This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 846 Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey

Chapter 846 Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey (plus 4)

To say that Chaowei is also a wonderful thing, he left the impression that he is better at fighters and assassin heroes when he debuted in the mid laner.

Except for Zoe, the various traditional mages he used basically did not leave a deep impression on people.

He also plays mage heroes such as Clockwork Victor and Czar Syndra, but they still don't feel so eye-catching.

On the contrary, many of Lin Cheng's heroes who play well on the road are super powerful, and they have played very exciting scenes on the field. Except for Qing Gangying who is a little greener, his sword girl, Silas, Akali, Seti Heroes like , Crocodile, Aatrox, and Poppy all play well.

Even Thain, who Lin Cheng doesn't play, is good at it.

It's no wonder that many people think that Chaowei has gone astray, and he should go on the road.

However, Chaowei's hero pool has also brought great changes to KT's tactics, because the mid-top is too capable, and the opponent has a lot more things to worry about when BP.

In the second round of BAN, KT chose to target the jungler, and first banned the leopard girl to prevent the opponent from training Lin Cheng.

After all, the last game of Clid Rock Sparrow didn't feel good, what if he feels like playing Leopard Girl?Crocodile + Leopard Girl is also a very good Ueno combination.

The last BAN position, KT, was given to Olaf. This thing can be chased after the rock sparrow in the wild, and it can be regarded as the old counter of the rock sparrow.

The two BAN positions of the blue team in the second round were given to Quinn + Lucian.

Lin Cheng put a lot of pressure on him, and the opponent defended against the situation that Serti couldn't go on the road.

Brother is also afraid that the crocodile will be crazily tortured by the long hands on the road.

In fact, KT is really planning to let Seti play as a support.

Facing the front three-handed duo + top laner, Seti is already a good support to cooperate with Kai'Sa to face Hammer, and the last counter-positioned red side is going to be reserved for Lin Cheng.

Starting to select people, the red square locked Zoe in seconds on the fourth floor.

This hero is definitely Chaowei's most iconic mage. He has been one of the top Zoe users in the LCK since he was killed in the secondary league.

The opposite BDD is also very good at the hero Zoe. When Zoe came out, the blue team sacrificed Syndra + blind monk with the last two hands.

Remember: "GEN·G's middle field is very strong. It doesn't lose at all, and I think it is even better than KT's middle field. Although GEN·G chose the big core Aphelios in the bottom lane, the strength of the top half Really full."

Hitomi: "We also need to look at Sett's split line, and see whether Sett's last move is to support or top lane."

The KT team is also discussing the last hero.

Kang Dongxun: "How about Lin Cheng giving you Jess? The Poke lineup with Zoe Taliyah looks good."

Lin Cheng: "I, Jess, haven't been in good shape lately. I played four RANK games in two months, and lost all of them."

Kang Dongxun: "..."

Hand feel is really a very metaphysical thing. Some players occasionally behave very poorly when their signature heroes are selected. Lin Cheng's state of RANK playing four games in two months and losing all is really hanging.

"Give me Gnar, this hero has practiced a lot recently."

Kang Dongxun: "Didn't you say that Gnar is not good at laning against crocodiles?"

Lin Cheng: "Really? Have I said that? But after practicing Gnar for a while recently, I think it's okay. For me, I can beat crocodiles."

Gnar can be regarded as a hero that everyone has been using in recent training matches, including Lin Cheng who has followed suit for a while.

This hero has quietly been enhanced for three or four versions in a row, and Gnar can basically play among the popular top laners currently playing.

Gnar is a more versatile top laner, and the dual-form mechanism is quite unique. During the laning phase, the small Gnar has the advantage of long hands and is not afraid of many short-handed fighters, and the big Gnar has the possibility of creating miracles in the team.

And the current version of the Advance Breaker is very suitable for Gnar, making it easier for Big Gnar to shoot the target when he enters the field.

Of course, a hero like Gnar requires proficiency, and the control of anger is a test of the player's experience. Lin Cheng has only recently practiced a little before he is ready to try it.

He believes that although Gnar is not as good at suppressing as many long-handed heroes, it is not unreasonable to fight against crocodiles, and the more you go to the back, the easier it is to fight. Whether it is a single belt or a team battle, Gnar's role will only increase. .

During the training match, Lin Cheng also played a lot of Gnar. In his hero pool, there are a lot of Gnar who can kill Gnar, and the one who bears the brunt is Daomei.

But thinking that his sword girl had been banned all the time, he stupidly asked the coach a question.

"If the opponent chooses Gnar, can I use Yasuo to top the lane? This hero is Knar."

The coach was silenced by Lin Cheng's question at that time, and it took a while before he replied to Lin Cheng:

"Yasuo is still the same Yasuo, but Gnar is not the same Gnar anymore."

Then Lin Cheng realized.

It seems that I can't pick Yasuo opposite Gnar.

Then I'm going to kill everything with Gnar, and then tell them that the sword girl can hit Gnar.

There are always some guys who will release Daomei.

My chance has come.

Irelia with black silk long legs, hehe...hehehe...

Therefore, the red side locked Gnar with the last hand.

Remember: "Gnar? Judging from the two days of games including the LPL that started first, it seems that Gnar is indeed more valued, but it seems that there are not many players who have played particularly well."

Hitomi: "It's true that Gnar can fight crocodiles when he wakes up, but in the early stage, he may not be so easy to fight online, but after all, he is Brother Cheng Zi, and I don't know how proficient his Gnar is?"

"Brother Chengzi also punished Gnar? Why is this hero so popular recently?"

"Dolan's Gnar had dinner like that yesterday, I hope Brother Cheng won't make the same mistakes."

"Dolan is also worthy of being compared with Brother Chengzi? Why don't you use Brother Ba to touch porcelain?"

"I've seen Brother Chengzi RANK, and he's pretty good at fighting crocodiles."

"The Duke said that the crocodile played Gnar casually in the early stage, who should I believe?"

"Brother Cheng killed the Duke last year, who do you think you should trust?" (Funny)"

"Brother Cheng won't lie, let's go! I will choose Gnar to fight the crocodile later."

"No need to go, I just came back, the crocodile method is quite cruel."

Both teams are selected.

The blue square GEN·G.

Top Road: Rascal (Desert Butcher, Renekton)
Jungle: Clid (Blind Monk, Li Qing)

Mid lane: BDD (Darkhead, Syndra)
Bottom lane: Ruler (Sun of the Crescent Moon, Aphelios)

Support: Life (Soul Lock Warden, Thresh)
Red square KT:

Top Road: Cheng (Lost Tooth, Gnar)

Jungle: Peanut (Crag Sparrow, Taliyah)

Mid laner: Chovy (Twilight Protoss, Zoe)

Bot lane: Deft (Daughter of the Void, Kai'Sa)

Support: Effort (Wu Hao, Seti)

In this round, GEN·G's lineup was still selected very well. The confrontation strength of the upper middle field was full in the early stage, and the big core Aphelios was used as a guarantee in the later stage.

There are two big fighters in the front row, except for the unsteady way to start the team and the short hands, the GEN·G lineup can be said to have no weaknesses.

KT, on the other hand, is more dependent on pulling ability. In the mid-term, Zoe and Rock Sparrow will be very important, and Lin Cheng's Gnar must keep his anger at all times after his teammates have an advantage in blood volume.

If Zoe Poke has an advantage in blood volume and needs to start a team, it will be embarrassing for his Gnar to throw darts behind him in miniature form.

 Chapter 827 was blocked, I didn't drive yet, depressed. . .

(End of this chapter)

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