This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 54 Why don't you zoom in?

Chapter 54 Why don't you zoom in?

Using the Stone Man to face Nuo Shou, Lin Cheng didn't learn skills when he came up, and took advantage of Nuo Shou's A soldier to find an opportunity to reduce the soldier's HP.

Seeing that Nuo's hand was pressing over, Lin Cheng stepped back decisively, keeping his position and not giving Nuo's hand a chance to tie A.

The opponent saw that there was not enough distance, so he could only retreat backwards.

Looking at this series of movements of Nuo's hands, Lin Cheng guessed that most of the opponents learned the W skill, so Lin Cheng learned the Q skill in seconds and threw the Indian flying cake, dealing damage from the comet.

However, Lin Cheng regretted this Q skill as soon as he threw it away. The opponent knew that he had learned Q at level [-], and it was even more impossible for him to rely on the A soldier.

Sure enough, Nuo's hand directly moved forward, and the stone man who was stuck in the position could only use experience behind him.

Seeing that the soldiers were missed in vain, Lin Cheng's heart was dripping with blood.

For a stone man, it's not a big deal to take a loss and a knife. If you don't even want to take this loss against Shangnuo is recommended to change a hero.

The reason is this reason, but Lin Cheng is uncomfortable.

Usually, he would suffer for a long time if he missed a cannon car, but this time he even missed a few soldiers, the more Lin Cheng thought about it, the more angry he became.

So, Lin Cheng called the jungler dad by voice.

Lin Cheng: "Director, hurry up and get him, this promise is too annoying, he doesn't want me to be a soldier."

Mr. Mingkai is speechless. He has seen a diligent top-ranking person, and he has never seen a level-one person who started to shake. You are too beautiful.

Mingkai: "You drain his blood first, and then go straight to catch him when I reach level [-]."

So, Lin Cheng started frantically using Lan and Comet to beat the opponent's HP, and at the same time, even if he was in a good position, even if he only needed experience, he would not give Nuo Hand a chance to deal a set of damage.

When Nuo hand sent the artillery line into the blue square tower, just about to turn around to go to the river and put down his vision, he was slowed down by the stone man Yifeibing.

Soon, the factory manager's mantis appeared in the river.

Lin Cheng: "Come on here! The factory manager hurry up and block him, he's dead."

The wild area experience in the pre-season version has been greatly changed. Now that you can reach level [-] after clearing half of the area, you can choose to GANK more flexibly in the early stage of the jungle. leaned up.

Lin Cheng chased forward with the potion of corruption, and the two formed an encirclement against Nuo Shou.

Mingkai: "Brother, do you want to give the head or give it to me?"

Lin Cheng: "Take the head, I'll lie down."

Originally, Lin Cheng had been using mana to consume, but Nuo Shou's HP was only more than half. Mantis pounced on AQW with a set of damage, which knocked Nuo Shou's HP to about a quarter.

However, Nuo's backhand AWA also stacks the passive, and he is about to make a phase rush.

The stone man suddenly handed over the flash to his face.

Lin Cheng could see very clearly that his Stone Man was only two levels down because he was under pressure, so after the two skills were finished, there was no damage to follow. Must be killed by Noah first.

Don't look at Nuo Shou's low blood, even if there is no big move, Nuo Shou's passive is still very bluffing.

However, just after Lin Cheng handed over the flash, he just pressed the E skill and found that his character was stuck.

On the other side, Mr. Ming Kai noticed that the Stone Man suddenly stopped moving after the flash and began to stand on the spot.

Ming Kai Xiansen in the live broadcast room was at a loss.

Mingkai: "Brother, what's the matter with you? You give E, if you slow down E, he will die."

Lin Cheng on the other side sighed, "Sorry, factory manager, I seem to have dropped the line."

Mingkai: "Don't be kidding, brother, we're just about to do something big, you said you dropped the line?"

At this time, the system prompts that the Stone Man quit the game.

Ming Kai Xiansen was silent.

Although Mantis made two basic attacks to disable Nuo Shou, Nuo Shou had already hit blood rage.

At this time, Nuo Shou launched the Q skill to kill the Quartet.

Two consecutive flashes sounded, and Nuo's Q flash adjusted the position and wanted to use the outer ring to return blood.

However, Qi Jiang had already predicted the opponent's actions, and she dodged the outer circle by dodging one step ahead of time.

However, the stone man who was disconnected in the battle state did not automatically go back the first time, and he took the damage of the axe blade and returned a mouthful of old blood to the residual blood.

Due to the pre-judgment of the flashing position, the praying mantis was not able to move far enough away, and Nuo’s backhand with an E ruthless iron hand just pulled the mantis back to him, and killed the mantis with two axes.

Nuo's hand turned back and slashed at the Stone Man, winning a double kill.

Lin Cheng asked in his voice, "How is the situation? Did you kill Nuo Shou?"

Mingkai: "No, we were double killed."

Lin Cheng was a little apologetic: "I'm sorry, I didn't expect a problem at this time."

Mingkai: "Brother! My jungle area is blown up! The next jungler came up and sent a buff without brushing, and the jungler's rhythm collapsed."

Lin Cheng explained: "It snowed heavily in Seoul today, and it seems that the network is not stable."

Ming Kai sighed: "I don't blame you either. Everyone has encountered network problems, but it's a little uncomfortable, you know? I'm uncomfortable!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room is brilliant.

"Ueno linkage, one death and one free, the audience laughed to death, it's done!"

"I laughed so hard! Both of them were discussing the headcount allocation, and they ended up doing this."

"It's outrageous for you to be discussing head allocation as soon as you start."

"Nuo Shou: Okay, you don't have to discuss who will take the head, I'll do it for you."

"As soon as Brother Chengzi said 'he is dead' just now, I knew it wasn't easy."

"The factory manager's sigh is full of helplessness, 233333."

"Sorry, Ma Fei, this wave is a cross-border connection with the deceased anchor."

"Seven sauces did not have network problems. I never expected that there was a problem in South Korea."

"Go and watch Brother Li's live broadcast room, Brother Li is complaining about the good dishes of Ueno, hahaha."

Lin Cheng reconnected to the game very quickly, but seeing that his opponents were all level five, he could only be the son of the incarnation tower shrinking under the tower slowly.

Fortunately, Lin Cheng's sense of position is very good. Nuo Shou tried to use his E skill to pull him out of the tower several times but failed. Otherwise, he would be cold in minutes if he was pulled out by the fifth-level Nuo Shou.

In this way, Lin Cheng really slowly increased his level.

After more than 6 minutes, Qijiang made a wave of GANK shots in the bottom road, but she was squatted by the dead song.

Ming Kai knew something was wrong the moment he saw the dead song, "Lin Cheng quickly come down to support, TP comes down to support, and there is no T on the opposite side."

"But it's useless for me to go down."

While Lin Cheng was talking, the TP lighted up for the first time.

The duo on the blue side with residual blood desperately replaced the opponent's support. Mantis chose to re-enter the game when the Stoneman's TP came down, and wanted to cooperate with the Stoneman's outbreak to immediately drop the opponent's AD and jungler.

However, the Thing TP down just threw a Q skill far away, and the little half-blooded mantis that jumped up was instantly melted.

Mr. Mingkai was anxious: "Why don't you zoom in?"

(End of this chapter)

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