This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 79: People and Ghosts Are Showing

Chapter 79: People and Ghosts Are Showing
In this wave of T1's four-pack-two, because the Titan didn't keep up immediately, the barrel went to block Kalista above the defense tower alone.

However, the movement of the barrel without flashing is a bit too obvious. Aiming raised his hand to attack and slid sideways to avoid the E skill of the barrel, and continued to move towards the barrel.

After E-empty, Cuzz threw a big move over Kalista with his backhand, trying to blow Kalista into the barrage that was still going on with the female gun.

As a result, Kalista took another step of friction, sliding down very accurately to avoid the blasting barrel.

Junri: "Hey! Calista hid all the ERs in the barrel. Aiming is a bit of a show. Cuzz is really bad. He shot GANK twice and was shown twice."

Corky: "There's no way, when the barrel is not flashing, it's too easy to be shown by Calista. I still remember that the raging barrel of the intercontinental game last year was Calista who ran after Teddy in the end game. After a show, the dragon was lost."

After the barrel was shown twice by skateboard shoes, Titan finally stepped up and took the hook.

Effort's pre-judgmental hook was very precise, and Kalista hooked it just in the middle of sliding, and immediately dropped the anchor and played passive.

Brother Li's Zoe entered the field and pulled out Feixing. A passive hit killed Tariq, who had just been swept away by the female gun's big move, and the backhand Feixing crippled Aiming.

Aiming quickly handed over the flash to the top in the case of residual blood, and pulled away.

Lin Cheng's Seti TP landed.

Since Teddy's female spear didn't even intend to cross the tower to point to Kalista after sweeping her ultimate move, Lin Cheng didn't bother to find him either.

With Kalista at the top, Lin Cheng was afraid that Aiming would be killed by a big move, so he chose to flash between the three and split his skull with his strong hand.

Although Brother Li is old, seeing Seti rushing over like this, he can operate very quickly under the condition of warning. Zoe presses the healing shard he just picked up in advance to speed up, and turns around with a small step just to avoid Seth. The E skill mentioned.

The wine barrel and the titan couldn't avoid Sett's flashing first move. The two were dragged together and fell into a dizziness. Lin Cheng directly began to charge W.

Junri: "Li Gexiu! This reaction has returned to the peak, speeding up to avoid E who flashed over from Seti, although this Bo Seti's angle for the three of E is not very good, but Zoe's small movement is too twisted. It's neat."

Keji: "Actually last season, Brother Li had a lot of operations like this, but sometimes he didn't seem so stable."

Titan and the wine barrel were stunned in the tower, and the Titan was still being attacked by the defensive tower. Sett deliberately hit the full real damage of the punch.

Seeing Zooey speeding up to chase after Kalista, Lin Cheng couldn't help Kalista, because Brother Li had already picked up the flash fragments, and Kalista was dead.

So, Lin Cheng didn't care about the Titan in front of him at all, he used the acceleration of the aura cloak to stand behind the barrel, and directly launched his ultimate move to be amazed.

Seti slammed the wine barrel back under the tower with a hug, and smashed it down with two punches with his backhand.

At this time, the Titan who had just walked to the edge of the defense tower was killed by a light bomb on the spot.

Junri: "This person is so confident. He turned around and went to look for the wine barrel. He didn't even hit the Titan, and he knew that you would be killed by the tower."

Corgi: "It would be embarrassing if the Titan didn't die, and Seti couldn't catch up. It can only be said that Cheng has a good grasp of the blood volume."

Because Kalista had drawn the spear before, the wine barrel was dissatisfied with his own health, and was chased and beaten to death by Seti who was carried back to the tower and failed to escape.

"Double Kill."

Li Ge's Zoe has already used the flash he picked up to easily kill the bloody skateboard shoes, and also won the double kill.

The blue side's four-pack-two was forcibly beaten by Lin Cheng's TP into two-for-two.

Brother Li also wanted to use his hands to play a set. Lin Cheng's very coquettish little walk even avoided Zoe's flying stars and bubbles, and then backhandedly gave Brother Li a thumbs up.

Zooey's head lit up with a penguin saluting expression, and then chose to retreat from the wild area, while Sett could only watch.

Junri: "This wave of T1 is very decisive with four packs of two, but it doesn't make any money. It's just a two-for-two. Seti, the backhand TP, just caught two people who didn't dodge. Fortunately, it was T1 who took the lead. Zoe, Nosuke died."

Corgi: "It can only be said that this time the operations of both sides are full, Aiming's crazy sliding to hide the barrel skill, Effort Titan's pre-judgment hook, Li Ge's position to avoid Seti and flash E, Cheng's Seti accurately Controlling the blood volume for double kills, and taking it out alone is a wave of high-light operations."

Junri: "It's still only Cuzz who made the background board, and he's the only one with an empty ER. Compared with the other people, it looks awkward. Everyone else is showing off, so he looks stupid."

Corgi: "This wave of barrels didn't flash and Aiming didn't have a lot of ways to do it. It can only be said that the opponent played really well, but if Aiming's self-confidence goes A and gets knocked down by barrel E, it's another story."

Jun Ri couldn't help laughing: "Speaking of Cuzz is really miserable. If you don't shoot GANK, you will be scolded by fans, and then you will be shown again. It's too difficult."

Keji also laughed: "The main thing is that it was outrageous that Seti chased the flash out in the last wave. It saved half a day of flash, which resulted in three arrests and one being counter-killed, and also laid a foreshadowing for this wave. The barrel E flash set goes up to Calista and can't drag Seth down."

"Humans and ghosts are showing off, only Cuzz is like a fool."

"Even the little god of death predicted the hook. Brother Li dreamed of going back to S6's sprinting position. Only Brother Kezi is still the same."

"Brother Teddy is also the same. After finishing the big one, he ran behind the OB. What's he afraid of when he didn't fight the tower?"

"Can this wave be blamed on the female gun? He was caught by the wrist after he put it in a big position. If he dared to come over and be hugged and dropped, it would be him."

"It's outrageous Cuzz's first point of view, the non-intelligent spellcasting big move is still empty, a little distressed, 23333."

"Is this possessed by Da Sima's beer man?"

"Brother Chengzi took two more heads in tears, this Nima has five heads in 8 minutes."

"I'm looking forward to the performance of the team, and the two C's on the opposite side are all women."

"Raise your hands and prepare to cheer, 233333."

Lin Cheng's Seti helped the bot brothers to clear the line under the tower, and on the way back, he directly took out the three-phase plus shoes, which was a bit too fat.

However, No matter how fat the hero Seti is, it is easy to get rid of it. If Lin Cheng can't find a good opportunity to play in a group, it is easy to give it to him for nothing.

The scene between the two sides calmed down again. T1 was very good at avoiding battles in this disadvantaged situation. The prince wanted to take the initiative to attack, but he could not find the opportunity.

Originally, Seti had the biggest advantage on the road, but Canna's Aoun did not give Lin Cheng a chance after accepting the disadvantage, and kept W every time to prevent Seti from being dragged out from under the tower and beaten.

Although Ornn has been kept under the tower, his health is not healthy, and Bono did not dare to run over to cooperate with Sett in crossing Ornn's tower when the enchantress in the middle was constantly being pushed.

After all, even if Cuzz kept his head down, he had to make his opponent worry a little bit more.

(End of this chapter)

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