This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 843 Colonel: What are you doing, Clid?

Chapter 843 Colonel: What are you doing, Clid? (plus 3)

This Bo Lincheng's counterattack is certainly cool, but he is worried that the rock sparrow will return to the carbine, so he can only return to the city after going down the tower, and then hand over the TP to come back to eat the line.

GEN·G's goal is barely half achieved.

Kill Gangying once, forcing him to TP back to the lane.

Although the kill was not killed, it still forced TP out.

Just lost a little too much.

Not only is the crocodile dead, but Nightmare wiped out F6 + red BUFF + stone man in the lower half of the blue square under the cover of his teammates.

One was killed, and one wild monster was turned back. The two of GEN·G Ueno hugged each other and cried.

Ueno, who should have been strong in the early stage, broke down, and GEN·G found that something was wrong.

After Clid swiped the river crab, there was no wild to go, and he started to go to the canyon to go to WeChat and wait for the wild monsters to refresh.

Fortunately, in this version, the wild monsters refresh very quickly, so that the rock sparrow will not be frozen.

And Lin Cheng put a lot of pressure on the crocodile on the road.

Crocodile is a hero who needs to control the pawn line to be powerful if he has anger. When Rascal can't accumulate anger, he doesn't dare to exchange blood with Qinggangying even after dying twice.

And Lin Cheng didn't try to bully his brother, and tried to keep his E skill to prevent being gank.

Soon, the mid laners of both sides reached level six, but they didn't move for the time being.

BDD originally wanted to fly down the lane, but was spotted early by the river vision, and Galio also leaned down, so that the opponent did not dare to mess around.

As for the BDD on the road, I don't dare to go.

Rock sparrow is still immersed in cultivation, the crocodile is crippled on the road, and has been suppressed by the soldiers under the tower.

Kaka hastily grabbed the road, regardless of whether Galio can keep up, if Qing Gangying dodged the yellow card with his big move, Kaka might still be in danger.

Therefore, the mid laners of both sides stood still, and Peanut took the lead in attacking.

Due to the experience advantage brought by the anti-wilderment, Peanut was the first to be promoted to level [-] and directly opened up to cooperate with Lin Chengyue to drop a crocodile that was eating the line under the tower.

Brother really has no choice, the rock sparrow good brother has given up on him, and there is no way for the crocodile who has not yet reached level [-] to face Qinggangying + Nightmare's tower without flashing.

I have to say that the rock sparrow cleared the wild really quickly. Not long after the two of them had crossed the crocodile on the top road, Clid practiced and passed the level, marking the signal to GANK to get off the road.

At this time, the bottom lane line is slightly closer to the red side, and Laifu's Bron suddenly has a Q skill that puts the bull head passively.

Jhin connects to Deadly Cascade.

Knowing that Kai'Sa has purification, GEN·G's first choice is to use the level 4 bull head.

The trajectory of the rock sparrow's ultimate move appeared, Kai'Sa turned and retreated, and the bull's head had been beaten out of Bron's passive.


A pretty boy with a fluttering belt came on a skateboard, and at the same time, the stone curtain kept protruding from the ground.

Rock Sparrow's ultimate move perfectly blocked the escape route. Kai'Sa, who had just retreated outside her tower, was blocked by the wall curtain.

The chaffinch turned over and jumped off the wall curtain.

However, the bull head was out of control at this time, and just turned around, and a W pushed the rock sparrow that hadn't landed to the red side tower.

Niutou and Kai'Sa flashed across the wall at the same time and appeared under their own tower.

The bull head Q skill knocked off the rock sparrow under the tower, and ignited it to hang up.

Kai'Sa Q Icacia made a heavy rain shot, and then an AW took the head of the rock sparrow.

Remember: "Hey! Rock sparrow's big move was killed by the control of the defense tower and the bull's head. It's a bit careless! Although this big move is sealed at a good angle, it also sent itself in front of the bull's head."

Hitomi: "KT saw the trajectory of the rock sparrow's big move and was on guard. Niutou kept his skills and waited until the rock sparrow came. It was a very beautiful wave of control."

