This foreign aid is ridiculously strong.

Chapter 552 Kuro Likes Girl Groups

Chapter 552 Kuro Likes Girl Groups
Lin Cheng really didn't expect that he would be taken over by Yin Subin immediately after he said something that made KT fans feel good about him.

As the largest mobile communication operator in South Korea, it is understandable for Lin Cheng to use SKT's mobile phone, but it is a bit wrong to put it on the table.

Faker advertised for SKT, at least he got T1’s salary. Lin Cheng took KT’s salary and said in front of the camera that you use SKT’s mobile phone, isn’t it a bit inappropriate?
Guangshi and CT were already laughing out loud, almost wildly, and Lin Cheng seriously suspected that the two of them were taking this opportunity to retaliate against him for complaining that they didn't understand the game.

Lin Cheng could only smile awkwardly and politely.

"Good guy! He kept claiming to beat T1, but he turned to the enemy first."

"KT: (* ̄︿ ̄) The inner ghost is actually among us?"

"T1: I won this wave! Everyone in KT uses our mobile phones."

"Public execution! Brother Cheng looks so ridiculous."

"I declare that our T1 has won back a victory."

"KT people KT soul, KT is our own people."

Yoon Subin: "After talking about the competition, now KT has secured the S10 quota in advance. This will be Cheng's first time participating in the World Championship. How do you feel now?"

"Because this World Championship is held in Shanghai, as a Chinese, I am really happy to be able to participate."

Lin Cheng paused: "I think for a professional player, the saddest thing is that everyone else is participating in this important event, but I can only buy vegetables at home, cook and watch the live broadcast."

For Lin Cheng's description, Yin Subin found it interesting: "So, Mr. Lin Cheng, who doesn't need to buy food at home, cook and watch live broadcasts, would you go to Shanghai with the idea of ​​'winning the championship'?"

Lin Cheng nodded: "Of course! My goal is always to win everything, no matter who the opponent is, if one day my goal becomes a happy game, then my mentality must have collapsed."

"??? Happy game?"

"Good fellow! Who is this implying?"

"What happiness? That's obviously scientific research! Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand."

"The young man has a picture! It's a game, just be happy."

"I can't wait to see Brother Chengzi in Shanghai! Come on!"

Yoon Subin: "Finally, is there anything Cheng wants to say to the fans?"

"There's nothing to talk In the future, I mean, in the future, when changing communication numbers, I will give priority to KT."

After Lin Cheng finished speaking, he couldn't help laughing.

After the interview, the entire KT team got on the bus and headed to the restaurant for dinner to celebrate the team's third entry into the World Championship.

It was already nine o'clock in the evening after the dinner party. Today is Friday. Lin Cheng originally planned to go back to the apartment, but seeing that the rain was getting heavier, he simply got on the bus with his teammates and returned to the club.

On the day after the game, Lin Cheng usually would not go to the training room. He took Kuro and the two to play live football in the lobby on the third floor for a while.

As a result, Lin Cheng hit too hard and Kuro quickly turned over the table and stopped playing.

Lin Cheng was a little sad, obviously I had already drained the water, what can Kuro do to get the food by himself?
To be honest, this guy Li Shiheng only relies on the League of Legends to eat his food.

In Lin Cheng's view, Kuro's console game level is comparable to that of Park Ji-yeon.

The difference is that Pu Zhiyan is good at food and loves to play. After being abused by Lin Cheng, she will try her best to pull Lin Cheng to continue to find the place, but Kuro is the kind of person who will soon turn the table after being abused.

Lin Cheng simply lay on the sofa and took out his mobile phone to play, and soon heard a disgusting laughter from the side.

"Hey! Hey hey~~~ Hey hey hey~~~~ Sigh! Shout!"

The idiotic laughter was mixed with pig squawking, Lin Cheng almost picked up the pillow next to him and threw it at it.

Turning around, Kuro was staring at the TV screen tightly.

On the TV, a girl with heavy makeup and blond hair was lying on the table and chewing a carrot. Although the girl's aggrieved face was really cute, Lin Cheng still couldn't accept his teammate's so worthless appearance.

"Li Shiheng, you are enough!"

Lin Cheng disliked it, he was never so unpromising when he saw Miss Zhixiu.

Kuro quickly restrained his idiot look, "The little fox is really cute. On the 18th, I'm going to the girl's concert. Lin Cheng, you come with me."

The little fox refers to Tian Xiaojuan, a member of the girl group 'Nvwa', which has two Chinese members.

Lin Cheng is no stranger, because Xiao Tong likes Song Yuqi's relationship very much, and Lin Cheng sometimes follows the variety show MV or something.

In fact, Tian Xiaojuan's other identity, LOL players, has probably heard of it. She is the Akali player of the KDA girl group.

Speaking of which, the hobbies of the KT team members are really rich. There are girl group lovers, old Two-dimensional sufferers of the second disease, top cooks, and senior old porn critics.

(Lin Cheng: Who is the old pervert? It's not me anyway! (ω))

Lin Cheng glanced at Kuro: "Li Shiheng, are you crazy? We must have a training match next week, you go to the concert?"

Kuro encouraged: "It's okay! The concert is at night, and we'll finish the training match in the afternoon."

"No! I don't like this group, why bother wandering around at this time?"

Lin Cheng resolutely refused, just in time to see an article on the phone, and suddenly turned on the phone towards Kuro.

"Look, look! You see, Showmakers have actresses supporting them! You are still chasing girl groups in a lowly way, do you want to be so low?"

Kuro snatched Lin Cheng's phone, just as Lin Cheng turned to a news published by the e-sports media.

The message attached a screenshot of Lee Sunmi's INS. Before today's KT and DWG battle, Sunmi was wearing Showmaker's uniform to cheer for DWG.

Holding the phone, Kuro punched the sofa out of a hole.

Lin Cheng felt a toothache watching it, so he wouldn't feel bad if it wasn't his phone, right?
Although Brother Cheng said in an interview today that he wants to change KT's mobile phone, but you don't have to help yourself, right?
"Damn! Damn! It would be great if Little Fox could wear my team uniform and cheer. I would have known earlier that I would have to solo kill Showmaker twice."

Kuro didn't understand where he lost.

Lin Cheng sneered: "You're thinking farts! Brother Cheng is KT's trump card, and if you want to wear it, you must wear my team uniform."

While talking, Lin Cheng secretly thought: Although we don't know Tian Xiaojuan, I know Park Zhiyan well. Isn't it just a matter of opening your mouth to ask Zhiyan to wear a team uniform to support?

Kuro ignored Lin Cheng, took out his mobile phone and poked wildly.

Lin Cheng: "What are you doing?"

Kuro: "I'm a man who hides my identity among Xiaojuan's die-hard fans. Let me ask when is Xiaojuan's next live broadcast? Last time Xiaojuan organized fans to play League of Legends together. Unfortunately, I was not there last time. Next time Must not be missed."

Lin Cheng: "Why? You want to beat her violently. If you can't kill Showmaker alone, you're going to kill your idol alone?"

Kuro: "Fart! If I have the opportunity to play games with Xiaojuan, of course I will kill her! I will catch her teammates and kill her, and then give Xiaojuan a crazy head."

Lin Cheng:...

Can you be a little promising when you ride a horse?

(End of this chapter)

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