This foreign aid is ridiculously strong.

Chapter 530 Don't panic!I come to C!

Chapter 530 Don't Panic!I come to C! (seeking a monthly ticket)
Zeyuan: "Quinn! Wow~~~ KT is so hardworking! Excavator and Quinn's Ueno is going to fight DWG in the top lane."

Remember: "We all forgot that Brother Cheng also has Quinn that can beat crocodiles, but Brother Cheng only used Quinn once in the LCK before. I wonder if the effect can be achieved in this round?

After all, although Quinn counters crocodiles in theory, his error tolerance rate is actually very low. We have seen many Quinns who were blown up by crocodiles. "

Zeyuan: "The main reason is that the current version requires top laners to join the team non-stop, and heroes like Quinn who are more suitable for solo play are not so easy to play.

And to be honest, Quinn's fight against crocodile is not as easy as expected, especially during the period after level [-] and before Quinn's defeat, the crocodile has a chance to eat Quinn alone, and Quinn will be obvious after the defeat Suppress the crocodile with a single line. "

"Brother Cheng is working hard, top single birdman."

"The classic long hand hits the short hand, and the torture begins again."

"The last one who hit a crocodile with Quinn has lost his reputation."

"Actually, Quinn is really not good at fighting crocodiles. It's too manipulative. If you make a mistake, you will be single-killed."

"Last year, Mr. Sun's Quinn couldn't hold back Gong Zige's crocodile."

"I still need to watch Brother Chengzi's game? When I go to fight the big fight and come back, Quinn should be super god."

All the cards of the blue side were played, and DWG chose the female tank in the last hand.

Both teams are selected.

Blue square KT:

Top lane: Cheng (Wings of Demacia, Quinn)

Jungle: Bono (Void Dungeon, Rek'Sai)

Mid laner: Kuro (Colossus of Justice, Galio)
Bot lane: Aiming (Ice Shooter, Ashe)

Support: Tusin (Deep Titan, Nautilus)

Red Square DWG:

Top Road: Nuguri (Desert Butcher, Renekton)
Jungler: Canyon (Wild Huntress, Nidalee)

Mid lane: Showmaker (Desert Emperor, Azir)
Bottom lane: Ghost (Soul Cleansing Holy Spear, Senna)

Support: Beryl (Goddess of Dawn, Leona)
Zeyuan: "To be honest, the selection of KT's lineup feels a bit weird. It's not bad to replace Quinn with Qinggangying. It's hard to say how much help Quinn can provide in frontal team battles. But because it's Chengzi, I still Give it a hand and look forward to it!"

Remember: "Some time ago, Canna also used Quinn to fight the crocodile, but it didn't work out in that game. The junglers of both sides didn't take care of the road. Quinn was eaten by the crocodile alone, and there was a wave of The opportunity to enter the field to harvest residual blood, but Canna's Quinn flashed in and gave it to him for nothing."

Zeyuan: "I saw it! That Quinn simply didn't operate well, and that wave would kill Brother Chengzi."

I remember laughing: "Hey! Your licking is too much. What is the general format? If you change it to XX, you will kill them all."

Due to the high mobility provided by Quinn's ultimate move, the top laner Quinn can choose to purify without TP. This is also an important reason why Quinn can kill the crocodile in a single lane theoretically.

As long as Quinn reacts fast enough to use the E skill to infinitely kick off the crocodile's E rush, so that the crocodile can't get close to exchange blood, then the crocodile can only dodge if it wants to get close to control.

However, the CD time of purification is shorter than that of flash. If the control of crocodile red fury W is released, after Quinn pulls away, the opponent can only fall into the situation of being tortured.

In other words, as long as Quinn does not make mistakes, it is really difficult for the crocodile to stand up without the intervention of his teammates.

Of course, these are theoretical scenarios.

It's hard not to make mistakes.

First of all, no player can really interrupt the opponent's advance 100% of the time. Even in the professional arena, there have been many scenes where Quinn made a mistake in crossing E and was chased and hacked by the crocodile.

Players always make mistakes. The crocodile can make many mistakes because of its good body, but if Quinn makes a mistake, his life may be in danger.

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng chose the main line Precision: Assault, Overhealing, Joy, Fatal Strike, and the sub-line Master: Sudden Impact, Greedy Hunter.

I chose extraction for my outing outfit, which highlights my confidence.

Since the last time the first-level team suffered a big loss, KT has not easily arranged a first-level routine. Lin Cheng stood in the grass on the upper river, and his teammates stood in the lower half of the field of vision.

When approaching one and a half minutes, the bot lane duo returned to the line ahead of time, and Diurek Sai made a hit alone.

As a result, DWG just happened to have the three Xiaye brothers touch it in time.

KT couldn't guess that the opponent dared to run against Ashe and Titan for a first-level invasion. The duo didn't even leave a single eye nearby, and now the female tank opened the scan and led Senna and Leopard to touch it. .

The three of them circled around with the red BUFF wall card in sight.

Beryl's reaction was really fast, just in time to see Ashe and Titan showing their heads in the bottom lane, and the moment the scan found Rek'Sai's position, the female tank flashed into the grass and knocked Rek'Sai out with a Q shot.

Bono was arrested without even having a chance to operate.

The leopard girl rushed over.

Senna throws W to stay together endlessly, and flat A triggers the deceleration of Glacier's growth.

Bono himself is dissatisfied with the red blood volume, and he will not flash when he is hit by the endless guard.

Leopard girl took a blood.

Remember: "Hey! Level [-] DWG is going to invade by force, so I'm going to lose my face... Beryl is so decisive! He flashed directly to fix Rek'Sai, and was taken down by Leopard Girl at first blood."

Zeyuan: "This Bono hurts so much! Leopard girl took one blood, not to mention losing the wild area, and Rek'sai collapsed at the beginning!"

Remember: "One thing to say, this wave of DWG invasion is really unexpected for most people. KT obviously doesn't think that the opponent dares to invade against the strong first-level combination of Ice and Titan. It's good if they don't invade others. In the end, it was really reversed by DWG."

Zeyuan: "The wave of DWG is really spiritual! From the very beginning, Leopard Girl has established an absolute advantage in the jungle. What does it mean to lead the jungle in this version? I have a bold idea, maybe "KT is really going to suffer a lot today?"

Bono was a little frustrated after being caught and killed in the first-level hit: "Brothers! I collapsed."

Now that the level [-] jungler has been caught and killed, and the opponent is still a hero like Leopard Girl who can naturally take the lead with just brushing, Bono feels that he may have to paddle in this game.

Aiming: "The other side is too insidious, actually engaged in a sneak attack."

Tusin: "My! I thought the other side was afraid to come over, so I didn't pay attention."

Lin Cheng comforted: "Don't panic! I'll come to C! Later you come up to pick up the head."

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, Bono, who was a little downcast, somehow regained his confidence.

If Lin Cheng said he wanted C, he would never give it away.

Although this guy taunted his teammates as soon as he opened his mouth, he was the most trustworthy one when he made up his mind to carry the game.

Although the opponent is a jungler, KT is not.

Hmm~~~ In other words, the impact of the collapse of the jungler is not too great.

We can C on the road!

(End of this chapter)

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