This foreign aid is ridiculously strong.

Chapter 512 Highlight a BP who fights wits and courage

Chapter 512 Highlights a BP who fights wits and courage
Seeing that the other party was sure of the first three hands, Brother Li directly took out Zoe on the third floor of the red square.

Zoe does not actually have an advantage against Galio online, but Zoe's ability to push the line is stronger than Galio's and can suppress Galio's roaming, and Zoe's mid-term combat ability with EZ is very strong.

Qinggang Shadow's partner Galio is going to charge, while Zoe and EZ are going to pull. The lineup ideas of the two sides are completely opposite.

Remember: "Zoega EZ...T1's double C hands are very long, don't say you can really shake Sett to support, and use Jace to form a **oke lineup, the style of the LCK It is very suitable for Poke to really play."

957: "It depends on whether KT lets go of Jayce, they must have seen it, or deliberately letting Jace go to target is also an option. After all, it is really not difficult for Qinggangying to cooperate with the jungler to catch Jayce."

In the second round of BAN, the red team T1 first banned Bron to prevent KT from forming a bipolar combination.

The blue side disabled the Leopard Girl, who is commonly used in Cuzz ranking, with a backhand.

Leopard Girl can also be regarded as a Poke hero. KT encountered a four-Poke lineup in the training match. Walking in the jungle with many skills flying around, you might win a big prize.

The last BAN position of T1 was given to Tamm.

The combination of Tahm and Ashe can not only attack and defend well, but also cover a large area when standing on the center line, can explore the field of vision and drive to support, interpreting the role of tool man to the extreme.

The blue side finally sent the male gun to the BAN position.

The male gun is a hero that fits the characteristics of the player Cuzz. In the early stage, it is enough to brush the head. The ultimate move can also help Zoe and EZ make up for Poke damage. In the later stage, it is an output core.

In the second round of selection, the red square T1 locked the female tank on the fourth floor.

Remember: "T1's female tank is well complemented. We have seen that many Poke lineups lack the ability to retain people. Often the Poke effect is played but cannot be pursued further. The female tank's long-distance team-starting ability can make up for this problem."

957: "But this way Sett can't shake to support. Without Jace, although the double Poke lineup is also good, but it definitely doesn't have the fragrance of adding Jace's poke."

The blue square KT first locked the nightmare in the fourth move, and then showed Akali on the fifth floor.

Remember: "Nightmare is okay! Compared with Qing Gangying entering the arena first, it is more convenient for Nightmare to turn off the lights and bring Galio into the arena... huh? Akali? Can't it?"

957: "Then KT is supported by Galio, Akali is in the middle, and Qinggang Ying is in."

Remember: "But Akali in the middle lane is not easy to play against Zoe in the early stage. Originally, Galio can play Zoe in the mid laner. This hand is unnecessary, right? And to be honest, Kuro's Akali is not a signature."

As soon as the words fell, Akali was locked, but KT still forced Galio to the bottom lane.

The commentator thinks it is unnecessary, but the KT player thinks it is feasible.

Remember: "I can only say that I am confident! Kuro broke through himself and took the initiative to use Akali to face Zoe."

957: "Akali in the middle lane is really difficult to fight against Zoe, especially before the sixth level of Nightmare, Zoe has no brains to press the line and Akali can only go to jail in the middle lane, but Zoe also has to worry about being caught by Akali when the level is up. Chance."

Remember to tease: "If you can't fight this laning, you can't beat it. At least this move chooses to shake Galio to the bottom lane to waste the two ban positions in the second round of T1. Psychologically, KT has already taken the lead. "

"Shake! Just shake hard!"

"Forcing myself to be countered, what kind of ghost understands this?"

"Kuro doesn't take my brother Li seriously? It's swollen."

"Kuro is too much! Take out Akali in front of Brother Li."

"Han Hu doesn't want to mess around anymore? Can he also play assassin?"

"Last time Chovy Zoe beat Akali forty knives in 10 minutes in the middle. Guess how much Kuro will be beaten."

KT's last swing made T1 dizzy, but T1 selected Jess with a backhand and also swung.

If you can shake it, so can I.

Remember: "Jess! T1 still formed a **oke system, so Sett was shaken to the jungle."

957: "Seti can also play in the jungle, but the speed of clearing the jungle is not fast. This hero needs to cooperate with his teammates to do things."

Remember: "This round has not yet started, the two sides have already played countless layers of games. In the second round, T1 targeted the support to ban people, while KT completely targeted the jungler. Unexpectedly, they all targeted loneliness."

957 nodded: "Indeed! The position that the two sides wanted to ban in the second round was actually out in the first round. This kind of situation is really rare. From the beginning of BP, it highlights a battle of wits and courage."

Both teams are selected.

Blue square KT:

Top Road: Cheng (Blue Steel Shadow, Camille)

Jungler: Bono (Eternal Nightmare, Nocturne)

Mid lane: Kuro (Stranger Thorn, Akali)
Bot lane: Aiming (Ice Shooter, Ashe)

Support: Tusin (Colossus of Justice, Galio)
Red square T1:

Top Road: Canna (Future Guardian, Jace)

Jungler: Cuzz (Wu Hao, Seti)

Mid lane: Faker (Twilight, Zoe)

Bot Lane: Teddy (Explorer, Ezreal)
Support: Effort (Dawn Goddess, Leona)
Remember: "Hey! Although KT finally forced Akali to make the lane feel uncomfortable, but their ability to attack the battle is so strong, everyone except Ashe has to enter the team, and T1 is a very classic The **oke lineup."

957: "Comparatively speaking, T1 is easier to play online. It depends on how much advantage T1 can gain in the early stage. Once in a group, it will be very difficult to be blocked by the KT lineup. But on the other hand, if KT can't kill the key players in a wave , this group of little short hands will be pulled wildly."

The time left for the players to equip talent runes is almost over, and the camera finally shows the key players of both sides.

Brother Li stared at the screen intently, and was still communicating with his teammates through voice.

When the camera panned to KT's area, Lin Cheng, who was drinking water, quickly put down his water glass and waved towards the camera with a smile.

"Brothers! Keep your spirits up! There are important people watching me, so don't hold you back."


Are you talking about people?
In the apartment, Han Shuyan and Xiaotong took Enxi to watch the game on the TV screen in the living room.

Just seeing Lin Cheng waving, Enxi's little girl leaned out of Han Shuyan's arms and waved her short hands vigorously.

"Uncle! Uncle is waving at Enxi! Come on, Uncle!"

The little girl couldn't understand the game, so she kept staring at the pictures of the players below, and when she saw Lin Cheng appearing, she hurriedly shouted and cheered.

Looking at Lin Cheng's handsome face, Xiao Tong curled his lips, "This guy is playing foolishly when he comes on stage, let's see if he can still smile when he loses in the next game... But it's because you said hello to Sister Tong For the sake of it, Sister Tong will reluctance to cheer you up."

Han Shuyan snickered, leaned over and gently hugged the excited little girl.

Come on!You said you hated losing games.

 It's true that I update slowly, don't scold me!I don't want to either...
(End of this chapter)

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