This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 872 Is this Douyin's No. 1 mid laner?

Chapter 872 Is this the No. [-] mid laner on Douyin?
Zeyuan: "The river crab in the upper half area was refreshed again, and the support from both sides rushed over to support, but Brother Chengzi's position was surrounded... Ouch! Beautiful! The E of Silas counteracted the Tsar's push, then In this way, Japanese women are surrounded! Keria is not flashing!"

957: "As soon as the Japanese girl dies, T1 is out of control. Gnar doesn't even have level [-], so he was driven to the road to encircle and suppress! It's over! They're all dead."

"It's outrageous! This is the first time in the LCK that I saw a game in which four people died because of river crabs. Why would T1 dare to pick it up?"

Before he finished speaking, Zeyuan laughed when he saw the operator behind Thresh: "Haha! Effort is still very coquettish, with a wild expression and ridiculed, he rushed to the defense tower to commit suicide! I gave my old club a heartwarming kick."

"Dare the river crab in T1 dare to fight? It was blown through on the road."

"A murder caused by a river crab."

"It's too crazy! 4V4 was killed, and no one was replaced."

"Young players dare to play if they dare to play, but this is a bit outrageous."

There was a fierce battle in the upper half of the river, and the ADs of the two sides in the bottom lane fought each other and did not choose to fight to the end.

Because both the upper and lower lanes of the blue side were pushed into the tower, the people on T1 had to occupy the line as soon as they were resurrected. After losing Zoe's location information, little Lu Bu didn't dare to stay in the lower lane, so he retreated to the back and returned to the city in advance. .

Just in time for Kai'Sa's return to the city, Little Peanut went out and went straight to the lower half to activate Xiaolong.

Gnar, who has no TP, showed his head on it. Although he knew that it would take some time for Thresh to come back from the dead and rush to the second half, but without knowing the location information of Silas, the blue team did not go down in time to stop the black team. Dill hit the dragon.

In this way, relying on the advantages brought by the previous river crab team battle, KT easily won the first dragon.

The rhythm was non-stop, and Udyr activated the canyon pioneer in more than 8 minutes.

I just suffered a loss on the above, even though Gnar just saw Udyr's actions in the vision in the river, T1 has no plans to take on the river team battle again.

Lilia chose to attack Zoe in the middle.

Ellim: "Zoe didn't flash, do you have a chance to do it?"

Faker: "Okay! I'm still a few seconds away from my ult."

At this time, the middle road is basically in a flat state. Lilia approached from the bushes in the lower river with the blue side controlling the guards.

Lilia had already rushed out when her teammates attacked, ready to take the damage.

However, Chaowei's reaction was really fast, using Zoe's big move to turn back and jump just to flash to the side to avoid the knock-up effect of the Forbidden Army Wall, and at the same time hypnotize the bubble to shoot.

The czar who pushed the big move got the hypnotic bubble.

Zoe retraces the jump back.

Lilia threw the Turbulent Seed on the side.

Chaowei's backhand W used the purification fragments on his body. Although he didn't get any control effect, it triggered the acceleration of the trick-stealing skillful hand, turned around and twisted the trajectory of the vortex flying.

Three missiles from Spell Stealing landed on the Tsar while Zoe pulled the flying star back.

The Tsar fell into a deep sleep, and the flying star turned back.

Before the Q skill hit, Chaowei had already replaced the unsealed cheats in advance and ignited it for the Tsar.

Neither Ignite nor the missiles attached to W's Stealing Hand will interrupt the sleep state, and the Tsar was not woken up early.

The flying star was full of damage, and the czar, who was still full of blood just now, directly became residual blood.

Zoe shot passively with fireworks, and the Tsar was immediately taken away by the ignition damage.

The rushing Lilia's Q skill Flying Flower Tart has given Zoe a passive effect, activating the big move Ye Lan Yao to control Zoe outside the defensive tower.

But even though the damage in the center of Panic Wood was exaggerated, Lilia's damage alone was not enough. Chaowei Remnant returned to the defense tower and gave Lilia a flying star backhand.

Ellim didn't dare to chase anymore.

Zeyuan: "Chaowei~~~ is indeed the God of Douyin! This wave of operations has the flavor of RANK, and the two brothers of T1 are so numb."

957: "KT's game is not only a show for Brother Chengzi, but Chaowei has also started!"

Looking at the replay, Zeyuan was bragging about his power, but suddenly when the replay came back, he found that Lilia was also dead.

Still killed by Zoe.

"What's the situation? Why is Lilia dead? She was killed alone!"

The explanation is confusing, and the screen is full of question marks.

Followed by the second replay.

After defeating Zoe, Ellim did not choose to retreat, but ran to steal the red side's F6 with a scan.

At this time, Peanut's Udyr was still playing the vanguard on the accessory eye that Gnar made in front of him, and everyone else in KT showed up online again.

It stands to reason that it is actually safe for Lilia to steal F6, because it is obviously impossible for Udyr to give up hitting the pioneer with only one-third of his health left to come to him.

Moreover, Lilia scanned it with the car on, and confirmed that there was no vision of the red party.

However, Zoe, who was returning to the city behind the first tower, suddenly canceled the returning to the city at the last second and leaned against the back of the F6 wall. The E skill was thrown over the wall and Lilia fell asleep after finishing F6.

Then it was the turn-back jump to connect to the ultra-distance flying star, and with a burst of fireworks, it directly took away Lilia, who was half blood.

"Wow~~~ Chaowei has no vision! Can you guess the location for him? There is something wrong!"

When the commentary was at a loss, the director once again gave Chaowei's first-person perspective playback.

It turned out that Chaowei was still cutting the screen when he retreated to the defense tower and returned to the city.

Just now Lilia was in the upper field in front of him, and he probably knew that his opponent might steal F6.

Although it is impossible for Udyr to give up Pioneer to find Lilia, Chaowei keeps looking at the dark area of ​​F6 from a cutting angle.

Just when Zooey was about to finish reading and return to the city, a special sound effect sounded.


Chaowei resolutely canceled the return to the city, took two steps and threw bubbles in the direction of the wall under F6.

Zoe's W is quite special. Even if there is no vision, as long as the Zoe player looks at the map, he can hear the sound of the enemy using the summoner skill.

Ellim was heard by Chaowei just when he used punishment.

In Chaowei's view, the opponent must withdraw after stealing F6 with punishment, so he immediately went to the direction of the wall under F6 to release the bubbles, just in time to catch Lilia who was about to leave.

Because they are not familiar with Zoe's special mechanism, at first the Chinese commentators thought that Chaowei was purely based on guesswork.

After the LCK director deliberately amplified the game background music in the Chaowei headset, the commentator finally realized the problem.

Zeyuan: "Oh~~~ Did he hear Lilia handing over punishment? But this is still outrageous! Are all the listening and speaking positions coming? This game is getting more and more complicated."

957: "It's also my fault that Lilia played F6 too fast. The two skills killed all the birds, and it might be half a second late to punish Zoe and go back."

Ze Yuan: "Can I say... is this the No. [-] mid laner on Douyin?"

(End of this chapter)

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