This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 870 Be optimistic, brother only teaches once

Chapter 870 Be optimistic, I only teach you once

Zeyuan: "Oh! Little Peanut is so uncomfortable. My teammate on the road took first blood for a solo kill. As a result, my red BUFF in the upper half was reversed face to face, and the opponent even punished my stone man in the face. Who makes sense?"

957: "The ward left by Faker made a great contribution. He completely saw Udyr's F6 movement, and it just gave Lilia a chance to attack."

Zeyuan: "Yes! This is Li Ge's habit. Some mid laners may go to the opponent's F6 to insert a ward when they have a line right at the first level, but Li Ge is different. It doesn't matter whether they can grab the line or not. He almost always went to the opposite F6 to ward to catch the jungler's movements, which is exactly the same as Kuro's habit last year, very team."

957: "It's a pity that last year Kuro had such an excellent teammate as Brother Chengzi. It seems that Brother Li's reward for his sacrifice for the team is not as great as Kuro's."

Just now, Lin Cheng returned to the city with the first serum line and made up the booster tome and the dark seal. In order to cover Lilia's invasion, Gnar even handed over his TP directly when he only had more than 280 gold coins, and he still only had one Doran sword.

On the road, it is obvious that Gnar will definitely suffer a big loss if he fights again.

But Lin Cheng didn't go out of his way for the time being.

Knowing that Lilia is in the upper half, and the blue side's upper half of the jungle has not been cleared, Ellim will definitely stay there for a while, and it is a bit unreasonable for Silas to go for a vicious exchange without flashing up.

To get a good view of the river, Lin Cheng put out the line as much as possible, and Udyr of Little Peanut rushed to the lower half of the area non-stop after brushing the remaining stone men.

Fortunately, KT has the right to the bottom lane, and Udyr, the river crab in the lower half, took it down steadily.

It's nearly 4 minutes into the game, but it seems that KT has the most stable lane right in the bottom lane.

Although T1's young duo has strong laning abilities, if Kai'Sa+Ni Nv can still grab the lane rights of Xia+Thresh when they help open the field and make way at the first level, then KT's bot lane can be buried. up.

Because Lin Cheng took the initiative to release the line on the road, Gnar immediately returned to the city to replenish a wave of equipment after pushing the line of troops into the tower, otherwise a Dolan sword would be in danger of being solo killed again at any time.

Lin Cheng quickly used his skills to clear the line of soldiers under the tower, and immediately pressed the B button on the spot.

In the remaining vision of the blue side, Silas returned to the city under the tower.

It just so happened that the next wave of soldiers arrived slowly and got stuck a little closer to the red defense tower.

Gnar, who went home to replenish his equipment, hurried to the line bouncing around.

However, from God's perspective, Lin Cheng never returned to the city.

After the opponent's brief vision remained, Lin Cheng immediately canceled the return to the city, and then groped into the grass on the side road.

After the soldiers arrived, Lin Cheng had already groped into the grass on the side road.

The grass on the side road will spread into the alcove a little bit against the wall, which leads to the fact that even though the minion's vision has covered the vicinity, they still do not find the information that Silas has entered the alcove.

From the alcove, Lin Cheng passed through the wall with his E skill and hid in the grass in the middle, waiting patiently for Gnar to arrive.

Now the blood volume of the little Gnar is about 800. If the fifth-level Silas has the killing ring and the booster tome, he can directly kill Gnar with a full set of damage.

Lin Cheng was going to teach his opponent a lesson.

The world is dangerous, so don't take it lightly.

Zeyuan: "Hey! Brother Cheng wants to do bad things! This is too much! Why do you want to sneak attack a young player who has only played in the second LCK game like this?"

957: "The blue side didn't see it, let's see if Zeus is alert? Even if Bonnar just ran back, even if he wasn't killed, it would be a loss if he was hit with a low blood volume."

Soon, Gnar of Zeus was back on the line.

From the perspective of the blue side, Silas, who had just cleared a wave of soldiers in front of the tower, had already returned to the city, so Gnar came up unprepared to make up the knife.

The line of soldiers was a little closer to the red side. Seeing that Gnar raised his hand and threw his Q skill to make up the knife, Lin Cheng launched a sneak attack without hesitation.

Silas drank the potion of corruption and walked out of the grass for an E position behind Gnar, and W regicide stabbed him.

Zeus was also obviously taken aback. When Silas waved the chain, Gnar hurriedly stepped on Silas with his E skill and jumped back.

However, in Lin Cheng's view, the opponent was as simple as a blank sheet of paper.

Just before Gnar took off and landed, the chains in Silas' hands crossed and whipped out, and the intersection point just fell on Gnar's feet.

Immediately afterwards, a long chain flew out of Silas's hand.

The second stage E is taken by force.

Gnar had just landed, and before he had time to move, Lin Cheng suppressed the landing point with two consecutive skills.

Silas was pulled over by the chain, and slammed the enemy's forbidden law.

The focus damage of the second-stage Q explodes, the deceleration effect on Gnar is increased to 50%, and the position of Sierra Ka is A.

Passive damage is full, and Gnar has residual blood.

It just so happened that in this wave of returning to the city, Gnar made up a piece of red crystal and was not directly killed by Silas' set of damage, leaving less than two bars of health.

Little Gnar was being chased by A, and tried to hit the third ring to accelerate, but when he pulled away, there were only a few dozen blood points left, and Zeus didn't dare to turn around and click again.

After all, the distance has not been widened, and the Silas Conqueror is full, and he is not sure whether he can hold the next round to tie A.

In fact, this wave of maiming the opponents who had just returned to the city was already very profitable, but Lin Cheng had no intention of turning around.

The short-term acceleration of Gnar's third ring is not obvious now, and the distance between the two sides is only one body.

The W of Silas, the main teacher, pulls a set of damage and only has a CD of less than five seconds left.

Knowing that Lilia should not be in the upper half, Lin Cheng insisted on chasing Gnar to the defense tower, followed Gnar into the tower and waited until the skill cooldown was over.

W made a regicide thrust, and Gnar died suddenly.

Zeyuan: "It's over! The road crashed! Zeus is still too young, this wave was clearly arranged by Brother Orange, and he was completely unprepared for Silas' sneak attack."

957: "I have to say that Brother Orange's Silas is really proficient. Q and second-stage E perfectly suppress the landing position of Gnar's E skill, and the damage is still unbearable when it hits Gnar's body."

"Well~~~ I can only say that Brother Cheng loves newcomers, okay? Tell Zeus personally with his performance that even the world's number one top laner will engage in sneak attacks, which greatly increases the vigilance of new players."

Ze Yuan began to get angry: "Brother Zeus, you are optimistic, the field is dangerous, I only teach you once."

"Laughing! The colonel is starting again, right?"

"It turns out that no matter how strong a player is, he won't talk about martial arts. I guess Zeus will have a long memory next time."

"I don't know if Zeus doesn't have a long memory, anyway, T1 sent it!"

"Is this the talented top laner who has been placed with high expectations? It's funny enough."

"Facts: Zeus was like a god of war in the academy competition, and he was called South Korea's future orange brother. Is this the result?"

"What's wrong? The Youth Edition still wants to touch the Porcelain Supreme Edition?"

(End of this chapter)

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