This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 855 Massacre!hit top order

Chapter 855 Massacre!hit top order
There was a wave of bloody exchanges on the road, and the rock sparrow who had come to cover Gnar to eat the line could only clear the soldiers with tears in his eyes.

The jungle rock sparrow is cool, and Gnar has collapsed.

Dolan was still level one when he died.

Originally, Dolan was notoriously unable to withstand pressure, but now the rest of the LSB teammates saw the bad news coming from the road.

In 4 minutes, Jess killed Gnar on the road.

In 6 minutes, Jess killed Gnar and Rock Sparrow on the top road and scored a double kill.

In 7 minutes, Jess killed Gnar on the road.

In 9 minutes, Jess killed Gnar on the road.

In just 10 minutes, Dolan was killed 5 times by Lin Cheng on the wing, three of which were single kills.

And because Peanut put a vanguard on the top lane, under the cover of his teammates, the vanguard almost hit the high ground of LSB.

It's no longer a question of whether Dolan can stand on the sideline. The outcrop is basically caught by Jess and he will die.

The other teammates in the sandbox played well below. In the early stage, no one broke out in the lower half of the area. As a result, everyone on the road hit the high ground.

What's the matter?
Below the range, is the truth.

Lin Cheng crazily switched lanes to roll the economy, radiating his advantage to his teammates on the other two lanes, and steadily ate all the tapies before 14 minutes.

Under the cover of Lin Chengtian Fei Jess' artillery fire, the team battle in the sandbox in the mid-term was shattered at the touch of a touch, and was defeated twice in a row.

Lin Cheng is crazy and super god, he has already gone crazy.

The opponent actually wanted to cut Jess every time, but even when Jess didn't flash, his teammates protected Lin Cheng very well, and never let his adult head be sent out.

In 20 minutes, Jess Lin Cheng had a 4-piece suit.There is not even a two-piece suit on the opposite side.

Dolan's Gnar first released the iron boots, and he has just touched the mythical costume.

All the players on the opposite side were crispy in front of Jess, and there was even a scene where Lin Cheng hit three kids with a gun.

On the sandbox, the three in the middle and the wild were all full of blood and ate Victor's death ray under the tower, and then Jess hid in the shadows and killed the three with one shot.

In the end, KT blocked the entrance of LSB's spring at 23 minutes, and killed the revived Dolan again before flattening the base.

At the end of the first round, the scene was immediately shown to Lin Cheng, who happened to take off his earphones and raised his eyebrows.

"That's it?"

Netizens couldn't hold back anymore, and frantically ran to the Sandbox Club's social account to leave a message.

In just a few minutes between rounds, there were thousands of messages, all replies: That's it?
Sandbox officials did not expect that one day they would have such enthusiasm, although the enthusiasm did not come from a positive perspective.

The first game was a one-sided massacre, and the situation in the second game did not change much.

This time Lin Cheng got Gnar, and Dolan got Jess backhand to counter.

Then he was backhanded by the Education Bureau.

Lin Cheng's Gnar perfectly performed the art of pulling in the top lane. Not to mention the early laning, he did not lose the wind and counter-pressed to make up the knife. After the sixth level, he once again completed a solo kill in the matchup.

After Dolan was single-killed once, he couldn't hold back anymore. He gave the opportunity to go on the road and was soon captured by Lin Cheng again.

In the mid-term team battle, a strong contrast emerged.

In the last round, Lin Cheng's Jayce's mid-stage QE shot was basically either dead or disabled. In this round, Dolan's Jayce's enhanced cannon hit Gnar without losing much blood.

As long as Lin Cheng's Gnar enters the field with good control of his anger, the opponent's mid-term team battle will basically collapse at the touch of a touch.

There is a strong contrast in the top order. Jess Poke cannon tube blows up and does no harm, but the opposite Gnar jumps in and destroys it.

How to fight this team battle in the sandbox?
In the end, LSB lasted until 25 minutes in this round and was still attacked by KT into the hinterland.

Lin Cheng's Gnar jumped into the opposite spring inappropriately and slapped the air with a big move, and lit up Giggs' toothless expression.

Ridiculous pull full.

But the scene that made the sandbox team members even more angry was that Lin Cheng didn't die.

Just as Quanshui focused on Gnar, the rest of Lin Cheng's teammates destroyed the opponent's base.

2:0, KT won two consecutive victories in the new season.

In the post-match shots, the KT players did not have the joy of victory, they all looked calm and breezy.

On the other hand, the LSB players were downcast, with frustration written all over their faces.

It happened that the three Kami Nakano brothers were seated next to each other. The three of them sat together with their heads down and couldn't see their faces clearly. The dejected breath came over their faces, making it hard not to suspect that they were crying in each other's arms.

The barrage in the live broadcast room has long been boiling.

"It's so cruel! Is this the result of KT's heavy hand?"

"Jess can't beat Gnar, Gnar can't beat Jace, you really have Doran."

"Beating top laner! Doran was too miserable in these two rounds."

"Doran has a combined record of 1-21 in the two rounds. Can this be done by a human?"

"This is what happens to anger Cheng!"

"Who dares to touch porcelain with this bloody KT? The idiots of T1 come out and get beaten."

Regarding this one-sided massacre, the post-match forums of China and South Korea are all talking about it.

Among them, the reminders of Dolan's 21 deaths in the two games were taken and packaged by netizens one by one.

Looking at a row of pictures, they are all news that Dolan was killed, which makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

"What the fuck is your name Dolan? You still covet Brother Chengzi's throne?"

"It's a hit top laner! Brother Chengzi can't follow his words."

"It looks like Hei Tiezi playing RANK with his roommate King."

"Brother Cheng is too ruthless. This is worse than Niu Bao who robbed Brother Li's hostess."

Although Dolan was also a victim of his teammates' hilarity, no one cared about his grievances at this time.

Another famous scene in the first game was widely circulated. The scene of Lin Chengtian and Fat Jess killing three enemies with a cannonball was made into a GIF picture.

This is the fate of angering Brother Cheng!

The picture changed from color to black and white, and the three victims looked very mournful.

And the three people who happened to be killed by Lin Cheng were top laner Dolan, jungler Croco, and mid laner Fate.

Fate: I'm just talking, why are you so ruthless?

Dolan: My teammates cheated on me!
Croco: It has nothing to do with me!It was the mistake made by the jungler last time, why did you even kill me?

Although the game was one-sided, but after adding some off-court factors, the discussion was really full.

It's very coquettish, "How Scary is Angry Lin Cheng?" "It even became a trending search on Korean Internet.

Click on it and you will see two photos, one is Lin Cheng taking off his headphones and raising his eyebrows slightly, and the other is a picture of the three Nakano brothers sitting together in the LSB lounge after the game.

The contrast is too strong.

After learning the ins and outs, many people outside the circle condemned Onfleek and felt relieved by the result.

In this story, the sandbox seems to have really become the villain.

Mainly Lin Cheng's appearance also played a role.

Sanguan follows the facial features, anyway, Lin Cheng's face is the protagonist at first glance.

Knowing the development of the matter, Lin Cheng seriously suspected that the club had become a hot search.

Hmm~~~ KT is going to increase commercial promotion this year, so buying trending searches counts as commercial promotion?
(End of this chapter)

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