This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 70 Superficial Brothers T1

Chapter 70 Superficial Brothers T1
The exclusive domestic broadcast rights of LCK this season are in the hands of Huya. Today, Huya's commentary is jointly performed by Keji and Junri.

Junri: "Welcome to the first game day of the fourth week of the 2020 LCK Spring Split. Today's game commentary is brought to you by Keji and Junri. The upcoming game is the first news agency battle this year. T1 against KT."

Keji: "The pre-match popularity of this game can be said to be very high. The day before yesterday afternoon, the KT official blog suddenly officially announced that a Chinese player had joined, which caused countless Chinese audiences to discuss.

His ID should be read Zuocheng, and he is also nicknamed Brother Chengzi by netizens. Whether it is the nationality of the player Cheng or his identity as a student at Seoul University, there is enough topicality. It is worth noting that before this, Cheng was completely All is a pure passer-by, and has no professional experience.

Obviously, KT's move is already a struggle. When the team has two top laners, they also signed a passerby player at this time. Obviously, the coach Hirai has an idea. "

"That's for sure! To be honest, even if I am a coach, I have to have an idea."

Junri joked in Mandarin with a slight northeast flavor, "This KT has started with a five-game losing streak. If your coach has no idea, it will be because you don't want to do it, or you have already found a new home for next season."

Compared with Junri, Keji's speaking style is much calmer, "Yes, although the performance on the field is not easy to say, but from some RANKs, it can be seen that the player Cheng is very strong. I believe that many KT fans include We LPL fans are still looking forward to his performance.

However, I just received the news from the director. Today, KT's first top order is SoHwan. It is not the sincerity that everyone guessed before the game, but he also followed the team to the scene of the game, and he also has the opportunity to appear. "

Junri: "To be honest, Aiming is in really good shape now, but why is KT's record so bad? There are problems with the teammates and the coaches.

When the top lane is being pushed all the time, you give Bono the entire weak jungler, which makes it difficult to play in the jungle and difficult to play online.

If there is a chance to play, let's see if KT will change. There is a strong top laner who can control the lane, which is very helpful to the jungler and teammates. "

Corgi: "Anyway, now is the time when KT needs to be recharged urgently. Let's see if the good brother T1 will make a profit."

"What do you think?"

Jun Ri smiled and said in a slightly funny voice: "T1? It's just a superficial brother! I use KT as a power bank for SKT, and SKT stabs me KT's knife. Do you still expect the current T1 to charge KT?"

Due to the high heat of today's game, the barrage in Huya's live broadcast room was very lively.

"Haha! It's so real, Brother Surface."

"T1: Who is KT? I've never heard of it, all stinky fish and rotten shrimps are calling my brother."

"T1 doesn't recognize the favor owed by the barbecue stall."

"Every time it's KT charging SKT, it turns over and doesn't recognize anyone after charging. It's too fucked up."

"Fuck! Brother Chengzi actually didn't play, causing me to wait half an hour in advance."

"Ji you! Refund!"

"Being fooled, I supported KT, and you told me that Brother Chengzi would not be able to join!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely play. KT loses anyway. Who doesn't play? (funny)"

"Guapi beat me up against KT, and beat up Brother Chengzi."

The friendship between the two brothers of the news agency has a long history, but it is basically a unilateral effort by KT.

Before this year, no matter how bad SKT was and how good KT was, it would be difficult for both sides to defeat KT when they met.

The amazing thing is that every time SKT is not in a good state and falls into a losing streak, he can charge a wave of electricity when he encounters KT, and immediately regain his state.

Not to mention, SKT fell to the bottom of the standings after a five-game losing streak last summer, and it was at this time that KT came to send points.

SKT, who easily defeated KT, made a comeback in an instant, and a wave of nine-game winning streaks climbed directly from the penultimate to the top of the standings.

Such a magical thing has not happened once or twice, so SKT fans always like to call KT a good brother.

However, SKT, as a good brother, is not so particular about it.

KT is a good brother of SKT, but SKT is the superficial brother of KT.

As the old captain said before retiring: We helped SKT time and time again, but SKT never helped us once.

After the end of S6, in order to defeat SKT on the throne, KT invested heavily and chose to form a galaxy battleship.

As a result, S7's KT became the team that lost the most times to SKT that year.

After being double-played in the regular season of the spring season, the final was swept 3-0 by [-]-[-]. In the intercontinental competition, they thought they could win the championship. As a result, SKT lost to WE, leading KT, and did not win the medal in the intercontinental competition.

In the summer season, KT lost to SKT in the last round of the regular season, and was double-killed by their opponents, so they could not directly enter the summer season finals, so they did not get points to directly enter the S game.

Then, in the playoffs, KT was defeated by SKT in the competition for tickets to the final, and they failed to enter the final and once again missed the opportunity to qualify directly with points.

Now there is still one way for KT to directly qualify: that is, SKT wins the summer championship, and KT will become the second seed of LCK because of points.

So, the good brother KT abandoned the previous suspicion and helped SKT play the training game, hoping that SKT would win the championship.

As a result, SKT was neatly smashed by KZ, who had suddenly emerged in the summer game, in the finals, and personally sent their good brothers to play the bubbling game.

However, the Bubble Tournament has an exclusive God of War Samsung.

Under the law of Ambition, one knife and one traitor, KT, which owns the three-star remnants of Mr. Pawn, Mr. Dai and Mr. Mata, is tragic again.

After such an annual drama, KT's hope of entering the S competition several times in a row was shattered by SKT.

The key is that every time SKT encounters KT, it makes a ruthless move, and it seems to stumble when it encounters other opponents. It is no wonder that Mr. Dai cried with joy after defeating SKT the following year.

S7 is the most exciting year in the 'Good Brothers' drama, and the most thrilling year is last year.

Last season, when SKT fell into a trough, my good brother helped.

When KT needed help the most, SKT lost to KT's relegation rival HLE after nine consecutive victories, and sent KT into the relegation zone by hand.

If it wasn't for KT's final relegation success, this pair of good brothers would not have been seen in the LCK this year.

Of course, this good brother is not what KT wants to be, but there is a mysterious power that makes KT pull his hips when he encounters an opponent.

As the nemesis of the news agency, KT fans have the deepest resentment towards SKT among all LCK teams, and they are always looking forward to KT giving their opponents a head-on attack.

However, this year's KT is extremely weak, and the current T1 state is just right.

It seems to be another year of beatings.

In South Korea, in addition to the live broadcast of the LCK game, it will also be broadcast live on the game TV channel of the Korean cable sports channel SPOTV.

The commentary of Hangeul was co-hosted by Tangun and CT, while Bit and Kim Min-na attended the analysis station.

Compared with the more professional commentary platform, the analysis platform often has various commentators, players, and coaches.

Kim Min Na: "A game that attracts extra attention is coming. Although the player who attracted attention is not in the starting lineup, I believe that most of them are looking forward to the appearance of player Cheng as much as I do."

Bit: "Currently this season, T1 is at the top of the standings with a record of 5 wins and 1 loss, while KT is at the bottom with a record of 1 win and 5 losses. Today's game doesn't seem too suspenseful.

It's been 600 days since KT beat SKT last time, and that number seems to keep going up today. "

Kim Min Na smiled: "Compared to the result of the game, I am more concerned about whether Cheng can play or not. Will the first foreign player in LCK history be on the stage today?"

(End of this chapter)

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