This foreign aid is ridiculously strong.

Chapter 543 Niu Bao's Underpants Are Seen Through

Chapter 543 Niu Bao's Underpants Are Seen Through

Of course, Lin Cheng wasn't so perverted that he could pinpoint the CD time of his opponent's skills with perfect accuracy, but he probably knew that his opponent's skills were almost ready.

He deliberately took a step away immediately after Q3 was connected to Ping A. Seeing that Qing Gangying with residual blood did not retreat, he even took a step forward at the first time, and Lin Cheng immediately understood.

So, at the moment when the backswing of the stuck attack ended, Riven flashed and attacked first, without giving the opponent a chance to react.

Although both sides have only one skill in this first-level battle, there are no fancy combos except for some pulling, but in fact, there are many details in the fight.

Fortunately, I am better at it!
Lin Cheng let out a long sigh of relief. He was obviously very scared, but he still calmly said to his teammates who shouted Nice: "Basic operation! Basic operation! Brother Cheng's Riven is God, and everything is under control."

After killing the man, Lin Cheng conveniently bought two small soldiers and bought a small long sword and red medicine on the return trip and handed it directly to T.

Lin Cheng was very careful, for fear that T's soldier would be suppressed by Qing Gangying, who had already reached the second level, and E would come up to fight when TP landed. He deliberately chose the defensive tower behind T before running to the line.

After going online, Lin Cheng immediately went to the grass in the river to replenish his vision, in order to prevent the Leopard Girl GANK who would be brushed up later.

The smell of gunpowder in the top lane is still strong. For the laning between Riwen and Qinggangying, as long as they don't fall behind in level, one detail operation is enough to make up for the disadvantage of being solo killed once.

The two sides fought wits and bravery, and seeing the effect of the Grip of Indestructibility on the opponent's body, Lin Cheng deliberately walked up to mend the little soldiers in front of Qinggangying, tricking Qinggangying into attacking first.

Sure enough, Nuguri did not miss the opportunity to play a set, relying on his passiveness.

At the moment when Qinggangying's basic attack hit the passive shield, Riven W was stunned for a second, which just interrupted the opponent's AQ operation.

Lin Cheng stunned the opponent and immediately pulled back for a while, making Qing Gangying hold the Q skill in his hand and couldn't use it immediately.

Qing Gangying took a step back to start the W tactical sweep.

Lin Cheng turned around and launched the dance of the broken wings with the second Q, close to avoid the outer edge of the tactical sweep while blocking the distance, and when the shield of Qinggang Shadow disappeared, Riven smashed through with the third Q.

Lin Cheng was not greedy after knocking the opponent into the air, and immediately turned around and ran away, without giving Qing Gangying a chance to hit the Q in his hand.

Knowing that Leopard Girl was going up, Lin Cheng didn't want to continue entanglement with his opponent at this point in time.

After all, Riven doesn't have much recovery ability, if he doesn't want to lose the line right, then what Lin Cheng has to do is not forcefully exchange blood, but try to ensure blood consumption in his own state.

Although Qinggangying didn't lose much HP, Lin Cheng cheated the opponent's passivity with just a flat A and also dealt two skill damages, which was definitely a very successful deal.

Of course, Niu Bao has not been beaten all the time.

Because Qing Gang Ying was deceived by the passive, she had to stand back temporarily. Riwen stood on the pawn line. Seeing Qing Gang Ying pressing forward while the passive was ready, Lin Cheng wanted to copy the previous routine to deceive the passive.

This time, the Nuguri card position squeezed the W skill very hard, but he didn't put it first.

Lin Cheng didn't want to go up and fight, so he made two Qs in a row and wanted to pull away, but was still swept by the outer circle swept by Qinggangying's tactics.

This Bo Lincheng tricked his opponent's passivity, but he suffered a small loss in blood volume.

In this way, the two sides highlighted a back-and-forth in the top lane. Although Qing Gangying was single-killed once, Qing Gangying has not yet reached the point where he cannot match the line.

In fact, at the beginning, because Qing Gangying revived the T soldiers and Lin Cheng returned home, it was the T towers who came back again. Niu Bao originally had a small soldier advantage.

