This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 838 Brother Cheng vs Brother Brother

Chapter 838 Brother Cheng vs Brother Brother
T1 won a good start, and various social portals became lively.

T1 fans immediately climaxed.

"Although there are still some problems in the decision-making in the later stage, as long as the command is clear, it is a top team, T1 Fighting! "

"Waiting for Faker to play is the perfect body, looking forward to it"

"On this laning pressure, it seems that the peak KT of last year is not worth it"

"It is said that Gumayusi beat Deft in the training match, and the future can be expected"

"I announce that T1 will join the championship this season"

T1 fans started to cheer themselves up, and KT fans certainly didn't forget to pour cold water on it.

After Lin Cheng's words about God, the Liangzi of the two sides became more and more knotted, and they basically started to match each other when they had nothing to do.

There are even domestic pretty boys who jumped over the wall and joined the battle.

"In the 15 minutes of the three pure laning games, the economy is at least [-] ahead. Is this the youth storm?"love love love

"Returning Youth Storm?Undecided in the middle of the road, this is T1's stupid and crazy Bao? "

"Stupid and crazy abalone is okay?" 23333》

"Played one game and started to book the championship, and the universe won't be able to accommodate you two more games"

In the past, fans of both sides would only clash fiercely during the news agency battle, but now the mutual spraying has evolved into a classic repertoire that is performed at any time.

The main reason is that you are the new world champion, KT fans are unprecedentedly inflated, and T1 fans still can't let go of the glory of the Triple Crown, they always look at the nouveau riche and mock their rivals.

If it was before last year, after being ridiculed, KT fans would have no confidence and the T1 fans who outnumber them would spat at each other, but it is different now.

We are the world champions, why should we spoil you?

Just like that, even though there was no KT match, the fans of both sides froze again.

Lin Cheng, who likes to eat melons, didn't look at the trend of the forum. After watching the opening game at the base, he looked at Mr. Dai cheerfully, "How is it? Do you feel the pressure? T1 is playing very aggressively in the bottom lane."

"There is no pressure. I haven't played before. It's a matter of feel."

KT and T1 had just played a training match a few days ago, and the results were back and forth. However, Mr. Dai was beaten by Lu Bu continuously in the bottom lane, and his state seemed to be much worse than when he was at his peak.

Of course, little Lu Bu is also really good. Before Lin Cheng played professionally, he had reached the top of Hanbok in the position of AD several times. His personal ability is not to be said, and he happened to meet Keria, a strange operation support.

Seeing Mr. Dai's stubborn mouth, Lin Cheng laughed: "Don't worry, don't worry! And I, I promise you won't let Lao Dai get beaten and cried again."

As a member of KT's first generation of Galaxy Battleship, Mr. Dai's grievances with T1 are actually not small. KT, which was formed with a lot of money in 17, made SKT do nothing. After a year, Mr. Dai was beaten into autism.

After defeating SKT for the first time in 18, Mr. Dai couldn't help crying after the game, which shows how much psychological pressure he had at that time.

However, 18 can be said to be the weakest year in the history of T1. The fear of being dominated by the Three Emperors and One Ghost is still lingering in the minds of T1 fans.

For Lin Cheng's words, Deft gave him a death stare.

"Let me reiterate that I was not beaten and cried back then, it was tears of joy from victory."

Lin Cheng waved his hand, "Come on, next time we meet T1, we will kill you and make you cry with joy again, and let the newcomers of T1 know who the boss of the news agency is by the way."

Lin Cheng's winning rate in the telecom battle is 1%. No matter how much the T[-] fans have opinions, he is the leader of the news agency on the side of the KT fans.

In addition to the fate of the sworn enemy, Lin Cheng's grievances with this T1 team are really not small.

This guy has always remembered the matter of Xiao Lu Bu hanging up his phone, and this debt will have to be paid back sooner or later.

Of course, the main grievance still comes from the group of T1 fans.

Just like the previous pig-dog battles in the LPL, Lin Cheng and Faker seemed to be pushed to both ends.

Some time ago, it was rumored that the T1 training match was very fierce, and KT’s state was not good. The fans of T1 had already started to win the championship in vain. They ridiculed Lin Cheng on KT’s social media, and even went to Lin Cheng’s live broadcast room. Come make trouble.

Don't doubt, the fans of the T1 team are so real.

Even if they were beaten like dogs last season, fans dared to call T1 a top team because of the offseason training rumors, the degree of expansion is actually no worse than that of some Uzi fans.

In fact, T1's pre-season training match win rate is indeed exaggerated.

The main reason is that this group of young people have excellent laning ability in the early stage, and they can often gain an advantage in the first 15 minutes.

As for the training match, the first 15 minutes can almost determine the direction of the entire game. It is not uncommon for some opponents to play less distracted when they see that the disadvantage is too great, and it is not uncommon to even directly initiate surrender.

But on the other hand, the strength in the early stage also concealed the lack of decision-making of the young people of T1 to a certain extent.

Just like the various mysterious decisions in the opening game against Hanwha in the later stage, the true strength of T1 as a whole has yet to be tested.

After all, the game is not just about who has the advantage in the early stage.

If you just look at the first 15 minutes, RANK Superman Cuzz is the world's number one jungler.

But maybe RANK usually surrendered after 15 minutes, which caused Cuzz to have little experience in playing mid-to-late games, and he fell ill in the later stages.

What kind of Contra male gun moves with the B button, the mantis catches people and squats around in the grass to expose themselves, and the flesh and blood pretends to be a bear with a big move and then runs away and sells double C...
These are all operations made by Cuzz in the late game, and they are completely different from those in the early stage.

And this group of young people in T1 also has this taste, and they start to get confused when they leave the laning period.

Lin Cheng made up his mind that when he met T1 this year, he would kill those T1 fans who were inflated.

Touching Brother Cheng every day, Brother Cheng is also very tired.

Maybe we can still hit T1 to lift Brother Li up?
Of course, the first news agency battle of this year has not come so soon. The first thing KT has to do is to fight the first battle well.

On the afternoon of January 1th, KT ushered in the first opponent of the Spring Split, GEN·G.

However, the Chinese live streaming room was flooded with bullet screens half an hour before the start.

"Is that you? Brother?"

"Brother fights! Brother Cheng fights brother brother."

"Brat, do you think brother can't cure you?"

The meme of brother comes from the team documentary released by GEN·G during the World Championship last year. When facing the youth training jungler Rascal during the meal, the LPL audience began to call Rascal "brother" because of his suspected bullying speech.

Because of the culture of juniors and juniors in the Korean workplace, bullying is prone to occur, so everyone is very sensitive.

In fact, this hierarchical system in Korea originated from the Confucian culture of "orderly seniority", but the degree of this is difficult to grasp in modern society.

Even in China, which has almost forgotten all about it, workplace bullying exists, not to mention Japan and South Korea, which still cling to Confucian culture and don’t let go.

Out of curiosity, Lin Cheng went to ask Mr. Dai, but Mr. Dai's answer was quite unexpected.

He said that Rascal is just a little old-fashioned with low emotional intelligence, and he will not deliberately engage in bullying. He will indeed criticize the juniors of the club, but he has also fulfilled his duty of caring for the younger generations.

"So that's the case. My brother is still a good person. Next time I will be more gentle."

Mr. Dai expressed his aggrievedness. Even his elder brother wanted to call him Brother Hegui, but in the club he had to accept the bullying from Lin Cheng.

Get rid of this brat sooner or later.

(End of this chapter)

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