This foreign aid is ridiculously strong.

Chapter 558 Lin Cheng's Little Secret

Chapter 558 Lin Cheng's Little Secret
After lunch, Xiao Tong helped Han Shuyan clean up the kitchen, while Lin Cheng took out mats and laid them on the balcony to bask in the sun.

After several days of rain, the sun was very mild after clearing up, which is a rare good weather.

After playing with the mobile phone for a while, the two girls who finished packing also came.

Lin Cheng consciously gave up his seat, and moved inside with his phone in his arms.

"Sister Shuyan, do you want to wear sunscreen?"

"I wiped it off."

"Oh, I haven't wiped my legs yet... Sister Shuyan, what book are you reading?"

"The Book of Sand by Borges."

Regardless of the two girls' chatting without nutrition, Lin Cheng was addicted to the Youtube video section and couldn't extricate himself.

I thought my Youtube account had been disabled, but I felt uncomfortable after not watching it for a few days.

So Lin Cheng decided to face himself bravely and face the abyss in his heart.

Since you can't avoid it, then go to defeat it.

After finding the reason, Lin Cheng completely let himself go.

I have to say that Youtube's recommendation mechanism is really accurate, and Lin Cheng's heart is surging after watching the videos of some young ladies' outfits.

Big data really understands me too well!
After enjoying several videos of Miss Zhixiu in a row, it felt like she hadn't heard the chatter for a while. Lin Cheng looked up and found Xiao Tong lying on Han Shuyan's lap, and Han Shuyan was helping her dig her ears.

Lin Cheng leaned over curiously.

Xiao Tong's ears are small and delicate, the earrings will be taken off now, Han Shuyan gently scratches the inside of her ears with a wooden ear pick.

"Tell me if it hurts."

Xiao Tong muttered softly, "It doesn't hurt at all, it's very comfortable."

Lin Cheng got down on the ground and leaned in front of Xiao Tong, seeing her squinting her eyes with a look of enjoyment, "Is it really comfortable?"

Xiao Tong hummed, glanced at him and closed his eyes.

"Sister Shuyan, I want it too." Lin Cheng looked at Han Shuyan eagerly.

Han Shuyan lowered her head and continued to move gently, "Wait a while, don't make trouble, don't touch me."


Lin Cheng sat on the side in a well-behaved manner, watching forcefully.

Xiao Tong's ears were very clean, Han Shuyan only took out a little earwax, and then she gently pressed Xiao Tong's earlobe with the back of a wooden ear pick, as if she was giving a massage.

The movements were extremely gentle, for fear that Xiao Tong would feel uncomfortable.

Then Han Shuyan used the hair ball behind the buttocks of the ear pick to gently sweep over Xiao Tong's auricles and the back of the ears, Xiao Tong's eyelids trembled slightly, and she looked so refreshed that she flew up.

Lin Cheng sat cross-legged and watched the movements of Han Shuyan's hands, but he quickly averted his gaze.

The gentle sunlight poured down from the side, dyeing the tips of Han Shuyan's hair with a glow, and the expression between her brows was serious and gentle.

Lin Cheng never gets tired of seeing this picture.

My girlfriend is so pretty!
Finally, when Xiao Tong was almost falling asleep, Han Shuyan gently pinched her cheek, "Guest! It's over."

"Hurry up! It's my turn."

Lin Cheng pushed Xiao Tong with an impatient look.

Xiao Tong reluctantly stood up and made way.

Lin Cheng lay down, resting his head on Han Shuyan's lap, staring at that delicate face with a wide smile.

"How can I do it like this?"

Han Shuyan pinched Lin Cheng's nose amusedly, "Turn your head away."

Lin Cheng quickly turned sideways, facing Han Shuyan's direction, wrapped his arms around her waist, and faced Han Shuyan's lower abdomen.

This move was very intimate, Han Shuyan didn't dare to look at Xiao Tong, and started to work with her head down.

Although Xiao Tong already knew about it, Han Shuyan still felt a little shy to suddenly change the way they get along in front of her.

Xiao Tong wrinkled his nose at the back of Lin Cheng's head. If he had known there would be no showdown, this guy would definitely get more and more complacent in the future.

Thinking of the closer relationship between Sister Shuyan and Lin Cheng, Xiao Tong was lying when she said that she was not at all disappointed.

Lin Cheng snatched Sister Shuyan, and in turn, Sister Shuyan also snatched Lin Cheng.

Although he said it indifferently in front of Lin Cheng, he was still very angry!

Seeing Lin Cheng humming comfortably, Xiao Tong stretched out his foot and kicked him lightly, and then sat aside.