But after Lin Cheng tricked his opponent into two passives, he still firmly occupied the pawn line, and was the first to advance to the third level.

Zeyuan: "The smell of gunpowder in the top lane is too strong! LCK rarely sees two top laners who fight so fiercely, but Brother Chengzi is really good at details. When Riven has no ability to recover, he is stunned. The blood exchange in details has firmly occupied the advantage of blood volume, so it is not easy to catch Leopard Girl later."

Remember: "Hey! Canyon signaled that it was about to catch it. Let's see if there is a chance in this wave? If you can't catch Leopard Girl, you will waste a lot of time."

The pawn line has been pressed to the corner wall of the blue square river, Niu Bao saw the opportunity and wanted to use a W to replenish pawns from a distance, and at the same time rub Riven.

The third-level Riven's multi-stage displacement is not something that Qinggangying can do if he wants to. Lin Cheng directly uses the E skill, and rushes towards Qinggangying to avoid the tactics and sweep the outer edge.

Qing Gangying turned around and fought back.

After Lin Chengping A, he immediately made a W shot, which just interrupted Qing Gangying's Q skill to raise his hand.

It was as silky as eating Dove, and there would be no chance to be passive when pinpointing the opponent. Lin Cheng passed Qinggang Ying in the second Q without a pause, and turned around with a knife.

Qing Gangying finally took the opportunity to hit the precise etiquette damage in his hand.

At this time, Lin Cheng was very detailed and didn't rush into the three-stage QA, but waited for the stiffness after the attack to end and AQ to start.

Nuguri just wanted to wait for the real damage of the second-stage Q, Qing Gangying chose to press forward and did not attack in time.

As a result, Riven's flat A followed by three Q just interrupted Qing Gangying's basic attack that raised his hand one step later.

And Riven's close-fitting Q will continue to pass through the body. Q2 passed behind the opponent, and Q3 happened to turn over the top of Qinggang Ying, and the blade smashed at a distance of about [-] yards above.

After knocking the opponent into the air, Riven didn't need to turn around, and pulled straight up.

Qing Gang Ying had already been pulled away by two positions when he landed, and even if the second-stage Q in his hand was activated, he couldn't catch up with Riven.

So far, Lin Cheng's small maneuvers have been so good that he interrupted the opponent's two basic attacks and raised his hand in a row. With a set of damage, he actually only suffered damage from Qinggangying's two feet.

Niu Bao's underpants were seen through!

Lin Cheng has already made a plan, and the next wave of opponents will die if they don't dodge.

However, at this moment, Leopard Girl's figure suddenly entered the river from the red square triangle grass, blocking it from the side.

Lin Cheng was taken aback.

I just showed off my operation, so I was targeted?

Canyon actually changed his gender, shouldn't this person be farming wild?
You must know that it is only three minutes and four seconds now, Leopard Girl definitely came up before finishing the wild.

In fact, Nuguri saw Lin Cheng's move to the river to set his sights. Leopard girl jumped onto the triangular grass from the big dragon pit and came out.

The key is that there are not too many small soldiers now, and the fourth wave of soldiers is still a little behind.

Lin Cheng turned around and retreated to the alcove, wanting to pull the skill CD to see if there was room for manipulation.

But just now Lin Cheng was crushing on the opponent's face, but now Qing Gangying chased after Riven's ass immediately.

Niu Bao's Qinggang Ying was desperately pushing the line when he TPed down first. Later, although Lin Cheng stood on the line, he didn't have much experience in leading.

Following Riwen's forward pressure, Qinggangying kicked to death the little soldier next to him who had just been scratched by W and successfully rose to level three, and directly hooked and locked to the wall of the river, and shot E in the second stage.

Seeing that Niu Bao didn't give Lin Cheng a chance to move even though Riwen's blood volume was very healthy, Qing Gangying directly kicked Riwen unconscious.

Leopard Girl swooped in from a distance and hit with precision.

Hopeless!wait to die!
Seeing Leopard Girl rushing over, Lin Cheng didn't struggle even though his skills were all on CD.

Riwen's head lit up with a very Q cute expression of like dragon and turtle in sunglasses, calmly going to die.

I have done well enough.

But no matter how many details there are, it can't stand the help of a father on the opposite side.

(End of this chapter)

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