This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 82 Is this still KT?

Chapter 82 Is this still KT?
"Pretty! Golden Holy Land Nice!"

After Lin Cheng was killed by Zoe, he once thought that this wave of KT was going to be defeated, but he was beaten back by his teammates.

Aiming: "Look at me, is the second barrel handsome? I knew he was waiting for E."

Tusin: "It's so handsome! Is my judgment accurate? They can't beat us."

Kuro: "You're too embarrassed to say, it almost happened."

Tusin said cheerfully: "It's okay, everything is under control."

During the team's communication, he decided to fight from the beginning. Even if Tusin's Tariq was sent first, Lin Cheng still chose to start the team directly.

He was just subconsciously playing according to the previous communication of his teammates. Since he decided to fight, there was no reason for him to suddenly be cowardly.

Fortunately, his teammates are also very strong, and I don't know if Lin Cheng's words "don't sell me" played a role.

For many LCK teams, this time is all at the same pace.

Collapse, withdraw, sell, slip.

Including the opposite T1 is often the case.

This is one of the few bright spots of this KT team at present. Although it is sometimes problematic to judge the situation, these people dare to play, especially Aiming's style is very similar to LPL's AD.

And KT's bench also has a jungler who is more aggressive than many LPL junglers. Although Malrang sometimes plays like he lost his mind, two different styles of junglers are still necessary to enrich the tactics. .

In this team, SoHwan, who was originally on the road except Kuro, should be more conservative. Now that Lin Cheng is here, there is only one left, Kuro, who wants to be conservative and is not too conservative.

16 and a half minutes later, the third little dragon refreshed, and T1, who had just suffered a loss, chose to give up and let KT Shuilonghun draw directly.

Junri: "The third little dragon has also been released. In the early 20 minutes, there will be a dragon soul team battle. This pressure is a bit high."

Keji: "This wave of Zoe and the female gun didn't flash, and I really didn't dare to fight the little dragon group. The prince directly EQ Gaida Seti entered the field. These two C positions don't know how to live."

Junri: "But to be honest, T1 is already very difficult. The advantages accumulated by KT in the early stage of this game are too great, the economy is ahead by 1, and three dragons are in hand, T[-] can only bet on a wave of fantasy team battles now, what Titan Aoun? With four or five seniors, the female gun's ultimate move directly makes the opponent explode."

After grasping the situation on the field, KT was not impulsive. After using the timely switch to unplug all the opponent's outer towers, they would form a group to invade the blue side's jungle area, constantly eroding the blue side's lower half of the jungle area, while leaving their own vision.

T1 is very good at avoiding battles, knowing that it is too risky to go to the wild area to grab the vision in this case, so they don't enter the lower half of the wild area at all, but when the 20 minutes are approaching, Ye Fu runs to the upper half area to prepare for the big dragon pit 's vision.

At this time, Lin Cheng's Seti appeared on it, and the wine barrel took the Titan and turned around and wrapped it directly.

Since all the teammates were in the lower half to prepare for the next little dragon fight, the view above was too lacking. When he found that the opponent was moving, Seti was still pushing the line at the ruins of the first tower on the blue side. Seeing that the situation was not good, Lin Cheng quickly retreated.

Not only Nosuke, but the female gun also rushed over from the line.

Aoun made a big move directly behind to keep people from a long distance, and Lin Cheng was blocked by four people.

However, Lin Cheng's equipment is still very bluffing. With San San and Ju Jiu in hand, plus most of the bloody hands, he was stunned to find a chance to pick up the wine barrel and smash it to the back. After the Q skill was accelerated, the strong hand of E cracked the skull and forced it out. The flash of the female gun.

After being dodged by the strong hand and splitting his skull, Lin Cheng slammed the wine barrel in front of him. After two flat A's, Ju Jiu reset his basic attack and almost killed the wine barrel.

Cuzz exchanged flashes to distance, but Lin Cheng didn't choose flash to follow, he just squeezed flash in his hand to death.

Sett, who had no skills, fell into embarrassment, was stuck by Ornn and Titan and was messed up by the female gun.

Lin Cheng didn't give up in flash, and was killed by a female gun.

Keji: "Since it's a bit of a chance to lead the line now! All the teammates are in the lower half, and the view above is almost pitch black. It's a bit unreasonable for Sett to push the line here."

Junri: "It's still a bit lacking in game experience, and Xiaolong hasn't played. At this time, there is no way for teammates to exchange in the lower half. Sett is equivalent to death in vain, but in T1 state, there is no way to directly force the dragon.

And it's reasonable to say that this wave of KT is not a loss. Sett's life has changed for two flashes. If the female gun does not flash, how will the Dragon Soul Group pick up?The prince rushed in and made a big move, you have nothing to do. ""

Keji: "Indeed, although I suffered from the loss of lack of vision, this wave of follow-up processing is still very beautiful, and I didn't choose to use my own flash to kill the blood wine barrel. Now Seti's flash is more important than a head. Much more, the next wave of Shetty and the prince will enter the field, I don't know how to live with this female gun."

Before the dragon soul group broke out, Bono's prince reacted when he saw that Lin Cheng was caught by four people, and approached the second tower in the middle from the blue square field.

After Lin Cheng was caught and killed, the enchantress in the middle retreated far away. Seeing that there was no danger, Zoe pulled out a flying star behind the second tower to clear the line.

Lin Cheng: "You can go, you must flash him out, don't be shy."

Bono's prince flashed unreasonably past the corner of the EQ to cover the ultimate move, and stunned, he crossed the second tower in the middle and stopped Zoe under the high tower.

Kuro was also very decisive, he flashed directly, and W stepped on it.

Brother Li saw Kuro's enchantress flashing first with W on his way, with a posture of swearing to kill him, so he could only reluctantly hand over the original flash and run back.

Junri: "Is this really KT? It's so fierce! It doesn't make sense at first. This is obviously to use two flashes to force Zoe's flash."

Keji: "The problem is now, the double Cs have not flashed, how will the next wave of T1 go to pick up the Dragon Soul Group? Going to pick up the double C is very difficult to face Prince Seti and the enchantress, but the water dragon soul basically Just let the game go."

When the water dragon refreshed, the red side stopped early in the lower half of the field of vision, and the prince directly activated the little dragon.

T1 also knew that the water dragon soul couldn't be released, and even before the mid lane's army line had time to push it completely, they cautiously started to explore the Xiaolongkeng in a group.

Aoun and Titan took the lead, the other three Crispy were behind, and Blue Fang stepped out of the F6 grass step by step.

T1 walked very carefully, and the grass area of ​​the water dragon soul terrain increased. For the party whose vision was suppressed, it was like playing a horror game, for fear that a few strong men would jump out of the grass at any time.

A blue ornament found that KT had pulled the little dragon out of the dragon pit, and T1 could only speed up and lean over.

At this time, Lin Cheng's Seti handed over the TP directly at home and fell to the control guard in the grass opposite the blue square and red buff.

(End of this chapter)

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