Chapter 877
In fact, it was true that Lin Cheng was going to take the crocodile at the beginning.

However, BP ideas change with the process.

At the beginning of the second round of selection, it was discovered that the opponent had Jess first, and KT temporarily decided to give up the mid laner mage to grab Sett.

Although the lineup looks bulky, the players feel that they can play an advantage, and the advantage of this lineup is very strong.

However, Seti can't touch the cards at all when he walks in the middle, so he can only be a bastard.

Simply, Lin Cheng changed heroes with Chaowei.

Sett couldn't touch the card, but the crocodile had a chance to suppress the card.

This is the advantage of the high degree of overlap between the mid and mid hero pools on KT. It would be very difficult for last year's Kuro to take out the mid laner Alligator.

Zeyuan: "It's very rare. Brother Chengzi and Chaowei both chose the role of fighters in the front row in team battles. We all know that Seti and Crocodile can't be counted as C positions in the true sense. This is KT. Little Peanut's Lilia has become the core!"

"You know, KT has been a team that doesn't play wild cores very much since last year. Even if you get a wild core hero for Peanut this year, there must be a carry point in the middle and upper. Like this game, the upper half is completely above the In my impression, a game with the jungle as the core seems to have never happened before."

957: "After all, I got the wild core! Peanut itself has the ability to carry. I think the most powerful part of this KT team is that they can C in every lane."

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng's Seti chose the main line Precision: Conqueror, Triumph, Resilience, Perseverance, and the secondary line Resolute: Wind of Recovery, Overgrowth.

In fact, Lin Cheng originally wanted to bring Cong Jian in this round, and he would play Wing Chun Ye Man.

But weigh it carefully.

Cong Jian is not very useful after the laning period. In the face of the long-handed heroes who must carry the resolute runes of the wind of recovery, the main series or the various runes of the precision system are more suitable for Seti.

Entering the game, Lin Cheng chose Dolan Shield and Red Potion for going out.

Doran's shield combined with the wind of recovery and Sett's passive recovery ability is extremely strong, it will be more difficult for Jess to consume.

When Lin Cheng went out, he didn't choose to stand in the grass of the river to stop his vision. He passed the grass of the river and directly inserted his eyes, and then ran to the grass on the side road.

Both sides had no plans to play a first-level team, and the T1 players stood in line of sight and prepared to line up.

Canna's Jess only stood on the triangle grass for a short while, ready to grab the side grass before the pawn line arrived.

In the game, the probability of players grabbing grass is slightly lower than that of RANK level one, but most heroes will take advantage of being able to grab grass at level one.

Canna's Jayce likes to suppress grass at the first level when facing short-handed heroes.

However, there is a handsome boy on the blue side who has already touched him as soon as he went out.

The moment Jace poked into the grass in the middle, Seti slammed out two punches.

Canna didn't expect that there was an ambush inside, so he quickly stepped back and played AQ.

As a result, it happened that Lin Cheng's right fist punched Jess in the air.

Sett threw another left fist, a small step forward and a quick right fist, and then began to stride.

Because Sett's attack rhythm is different from that of ordinary heroes, the rhythm control of A is also very different.

After Lin Cheng punched four times, Jess quickly switched his form and accelerated into the bushes on the side road. The red Fang Xiaobing beside him also arrived.

Just when Jess accelerated and pulled him away a little, Lin Cheng didn't come out directly, but leaned into the upper grass.

At this time, Seti didn't make an attack, and the range of the soldier's hatred was actually not that big. When Lin Cheng entered the upper grass, the red melee soldier next to him let him go down in a daze.

After the three melee soldiers passed by, Lin Cheng just drove away Jess and stopped in the grass.

The E in his hand has not been shot.

At this time, Sett E dragged Jess over to punch two punches. It is indeed more profitable, but it will also attract the hatred of minions. In melee, Jess loses the threat of a strong hand and cracks his head.

That way, the upper grass where Sett was standing would give way.

As long as you stand on the grass, Jess will not be able to go up to the A-pawn after losing a third of his HP.

