This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 8 The little anchor who doesn't play robbery

Chapter 8 The little anchor who doesn't play robbery

Against Jess, Lin Cheng's Akali chose the electrocution rune that is relatively rare in the road now. The main type dominates: Electrocution, The Taste of Blood, Eyeball Collector, Greed Hunter, and the secondary type is Precision: Triumph, Fatal Strike .

In fact, generally speaking, Akali must be able to withstand pressure in the early stage of Jace, and it is better to bring runes such as swift steps. Lin Cheng's aggressive rune-carrying method is just like what he said to his teammates at the beginning:
I will carry you.

Of course, the talent rune is very inflated, and in the face of Jace Lincheng, he honestly chose Dolan Shield to go out, and did not directly seal the entire darkness.

Huya, the live broadcast room of Wanwan.

The title of the live broadcast room is "Live OB Orange Brother is here again, or is it still a massacre mode? 》

As a small anchor of Huya, although the appearance is very high and the understanding of the game is very deep, but the hard power is not enough, and Wan Wan, who has been struggling in the platinum rank all the year round, is not as good as other anchors, resulting in a low popularity.

Obviously many female anchors are more powerful than her, but the live broadcast room was full, and Wanwan tried to learn from other female anchors' live broadcast rooms.

Singing, dancing, playing COS, driving...
Is this really a League of Legends game live room?
Wan Wan sadly found out that none of these were suitable for him, and it was really a technical job to be an anchor by relying on the strength of the game honestly.

In the end, in desperation, she chose to live stream the OB Korean high-end game. Being proficient in Korean, she can sometimes translate the public screen interactive small theater, but unfortunately it is still tepid.

However, Wan Wan found that his level of commentary was getting higher and higher. Will there be a chance to join the commentary in the future?
She also often thinks a little greedily like this, and enjoys it while thinking about it.

Generally speaking, most anchors will choose the RANK of OB professional players, which is what the audience is willing to see.

But basically those famous OB anchors have finished the popularity, and it is difficult for small anchors to attract audiences.

And Wan Wan also noticed Lin Cheng's performance during an accidental OB, Khan, RANK. That one Lin Cheng beat this year's SKT's main player, the top single, to the death with Jess.

In fact, many OB anchors have seen that game, but at most they will mark the next time they meet Lin Cheng: This person is Jess's unique skill, Jess is very powerful.

Only on a whim, Wan Wan wrote down this ID, and started to broadcast Lin Cheng's games when she had the chance.

The more she looks at her, the more she thinks that this person is very powerful, the manipulation is really too delicate, and it is not as easy to send as some manipulation players.

Even Lin Cheng only played RANK once every two or three days, so he often complained that this person was too lazy while OB.

Lin Cheng is neither a professional player, nor a famous passer-by who has climbed to the top before. If he knew that there is an anchor in the motherland who is very persistent and always obsessed with his own game, he would have enjoyed his game by now.

After finally encountering Lin Cheng playing for two consecutive days, Wan Wan was surprised to find that the popularity of the live broadcast room had suddenly skyrocketed a lot today.

There are usually dozens of fans guarding their live broadcast room, how come it has skyrocketed so much today?
Could it be that the big guy who is brushing the heat is wrong?
You won't ask me for a refund, will you?

Suddenly a little nervous at night.

"This is the legendary little anchor who doesn't play robbery?"

"Seven sauce fans have gathered, and they came from the Penguin live broadcast room."

"Hey! This young lady is very beautiful, I haven't heard of it before."

"You traitors, the factory manager is in the double row, but you actually went to Huya to watch the live broadcast."

"Who told you to see Brother Chengzi's first-person perspective here? The first-person perspective on the factory manager's side is too tiresome."

"I think the F6 brushed by the factory manager can circle the canyon five times."

"I really can't think of it, there really is an anchor who specializes in OB pure passers-by. I paid attention."

