future, if you see those who scold my teammates in a rhythmic manner, you will scold them back for me. These people must be undercover agents, not my fans. , my fans will definitely not be so unqualified."


"Expelling fans online in the live broadcast room? This is too showy."

"Do you have any misunderstandings? The person your fans scold the most is yourself."

"Laughing! Who do you think is scolding you because of the fan mentality in the live broadcast room every day?"

"It's over! I said that Kuro is a bastard, Brother Cheng won't expel me from fandom, right?"

"It's not scolding to be honest! Brother Cheng will understand.

"Don't worry, Brother Cheng himself often says that Kuro is a bastard."

(End of this chapter)

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