This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 86 I'm Actually Okay

Chapter 86 I'm Actually Okay

In the face of the captain, Lin Cheng's Qinggangying still chose his favorite set of talent runes for storming. The main line is precision: strong attack, triumph, joy, fatal blow, and the secondary line is enlightenment: magical shoes, biscuit delivery.

Entering the game, Lin Cheng chose Dolan Shield as his outfit, which could make Qinggangying feel much more comfortable when facing the captain.

Qinggang Ying first stood on the grass on the top of the river, while his teammates stuck in the river in a parallel position, watching the opponent's position.

Kuro's Rambo covered Bono to insert a jewelry eye next to F6, and then Bono retreated to the back to read the return trip and prepare to change the scan, but when the two inserted their eyes, they were seen by Li Ge's Galio.

Aiming drove Varus out of the grass on the opposite river with a Q outside the triangle grass in his bottom lane.

"Yo hoo! I hit Q, but unfortunately I didn't steal the money rune."

The teammates made the offensive eye position. Naturally, Tusin would not run to the opposite river alone. Senna put down the ornament eye next to his F6, then turned around and rushed down from the wild area, ready to join his AD.

If the opposite side also invades to make a field of vision, this eye position will be noticed for the first time.

Aiming was still happily chasing Varus across the river, while Teddy turned around to avoid skills, and his expression brightened, as if to say: You can't hit, you can't hit.

Senna and EZ converged, seeing that Varus was so arrogant, Tusin also wanted to go up and shoot Varus twice.

However, what Tusin didn't expect was that a Yinbi had already inserted an eye in the blue square field on the partition wall in the Xiaolong Pit, just in time to catch Senna's movement towards the triangle grass.

After Senna walked over, the wine barrel stuck his field of vision with an E skill and went up to the wall to send a signal to his teammates.

Junri: "Tusin! The location has been discovered. Cuzz has an idea. The blue side has no vision at this location. The barrel E goes over the wall and waits for the skill CD. There are four people under T1, and the KT duo is in danger!"

Corgi: "The captain is also behind. Aiming chased Varus in the river for a couple of times, but he didn't think about why Varus was standing here to ask you to question? train."

Junri: "I didn't realize it yet, it's going to be dead! The back road has been copied, and the captain is here."

Before the two brothers realized the danger, they were stuck in the pass under the Dragon Pit, facing Varus.

Aiming still has time to worry: "Is my Q accurate? I hit two of three shots, and the other side dares to express an expression. Before we send troops, we will win at the starting line."

Tusin: "We have long hands, so we can fight a little more aggressively, and we won't be afraid when Tam comes."

At this time, Tam appeared from behind Varus, with a captain following him.

"There are three of them, let's go."

When the two saw that the captain had realized that something was wrong, they quickly turned around and wanted to get into the triangle grass and run away.

At this time, a strong man with a big belly suddenly appeared from the triangle grass behind.

Meat bomb shock.

Cuzz resolutely flashed his hand in front of E, hitting Senna and EZ at the same time.

Tam licked EZ with his tongue from a distance, and Varus's evil arrow rain shrouded the two of them, and EZ was knocked out of most of his health almost in a single face-to-face.

This position was slowed down, and Aiming stopped flashing, and was taken over by the captain's Q skill.

Senna gave Flash and wanted to run, but the other side just caught up, Tamm flash slowed down with a lick, and the captain fired his Q skill with an accurate K-head.

The two brothers who just said they won at the starting line fell on the starting line at the same time.

Junri: "Senna wants to run in the blink of an eye. It's impossible for you to run on the opposite side. Just now, Rambo and the prince were discovered by Brother Li in the middle. T1 will definitely chase."

Corgi: "It's still too young! I only see Galio's vision, and I don't even know where the barrel is. EZ dares to chase Varus Q."

Junri: "It can only be said that Cuzz is really too spiritual. Tusin had an eye on F6. He just came from above and didn't expect the danger in the back. They should have realized that something was wrong when they saw the captain in the lower half. But it's too late."

Corgi quipped: "The start was bad, and the loss of two heads is bad news, but the good news for KT is that Cuzz's E-flash has been used. As we all know, Cuzz's barrel has a maximum of one E-flick per game."

Junri: "Indeed, Cuzz hasn't used more than two E flashes in a single round of the barrel so far, and it's now on cooldown."

Corky: "The problem is now, the captain is one level and two heads. This is a captain who goes out of the blue crystal. How can the blue steel shadow be aligned on the return journey?"

"First-level Yaoguang, I don't even know how to play Qinggangying."

"Captain Yaoguang is a bit perverted when you go out, don't ask me how I know."

"Brother Orange: Brothers, I'm cracked!"

"Cuzz has changed, the outflanking of this card's vision is too spiritual."

KT's team voice is still very lively.

Bono: "Be steady, you won the last game, everyone will work harder this time."

Tusin: "Alas! The opposite is too sinister, how did the wine barrel go around to the back? I looked specifically at F6 and didn't see it, I miscalculated."

Aiming: "My, my, I shouldn't go to Q Varus, I thought EZ could not keep me on the opposite side."

Tusin: "It's alright, it's alright! It's just a good fight, it's not a big problem for the two heads."

Aiming: "That's right, our recovery and consumption are very strong, so you won't lose out if you play well online."

Lin Cheng listened to the duo's encouragement to each other silently, and nearly burst into tears.

Are these two brothers here to play cute?

Of course you're all right, the guy with the two heads is on the line with me.

Why did my teammates make waves below, but it was me who suffered?

Level [-] went online. Seeing the brilliance on the captain's body, Lin Cheng hid himself in the grass next to him and braced himself to find an opportunity to replenish his troops.

It's not Lin Cheng's head iron. If he sees the captain standing forward, he won't dare to gain experience, and the captain will lose a lot of experience directly in front of him.

And now I don't dare to make up the knife, and I will wait for the first-level green steel shadow tower to make up the knife, and the captain on the opposite side is already level three.

Don't you think that the captain will not be able to ask you if you hide under the tower?

Even if Lin Cheng's supplementary skills are against the sky again, if the Dolan Shield is out, the early stage values ​​are here, and when the level is low, he will definitely miss the tower knife crazily.

In this way, Lin Cheng went up to look for an opportunity to make up for the knife. The result was that the captain negotiated with a backhand gunfire, hitting the dazzling damage and triggering inextinguishable at the same time.

Qinggangying lost almost a third of his blood.

Lin Cheng almost stopped scolding her mother, so how can I fight?
After Canna slowly replenished a soldier next to him, he saw that Qinggangying was still waiting for an opportunity to replenish a soldier. After a while, another shot was fired to negotiate.

Even if Duolan Dun's blood was restored, Lin Cheng's blood volume dropped to almost half.

This time, the captain rushed up with the knife, Lin Cheng hurriedly ran back, and was chased by the captain across the line and fired a shot, with only half of his health remaining.

Seeing that his Qinggangying was about to collapse after being shot by the captain a few times, Lin Cheng sighed.

Bono: "Lin Cheng, can you stand it?"

Lin Cheng said stubbornly, "I'm actually fine."

(End of this chapter)

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