"I saw it yesterday, this guy is really showy, it's a pity not to play professionally."

"It is said to be a student of Seoul National University, too Nima is outrageous."

"By the way, why is it called an orange? Is it because of the similar ID?"

"You piglets keep a low profile, we are Wanwan's fans."

"I declared my mutiny and broke away from the pig membership, and I will be a face powder in the evening."

After watching a bunch of barrages, I finally understood. These are all fans of the factory manager. Yesterday, she also OB the double row of Lin Cheng and the factory manager. I didn't expect to be able to pry Coach Ming Kai's corner.

"So, Brother Chengzi is really a student of Seoul National University?"

Wan Wan was a little surprised that OB had not seen Lin Cheng's message on the public screen for so long except for yesterday's wuhu~~~, even before she always thought that Lin Cheng was Korean.

The nickname Brother Chengzi was also taken late. Because Lin Cheng's ID and the pinyin of 'orange' were exactly the same, she called it so casually. The previous time when Lin Cheng slapped the sweater, she was also jokingly called Brother Orange vs. Brother Orange. .

"Really, Qijiang was just a good friend yesterday, he said it himself."

"Does the anchor have any previous videos here? I still want to see it."

"Brother Chengzi is confused, obviously you can score points alone, so you have to bring Qijiang to load the game."

"Make an advertisement, if you need to watch exciting content, please add the penguin number 123456789"

"It's too much upstairs to come here to sell movies."

The live broadcast camera aimed at Akali who went out, and started her own commentary diligently in the evening.

"In this round, Akali beat Jayce on the road, and now Akali is cut to the line and basically has no ability to recover, especially if the orange has not yet brought a quick pace, it may be very disadvantageous in the early stage.

But Orange's Jess is very powerful. He must have his own way to deal with Jess. It still depends on how he plays online. As long as he is not pressed too hard in the early stage, when Akali reaches level [-], he will have a chance to solo kill. Jace, and Jace is afraid of GANK, if the factory manager can take more care of the road Jace can't hold Akali down. "

Lin Cheng, who was far away in Seoul, didn't know that someone was still watching his first-person game, and he manipulated Akali to quickly occupy the view of the grass on the upper road.

This grass field of vision occupies a position that can effectively watch the opponent's top laner, preventing the opponent's top laner from looking for an opportunity to come to the blue BUFF of his own house, and cooperate with his teammates to cover the open field route of the wine barrel.

Lin Cheng himself has played a lot of Jess, and he is very clear that the top lane play style often needs to be adjusted according to the jungler positions of both sides.

Once Jace catches the opposing jungler's open line, Jace can completely knock Akali out of the experience zone when the opposing jungler is not in the top half, which he does often.

After confirming that the opponent did not have a field of vision and placed them in the jungle, Lin Cheng manipulated Akali to put down the ornamental eyes on the red triangle grass first, then followed the minion to go online, and had a face-to-face with Jess on the opposite side.

Across the minions, Jess didn't intend to consume Akali across the melee line. When Jess knocked out the first attack of the cannon form on the minions, Lin Cheng's Akali took the initiative to step up and replenish the troops. .

Seeing Akali go up, Jace took two steps forward to enter the normal attack range, and Ping A shot and followed Aerie.

However, at the same time that Jace suddenly stepped forward, Akali's Q skill, Cold Shadow, shot first.

Just as Jace raised his hand, Akali threw five kunai backhand in a cone shape, making up for the residual blood minion in front of him, and the limit distance at the end of the Kunai just slowed down and hit Jace.

Jace's flat A distance is almost the limit distance of Akali's Q skill Cold Shadow, and Akali's passive ring radius is just that long, so this time Akali directly pulled out the passive dive without moving. Dragon seal.

Lin Cheng could move a step sideways after Q shot, this time Akali's body was exposed a little from the blue Fang Xiaobing, and Jace backhanded a Q energy shock and blasted it.

(End of this chapter)

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