This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 89 Brother Li, I'm Spicy

Chapter 89 Brother Li, I'm Spicy
Tangun: "Wow!!! Unrestrained imagination! What an artistic TP, after the TP went around alone in the case of Qinggang Shadow residual blood, I saw this kind of operation for the first time in the arena, he was too daring Hit it! If the blind field E is empty, this TP is giving away."

CT: "Also started playing professionally this year. Canna has been playing for more than a month, but he is more like a rookie than Cheng. Canna is a little bit overwhelmed by the details and tricks."

Tangun: "Just now, with the help of his teammates, he killed the captain. Cheng ran to the triangle grass and gave him a look. I thought he was afraid of GANK, but I didn't expect it to be an offensive eye position. It's really a genius idea. "

CT: "In just two games, this rookie player has brought us too many surprises. I believe KT fans, like me, are looking forward to more surprises from player Cheng. His style of play is so entertaining. "

Tangun quipped: "Of course, fans of T1 are probably not expecting it now."

The T1 members also talked a lot about Captain Yaoguang being single-killed by Qinggang Shadow who only had Dolan Shield.

Faker in the middle just happened to cut the screen to see the whole process, "Changdong is more stable, don't rush to play slowly, just develop well."

Cuzz: "Changdong, what's going on? How did you get killed alone?"

Canna opened her mouth but didn't speak.

I said I was a network card, do you believe it?

After killing the captain again, Lin Cheng quickly dealt with the troops.

Just now, Cuzz went to the F6 of the anti-blue side. Lin Cheng was very sure that the position of the wine barrel was not in the upper half. When the captain did not have TP, Lin Cheng completely pushed the line of troops to the first tower of the red side before choosing to return.

After more than three minutes, Lin Cheng went home and also took out Yaoguang. Not to mention the advantage of the equipment, since the captain did not have TP in two consecutive deaths, the experience has been thrown away by Qinggangying a lot.

With the help of his teammates and his own operation, Lin Cheng reversed the captain's brilliant start in just 2 minutes.

The captain of Canna was cowardly at this moment. He first placed a retreat barrel at the back and then carefully replenished his troops, allowing Qinggangying to press the line.

With Yaoguang, the level-leading Qinggangying's ability to exchange blood is already very strong, but worried that the opposite wine barrel should have been brushed to the upper half, Lin Cheng used W consumption to slow down and kick, but did not force it. Pay E to kick up to find the captain to exchange blood.

After all, he didn't flash, and if the pressure line was relatively deep, he handed E to attack. If he was surrounded by the barrel, he would not be able to run even if he had vision.

In 5 minutes, the first earth dragon refreshed.

The red side started to move the dragon first, and Tusin ran to Xiaolong Pit to see the opponent's movement, but after a little evaluation, KT chose to let Xiaolong go directly.

Due to the prince's level 2 catch, the lower half was reversed by two groups of wild monsters, and he was already one level behind the barrel, and Galio in the middle lane just reached level six, and Rambo also fell behind because of the [-]-minute TP support on the top lane gained experience.

In the case of Qinggangying without TP, the chances of winning this wave of Xiaolong Group KT by force of 4 on 4 in the second half are too small.

The teammates lost Xiaolong below, but Lin Cheng was a little angry at the top, but forcibly kicked up to play the shield and consumed a lot of the captain's blood. The captain is definitely not as good as Qinggangying in this wave of collisions.

However, Lin Cheng didn't want to kill, Kuro signaled that Galio in the middle was gone, and Qinggangying quickly stepped back.

Threatened by Galio in the middle, even though Qinggangying first rose to level [-], it was still not easy to move the captain, and the two sides were calm on the road for a while.

Canna also accepted the suggestion of his teammates. If there is no head iron, he has to fight with Lin Cheng online and focus on his own development.

Bono: "Wait until I get to level six, then hit the road to catch a wave of captains."

Lin Cheng: "Forget it, anyway, the captain on the other side just wants to grow and doesn't want to push even the line, so let him grow."

Lin Cheng didn't bother to put on the top lane, and just finished pushing the line and touched the middle lane in 7 minutes when the flash was going to be good, sending a signal.

Brother Li, I'm going to be spicy!

Junri: "Oh? Galio didn't lean up. This Qinggangying actually ran over to the middle to do something. It's very thoughtful."

Corgi: "The main reason is that Canna is playing too passively now. Although his development has died twice, he is not too far behind, but the captain didn't dodge a prince plus Qinggangying and didn't dare to push the lane too quickly. It was Qinggangying who held the push without Tiamat."

Junri: "However, this wave of Cuzz's wine barrels happens to be in the river below. Galio can be quickly supported by the wine barrels, and the Qinggangying route will definitely be discovered by Li Ge's vision, and it may be a waste of time. already."

Since Bono came up and lined up for a view just now, Lin Cheng was sure that the upper half of the river on the red side had no view, and he leaned straight from the river to the middle.

However, it seems that there are eyes in the grass in the middle of the river. Galio, who was pressing the line in the middle, turned around with an E skill and suddenly pulled away to the right, turned and ran down the river.

Kuro: "Galio didn't dodge, Galio didn't dodge."

Hearing this, Lin Cheng's E skill shot.

Two white hook locks pulled the blue steel shadow outside the river grass to the corner of the river wall.

Due to the distance from Galio, there is no dash indicator for wall return.

Lin Cheng flashed decisively, and the instant dash indicator appeared when he crossed the wall of the river, Qinggang Ying swept out the leg blade, and the second E went straight to Galio.

Although Qinggangying's wall was unable to hit directly due to Li Ge's position in the river below, the outer edge of the tactical sweep happened to give a huge deceleration.

Qinggangying's E, Flash, and E cooperated with tactics to swept away too far. Lin Cheng now crossed most of the screen from the outcropping of the grass in the middle of the river and kept Galio, who was about to get into the grass in the lower river.

Kuro's Rambo spilled his ultimate move from a distance, and Qinggang Shadow leaned towards Galio.

At this moment, a round figure suddenly emerged from the grass behind Galio, and the wine barrel slammed into Rambo's constant temperature and launched a meat bomb impact.

Lin Cheng didn't give Cuzz a chance to make an E-flash, and started the ultimate move immediately.

I saw the blue steel shadow jumping high into the unselectable state, and the golden Hex ultimatum area shrouded down, locking Galio and bouncing the wine barrel.

The bouncing wine barrel threw a big move with his backhand. He wanted to blow up Qinggangying, but Lin Cheng just avoided the blasting wine barrel with a dexterous spiral.

This position not only avoided the big barrel of the wine barrel, but Qinggangying did not leave the Hex ultimatum area and successfully retained Galio.

Although the captain's ultimate move fell, the wine barrel that was empty of skills did not have the ability to cooperate with Galio to drop the blue steel shadow in seconds.

Brother Li, who was almost cooked by Rambo's big move, struggled in vain for a while, Kuro's Rambo rushed up and spit fire, Qinggang Yingyi went down and took the head.

And Cuzz had to hand over the flash run due to being slowed down by Rambo's harpoon.

But Bono's prince just happened to be leaning over, flashing EQ hit the barrel, and Rambo smashed Cuzz's head with a hammer.

(End of this chapter)

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