"Actually, it's enough for this wave of rock sparrows to come down from the grass in the river. The rock sparrows can run very fast passively by the wall, and it won't take much time."

I remember laughing: "GEN·G is a bit messed up in the upper and lower lanes. After the top half exploded, Clid came to the bottom lane to make a wave. Although this wave forced two flashes, it is a bit unreasonable for him to amplify his moves without flashing himself. gone."

Hitomi: "The rock sparrow has been brushing after the top lane cracked, but I really didn't expect that the gank just reached level six would overturn."

The barrage in the live broadcast room was already full of question marks.

"I can't hold back anymore! Brother Clid."

"I tried my best to get to the sixth level, but I didn't expect to send a wave directly."

"GEN·G is so fun to play in Ueno, if you play at the top, go to the bottom to play."

"The key players on the field: Brother, Grain."

"Are you going to copy the eye contact in the World Championship later? (Funny)"

The opposite jungler sent a wave by himself, and Little Peanut happily ran down and easily won the first dragon in the game.

Soon, the canyon pioneer will refresh.

Rock sparrow took the initiative to come and play the vanguard in 8 minutes.

GEN·G's plan is very good.

At this time, Little Peanut had just won the first little dragon, and there was a high probability that they would go back to the city to make up for it. They wanted to make a time difference.

And the Nightmare ult was used to overcome the crocodile's tower just now, even with the Ultimate Hunter's Nightmare level [-] ult, it definitely hasn't improved, and the threat of the insignificant Nightmare has been reduced by more than half.

Although the crocodile is miserable, there is still a big move after all, and the blue side feels that the opportunity cannot be missed.

When the rock sparrow hit the vanguard's blood volume to two-thirds, the rest of the blue team was leaning up from all directions.

If it is discovered, this posture will become a clear grab.

The nightmare is not big, and Kai'Sa is missing in the bottom lane. GEN·G judges that it is a wave of opportunities.

But in fact, there is only Kai'Sa in the lower half of KT at this time.

Although he hasn't realized that the opponent's top laner is 0-2 and dares to move forward, Effort is not a support who likes to stay on the line.

When the vanguard's blood volume reaches one-third, the card opens up to explore the field of vision.

Lin Cheng, who was on the road, immediately realized the crux of the problem.

Because judging from the situation on the map, it is impossible for the big move of the card to cooperate with teammates to grab the edge.

So the little dragon is gone, what are you going to do at this time?
"The other side is stealing the vanguard!"

Lin Cheng leaned towards the river, ready to make a move.

In fact, this kind of decision to steal resources can only be done by the jungler first, and call your teammates when you see a chance to steal it, otherwise you will disappear on the map on a large scale, and fools will know what you are doing.

Chaowei just knocked down the divination flower to show the movement on the opposite side.

Sure enough, Rock Sparrow was playing the vanguard alone, and the duo had already reached the wild area.

Seeing the position on the opposite side, Lin Cheng directly hooked the lock to move, and Hex ultimatum unreasonably covered the rock sparrow.

Lin Cheng didn't even know what the other side was thinking.

Although Nightmare's ult is still a bit short, Galio's ult is still there.

The golden magic circle lights up, and the hero Galio comes on the stage to cooperate with Qinggang Yingying to drop the rock sparrow in seconds.

As soon as the rock sparrow died, GEN·G's brothers who were still on the road immediately turned around.

The jungler is dead, retreat quickly.

Little Peanut came here to pick up a pioneer for nothing, his face was dying of laughter.

I remember being unable to hold back: "I often hear Brother Guan say that this GEN·G will always make waves in the Pioneer Group for no reason, and this is too messed up!"

Hitomi: "Although KT didn't know about stealing the vanguard at the first time, but this wave is really unreasonable. How dare they cooperate with such a fat Qinggangying with Galio?"

I remember laughing out loud: "Brother Guan didn't know whether he watched the live broadcast or not. At this time, he probably asked the question in front of the screen: Clid, what are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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