This foreign aid is ridiculously strong.

Chapter 509 First defeat!Faker who started the group with his life

Chapter 509 First defeat!Faker who started the group with his life
After winning the Dragon BUFF, the impatient T1 players finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The economic difference cannot be directly seen on the field, but it can also be seen from the comparison of equipment that they have always been ahead.

He had a big lead before but still couldn't win the Fire Dragon Soul. After being beaten back by his opponents, the KT members' equipment slowly caught up. The T1 players were under great pressure, and one of them dared not fight.

There is a gap in the team-fighting ability of the two sides on the field. If it weren't for Li Ge's two big moves to cut first, the situation may have been reversed by KT.

As the chased party, the tension in this situation is actually a lot of pressure, and everyone in T1 will inevitably appear timid.

But fortunately, there is one person in the team who is still sober and dares to fight.

Although sometimes Faker makes mistakes when looking for opportunities, but this time his judgment is correct.

Now that I have taken the reassurance, T1 is also advancing steadily in accordance with the operation ideas I am familiar with.

Using the big dragon BUFF to unplug all the outer towers of KT, T1 has already led the economy by more than [-], and the big dragon BUFF still has a duration of more than one minute.

T1 chose one-three-one division, the duo and the jungler acted as the commander of the small soldiers in the middle, and the cards and Qinggangying put pressure on the two sidelines respectively.

KT's lineup has a poor ability to clean up super soldiers. Jayce defends the top lane of Qingsteel Shadow, and Titan protects Ashe and Galio in the middle lane.

But in the bottom lane, no one can guard the line of the card, and the blood volume of the highland tower drops quickly.

There is still 1 minute left for the Dalong BUFF. Once the bottom lane is broken at this time, the card will immediately switch to the lane with a big move, resulting in a difference in the number of people. It is very likely that KT will be broken by three lanes.

You must kill to stop the opponent's advance.

Lin Cheng saw that his teammates couldn't find a chance to start a team in the middle, so Jess went straight up and went to Qinggangying desperately.

Galio's big move to support.

Qinggang Shadow Hook Lock wanted to run.

But Lin Cheng was too familiar with Qinggang Ying, he pinched the E skill and waited for Qinggang Ying's hook lock to hang on the wall in an instant, and punched Qinggang Ying against the wall.

Qinggangying's E skill cannot be interrupted until a section of the hook is locked on the wall, so it is left behind.

Galio landed and cooperated with Jess to kill Qinggangying.

When Qing Gangying was caught, Lu Aphelios in T1 stepped up and forcibly demolished the middle tower, and the card also took down the bottom high tower, and the rest of KT's teammates did not dare to defend by force.

"KT is in a hurry! Forcibly grab Camille on the side, but Camille has a hook lock... It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter if Canna is caught to death, you can dismantle it in the middle and bottom! Hurry up! Dismantle it and run, the crystal can't be touched .”

Wolf watched in fear as the players on the T1 field dismantled the two highland towers and retreated safely. He finally breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but joke: "Wow! Why do I still feel so nervous when we have such a big advantage? But It’s okay! We broke KT’s Highland Tower! This is something that no other team in the LCK has managed.”

By catching the edge KT can be regarded as defending this wave of opponents' attacks. Although two highland towers were demolished, the crystal was not broken, and the pressure on the pawn line will not be too great.

If Qinggangying hadn't been caught to death, it would be very difficult to fight with KT after T1 wears down the highland tower. After all, the economic gap is there.

After clearing the line of troops in front of the base, the five KT immediately went out in a group.

The fire dragon is about to be refreshed, and the dragon soul cannot be released.

Because Ashe explored the field of vision first, he was not too worried about being ambushed, and the five members of the red team entered the river from the wild area in a group.

The fire dragon respawns, and at this time Qinggangying still has a few seconds to revive, T1 people want to pull on the front to buy Qinggangying time to revive TP.

But KT was too decisive.

Directly moving the dragon to force the opponent to harass, Jess blindly bombarded Aphelios above the river, and Ashe directly followed with a big move.

