This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 902 Brother Orange 1 Knife 1 Stranger Chapter [-]

Chapter 902

If it was the beginning of the season, Lin Cheng certainly wouldn't expect such an outrageous thing like winning the championship with a 100% winning rate.

After all, in the first half of the K Cup, KT’s performance, not to mention the black fans, wanted to laugh. After the game, Lin Cheng was fed by his team’s meal operation, and laughed out loud several times.

Even better than last year's KT Spring Championship, even though they didn't lose a single game after Lin Cheng came on stage, but before Lin Cheng came on stage, KT lost five games in a row.

Although KT did not lose in a big game last summer, it can be said that they won the championship with a complete victory, but they still lost to T1 led by Li Ge in small rounds, and the winning rate still did not reach 100%.

There is no team that always wins in the professional arena. Lin Cheng's career has already started at a very high level, and now it is difficult to describe it as difficult.

But in life, there must always be a goal.

On February 2th, KT's first game after the year ushered in Nongshim.

At the end of the new year, the contestants from both sides not only pre-recorded a video of New Year greetings to the Chinese audience in Huya's interview before the game, but also expressed their expectations for the next year's game.

Nongshim's record before the Spring Festival was very poor, with only two wins, it was only because of small points that it barely managed to snatch BRO's title of vice squad leader.

With such a record, Nongshim's top laner Rich said that he wants to bring his talent in another game to League of Legends, and he wants to beat Lin Cheng and KT.

It is rare for Lin Cheng not to say anything. In the video interview, Lin Cheng just said that he is waiting for Rich's challenge.

Although Nongshim was very confident, KT did not encounter too many obstacles in the final game.

Although the NS bot lane duo played quite brilliantly, and Mr. Dai and Xiao Reaper were killed by the line at one point, but KT's advantage in the upper half is too great.

A mid-laner like Bay with insufficient basic skills and weak laning ability faced Chaowei. It was really Laifu who met Chang Wei and was beaten as soon as he entered the door.

And Lin Cheng won two consecutive rounds in the top lane, and Akali also beat the opposing Storm Triple Crown Champion Rich to an explosion of mentality.

Say the harshest words before the game, and get the most vicious beating in the game.

Rich is true to the full effect of the program.

In the same two games, Rich chose his signature sword demon to face Lin Cheng, but it was such a hero with high recovery ability that Lin Cheng kept fighting back, but even the master B's sword demon was still being beaten. Akali found an opportunity to cooperate with her teammates to kill.

In this case, the only AD with normal development found out that his teammates raised two big dads in the middle and top as soon as he joined the team. Nongshim was taken away by KT2:0 almost without any power to fight back.

After the game, the director just showed a picture of Rich sitting slumped in the training room. This picture was quickly posted on the Storm Forum, which made countless Storm players cry.

Is this still the all-powerful Storm Triple Crown?
You know, regardless of game influence, Rich's dominance in Heroes of the Storm should exceed Faker's dominance in League of Legends a few years ago.

But now, after changing the environment, this little fat man has become a toy in the hands of others.

Akali in Lin Cheng's two rounds is full of murder books. It can be said that every page of the murder book is filled with Rich's name.

This is not a toy what is it?
Although the opponent is indeed the world's number one top laner, this gap is still too worrying for Storm players.

On February 2th, KT ushered in its second opponent in the fifth week, the current league No. 20 DK.

The confrontation between the top two teams in the league is naturally full of topics, and the interview video released by Huya before the game has also attracted attention.

"The last time we met was the Kespa Cup final one and a half months ago. It was another fading championship dream. I can't remember how many times I lost to KT. It was really hard during that time."

When Showmaker faced the camera, he was no longer as high-spirited and bitter as he was when he challenged KT last summer.

The chubby Cayon remembers clearly: "Seven times! We have lost to KT seven times in a row. Last year they chased us from the LCK all the way to Shanghai like ghosts. They even snatched the Kespa Cup after returning. .”

The Ghost Emperor hugged his head and wailed: "Ah~~~~ I really want to beat them once! Even if it's just an ordinary league, even if this victory doesn't bring us a championship, really!"

The video interview of the three DK players looked very sad, which made the audience in the Huya live broadcast room very happy.

Last year's DWG really had a bad luck. They thought that they would be able to leave their name in the LCK after being reborn in the summer split, but they met the prosperous KT.

The league was hammered, the world championship was hammered, and after returning, it continued to be hammered.

Not to mention these players, the audience is numb.

From DWG to changing its name to DK, this team has lost seven games in a row against KT, and three times in the finals, KT personally buckled the runner-up hat.

It's very similar to how ROX faced SKT back then.

And Niu Bao's departure this year is also considered to be a big weakening of DK. Facing KT, whose performance is becoming more and more stable, it seems that DK's chances of winning are not great.

However, the old DK players lack confidence, while the newcomer Hanzi is very confident.

"Ah! I haven't seen you for a month, player Lin Cheng! You were last year's world champion. I am honored to meet you on this stage."

"I'm also envious of what you've achieved, something I've only dreamed of."

"However! Your grades don't make me feel timid."

"It's my last chance in my career, and I'm going to blow out all the energy for the rest of the year, and you'll be shocked."

"Just like the result of our RANK match two days ago, I will beat you today, and then I will continue to beat you in the rest of the year."

Speaking of this, Brother Hanzi suddenly turned into Brother Yaoshui, raised his fists and shook his head and shouted: "Come on! Bang bang bang... I, Jin Donghe, will take all of your glory."

Brother Hanzi made a sound like a machine gun and said harsh words, and the Huya barrage was very real.

"This mentally handicapped 233333."

"I burst out laughing! Brother Hanzi is a comedian."

"If you dare to talk harshly to Brother Cheng, you will probably be hammered until Mom doesn't know you."

"It's an old tradition of Khan to be slapped in the face for saying harsh words, and I don't have a long memory."

"The Triple Crown winner who spoke harshly in the previous storm has already been carried away by Brother Chengzi, and this one is also cold."

As soon as the camera turned, Lin Cheng came up.

Lin Cheng faced the camera and was a little surprised when he heard the interview host's narration.

"Oh? Jin Dongha, did he really say that?"

After being confirmed, Lin Cheng shook his head with a smile: "Wow~~~ After earning a lot of money from LPL, he seems to have too much expectation."

Having said that, Lin Cheng's face was serious, and he suppressed his smile and looked at the camera very seriously:

"But please stop speaking harshly to God, you can't afford the consequences."

"Watch it! Next, watch me strike a sassy monster."

(End of this chapter)

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