At this time, the minions of the two sides had already exchanged fire, and Jess was afraid of Seti, who was hiding in the grass, and did not dare to directly go up to suppress the HP of the minions.

He could only wait for Seth to come up with reinforcements before stepping forward.

But Jess doesn't have the HP advantage of the pawn line, and his own HP also has a disadvantage. It is a bit uncomfortable to face Seti Canna who is holding the E skill and trying to cross the line at any time.

Jayce's ideal laning is to either lower the opponent's blood volume, or lower the blood volume of the minion line so that he can point people without pressure, but now Canna doesn't have either.

The top laners all know that after Level [-] Ser submits E, Jess can fight without pressure, but Lin Cheng's E skill is very tight, so he uses the little advantage brought by grass grabbing to establish a pawn line advantage.

Lin Cheng grabbed second, and Seti came up to face Jess and formed a forward line.

When Canna saw this situation, he didn't plan to reverse the line at all, as long as he ensured that his level was not behind, he would call the jungler later and it would be over.

Sett has short legs and is easy to grab.

After all, he is a short-handed fighter. Even if Seti has a slight advantage in the pawn line, it will be difficult to do anything to Jess at this time, and the road is fairly stable.

Cuzz's Udyr rushed to the road immediately after brushing the two wild areas.

However, Lin Cheng's Seti chose to stand back to the grass on the side road just after three minutes and ten seconds.

He knew that Udyr would be nearby if he wasn't going to fight at this time, and Chaowei knew the opponent's opening route from the field of view of F6.

At this moment, Lilia was still beating the toad, and Lin Cheng stood steadily behind and called for his teammates to cover.

In fact, Cuzz's Udyr has already touched the red square triangle grass, and the pawn line is a little outside the red square tower. After Udyr successfully circles, Seti's wave will really be more dangerous.

Cuzz waited in the triangle grass for a while, and found that Lin Cheng was too steady. When he couldn't help but prepare to fight first, Canna said a game:

"The river should be blind! Sett never left the line."

After getting the key information, just as Seti stepped forward to replenish troops, Cuzz's Udyr approached aggressively from the river.

Seeing someone coming, Lin Cheng made a gesture and withdrew from the line of soldiers.

Relying on the acceleration of the bear form to go around from the side, Cuzz decisively flashed and knocked Sett unconscious.

Jess QE strengthened the bombardment, switched form and accelerated two steps and directly hit it.

Udyr's dizziness didn't last long, and Lin Cheng, who just got up when he saw Jess switch form and accelerate, did not retreat but advanced.

Press one step forward, and the E skill will crack the skull with a strong hand.

Melee Jace's Q skill Sky Leap was broken in the air, collided with Udyr, and fell into a dizziness.

Sett raised his fist backhand, and Seti slammed it at Udyr.

Immediately afterwards, the two T1 Ueno brothers got up and beat Sett violently.

Lin Cheng himself had to consume Jess a bit in order to grab the line, and his blood volume was reduced to one-third in an instant.

With the pride value fully stored, Lin Cheng W deliberately punched and shot.

Jess adjusted successfully, but Udyr failed to move and was blasted with real damage.

A yo-yo rolled over from behind.

Lin Cheng showed his classic naughty Poro expression.

Sorry, there is someone behind me.

During the time when Lin Cheng was hiding in the bushes just now, Little Peanut had already finished beating the toad and rushed up from the line.

Relying on the remaining shield of the bang fist, Lin Cheng punched Udyr indiscriminately.

Seeing that Lin Cheng's blood volume was too low, Little Peanut flashed and output directly.

Jess and Udyr had no way out, and wanted to forcibly replace Sett with low blood volume.

However, the damage in the center of Lilia W's Panic Wood is a bit incomprehensible. The two skills came up and disabled Udyr, who was not half full.

It happened that Seti punched down with two punches, and Udyr died suddenly.

"First Blood!"

After killing people, Lin Cheng managed to survive until he recovered triumphantly.

Canna didn't do enough damage, so he had to dodge and run back.

Lin Cheng made an emoji of Li Qing clasping his fists.

what!Sorry, I'm taking the lead again.

 Sorry, it's late today
(End of this chapter)

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