Lin Cheng's cell phone was thrown aside, and Xiao Tong took it over politely.

Huh~~~ What does Lin Cheng watch all day long?

Is this a cooking video?It's outrageous!
This guy likes it so... I'll just say it.

After discovering Lin Cheng's little 'secret', Xiao Tong was secretly delighted, and proudly glanced at the guy next to him who was leisurely enjoying Han Shuyan's service.

Turning down the sound, Xiao Tong began to flip through Lin Cheng's Youtube browsing history.

Lin Cheng didn't know that he was already in the stage of social death. Anyway, he was so comfortable in Han Shuyan's arms that he fell asleep without knowing it.

Seeing that Lin Cheng was asleep, Han Shuyan didn't bother to dig out his other ear, so she hugged Lin Cheng and let him continue to sleep.

"Wow~~~Sister Shuyan, I really envy Lin Cheng."

Xiao Tong leaned over and slapped Lin Cheng on the face angrily.

Han Shuyan stretched out her hand in a funny way, "Hey! I can also hug you to sleep."

"Sister Shuyan is better."

Xiao Tong held Han Shuyan's arm with a smile, and then handed over the book that Han Shuyan had placed next to her. The two leaned together while reading and chatting.

Lin Cheng only woke up after sleeping for 10 minutes, and Han Shuyan continued to help him dig out the remaining ear.

Although I always felt that Xiao Tong looked at him a little strangely, but Lin Cheng didn't have time to think too much, lying on Han Shuyan's lap was so satisfying.

"Ah Cheng, Xiaotong and I are going to go shopping later, will you go?"

"Okay, I can carry your bags for you."

Although the memories of going shopping with Xiao Tong are not good, but it is good to be able to stay with Han Shuyan.

Soon, the three began to prepare to go out.

"Lin Cheng, how do you think I'm dressed?"

"That's OK."

Lin Cheng was baffled, and didn't know why Xiao Tong asked such a question.

Xiao Tong was wearing a white baseball cap, a simple white T-shirt, her slender legs under a plaid skirt were wrapped in flesh-colored stockings, and a pair of white sneakers under her feet.

To be honest, sneakers and stockings have zero ability to modify the legs. If the figure is not very good, this combination will be very eye-catching.

However, Xiao Tong's own conditions are excellent, and this kind of outfit is full of beauty and looks youthful and lively.

Hearing Lin Cheng's approval, Xiao Tong smiled and patted him on the shoulder, then winked at him, making Lin Cheng baffled.

Is this girl out of her mind?
Han Shuyan is also wearing a white baseball cap, a white T-shirt on her upper body, and her white and smooth legs exposed under a light blue denim short skirt. She looks very casual and beautiful with the sneakers under her feet.

It was only then that Lin Cheng discovered that the hats of the two women were the Dodgers baseball caps he and Han Shuyan had bought together, "Wow! You guys are secretly wearing couple hats behind my back, that's too much! I want to go back and get the hats."

Xiao Tong made a disgusted look, "Ah! It would be weird if three people wear the same hat, so don't wear it."

Lin Cheng was dissatisfied, "Then you don't wear it, it happens that Sister Shuyan and I are lovers, isn't it more strange that you two are girls?"

"Don't worry about me, hurry up if you want to get the hat, we'll go first."

Xiao Tong took Han Shuyan's arm angrily and walked out.

Lin Cheng quickly ran back to the room to find the hat, and went out to catch up with the two at the elevator entrance.

"Haha! Now I have two girlfriends."

Looking at the mirror in the elevator, Lin Cheng nodded in satisfaction.

"Come on! People will only think that it's two sisters taking their little cousin out."

Lin Cheng snorted, "Xiao Tong, I bet you, with Brother Cheng's looks and figure, even if there are two girlfriends, someone will believe it."

Xiao Tong sneered, "Bet, if someone believes in Sister Tong, I will treat you to milk tea."

The three of them went downstairs and happened to meet Xiaoying's mother.

Seeing the hats of the three of them, Xiaoying's mother joked: "Hey! I've always wondered which one Lin Cheng will chase after, and you just chased both girlfriends?"

Xiao Tong: "..."

Has my milk tea been exported so quickly?
"Miss Su Bin really has vision."

Lin Cheng laughed, and proudly put his arms around Han Shuyan and Xiao Tong's shoulders, "Let's go! My big and small wives!"

Han Shuyan gouged him out helplessly.

Xiao Tong punched Lin Cheng's stomach with his backhand, and Lin Cheng grinned exaggeratedly.

Jiang Subin laughed out loud, quite similar to Xiaoying when she had her hips on her hips and laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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