Aphelios dodged the magic crystal arrow in a flash, but the spider who was one body behind did not react and was stunned on the spot.

Although I don't know why Cuzz always dangles behind AD as a jungler, Tusin's Titan flashes the hook without any hesitation.

Although the spider took a while to hand over the remaining blood, his teammates dared not come up to the rescue in this situation.

The golden body ended, and the spider was instantly melted.

AD is not in good condition, and the jungler is killed. Now T1 dare not continue to pull. Aphelios picked up the lantern and retreated, and the fire dragon gave up.

KT took three fire dragons in a row while being hugely behind, and he himself also drew the dragon soul.

"Oh Mo? Xiaolong is lost again! It can't be an accident, right? Jess's cannon is really accurate."

Wolf put his head in his hands, his fat body was so heavy that the chair was deformed, "Now T1 really can't be in a hurry, the opponent doesn't have high ground towers in the middle and bottom, so let's get together and remove the crystal, 5V5 is still easy to fight in the front, remove the crystal Use the lanes to put pressure, and the next big dragon can end the game."

"Leading by [-], playing like a balance of power, it's outrageous."

"If you can't win like this, what career do you have? Go home and raise pigs."

"KT's team play is too strong, and T1 has absolutely no chance with the same economy."

"Our KT is invincible! Believe it or not, we can still turn the tables in this way?"

"I really feel sorry for Faker. The early tempo was flying, and he had to make a big move to start a team. After all this, he still played so hard."

T1 finally calmed down after a wave of repairs by all members, and the five of them pushed forward in the middle of the road.

All members of KT gathered on the high ground, pulling back while letting Jess fire two shots first.

If you can blast to the opposite C position, you must defend the crystal in the middle, but if you can't consume the blood volume of key players, it is difficult to defend the naked crystal when KT is at such a disadvantage.

But this time, the opponent didn't let Jess consume it.

It's Brother Li's card again.

Lin Cheng's QE hit the spider, and the card directly activated its ultimate move and landed behind everyone in KT.

Qinggang Ying E flashed into the arena to look for Ashe.

When dealing with Qinggangying, KT still did not relax its vigilance against the cards, and the Titans hooked ahead of time to suppress the landing point.

The card that landed flashed directly, and a yellow card was thrown at Jess.

Because Qing Gangying aimed at Ai Xi, the KT staff immediately thought that the opponent wanted to cut Ai Xi, but they never expected that the goals of the two entering the field would be inconsistent.

You must know that the card does not have a golden body at this time, and it is obvious that it does not intend to retreat completely after flashing over to give the card this position.

Just to keep Jess under control.

When Lin Cheng's Jess was at a disadvantage, he didn't have any life-saving equipment at all in order to maintain his deterrent power. Just now, he handed over Flash to keep the green steel shadow, so he couldn't open his position at all.

Thresh flashed a hook, connected to the control of the card, and Aphelios sprinkled Qinghui Yening.

Even Cuzz's spider rushed over.

Faker, who lost his cards, was instantly killed, but Jayce, who KT relied on the most, also fell, and Galio couldn't save him with his ultimate move.

Lin Cheng rushed to the street without firing a shot, and KT's team output seemed to be very scarce.

On the other side, Canna's Qinggang Ying appeared dangerous, but this time he was wearing a resurrection armor.

Although Ashe knocked out the Qinggang Shadow Resurrection Armor with a scrape, Aphelios's speed in dealing with Ashe's teammates is obviously much faster.

Bono forced his eyes to kick Aphelios back, but was knocked down by Thresh's E skill.

Under the protection of Spider and Thresh, the fat Aphelios output without pressure, and the blind monk fell instantly.

And Aiming's Ashe was also slowed down by the Qinggang Shadow W who got up, Aphelios directly flashed two swords and hacked Ashe to death, and then ran over with a flywheel all over his body.

KT was beaten out of the group on the high ground, and T1 ended the game in a wave.

(End of this chapter)

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