This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 919 You don't like me just because you don't know me

Chapter 919 You don't like me just because you don't know me

This article was spread to Lin Cheng's ears by fans as soon as it was published.

Five deadly crimes, Zong Zong punished his heart.

But Lin Cheng definitely didn't recognize it.

It's outrageous to step on a horse and give brother Cheng a crime of lust!

Hmm~~~ But the evaluation of teammates is still a little bit of a sign.

Little Peanut was indeed in a downturn in the World Championship. Chaowei was invisible in the middle of the key game, and Mr. Dai died suddenly in various poses.

As for the RANK amount of the little death god, the audience misunderstood it.

Effort actually has a lot of RANK, but he often plays trumpet, which makes playing a few rounds of RANK in a month seems outrageous.

Not only did Lin Cheng know about it, but the Korean version of the five deadly crimes of KT also appeared later, and the teammates were filled with righteous indignation. . .

An exaggeration, but a little bit more correct.

Although very angry, but can not find a reason to refute.

KT's idiots are holding their breath to prove themselves.

Of course, Lin Cheng didn't need proof.

Anyway, labor and management just don't recognize it, and you have the guts to open my head.

See if it's full of black silk and long legs?
Although T1 fans are a bit unreasonable, at least at the beginning, many people agree that KT is weaker than last year.

After all, last year's KT team was a world champion that was played step by step.

Although Bono played as a team, he didn't have too many tricks other than flashing and grabbing crabs. He was the best non-wild core jungler in the world last year.

Kuro's online ability is not particularly good, but the overall radiation support is obviously much better than Chaowei.

Aiming even beat Mr. Dai several times. He can be stable and C, and rarely overwhelms him.

Although Tusin also died suddenly, his illness was much milder than that of Little Reaper last year, and the command decision-making is really nothing to say.

Comparing one by one, it is impossible to find fault with saying that KT is weak before the start of the season.

Fortunately, as the schedule progressed, the KT players also used their performance to gradually change the audience's opinion.

But Lin Cheng can't take off the hat of being an old critic.

After the game, he flirted with Miss Zhixian, and even accepted the dowry from the Crown family in the live broadcast room. The audience ridiculed him that sooner or later he would be stabbed by the legendary Mrs. Cheng.

Everyone was laughing and joking for a while, and Lin Cheng stayed in the training room with Chaowei to accept the post-match interview.

The MVP of the first round was Lin Cheng's wine barrel. Although the Chinese streamers voted for Lin Cheng in the second round, Chaowei still won by a slight margin.

The two connected with the commentary in the training room. Today the commentator is Yoon Soo Bin, and the guests are Kwang Seok and Kuro.

Lin Cheng greeted the audience, and the interview officially started.

Yin Xiubin: "It's another 2:0! KT defeated all the LCK opponents in the first round of the Spring Split with great momentum. Let me tell you how it feels first, player Cheng?"

Lin Cheng: "I am very happy to win the game cleanly, and I am even happier to see happy faces."

Kuro smiled and said, "Are you talking about me?"

Lin Cheng: "Stop being sentimental, don't you think you look better than the hostess?"

Guangshi burst into laughter immediately, and Yin Xiubin covered his face with his hands and was also laughing.

Even Chaowei next to him tried his best not to show his canine teeth.

Kuro's face was already dark, but now it's even darker, "Ah! You really are! Don't forget, I still have the code for the gate of the base."

"What do you want?"

Kuro said word by word: "When you sleep tonight, don't close your eyes!"

Hearing the threats from his old teammates, Lin Cheng waved his hands: "Just kidding! Don't be so serious."

After finishing speaking, Lin Cheng turned his head and shouted towards the outside of the training room: "Who is that! Hurry up and change the combination lock at the entrance of the base! Immediately!"

Even Kuro couldn't hold back anymore, and the three people in the commentary burst into laughter.

Huya barrage exploded.

"Fuck! The feature film has started! Isn't this much better than the game?"

"Laugh! Brother Cheng's interview can be called a soul variety show."

"Brother Chengzi! A good-looking skin and an interesting combination of souls."

"Kuro: I have to find a chance to deal with this kid."

As a professional host, Yin Xiubin quickly calmed down and continued to ask Chaowei the same question.

Chaowei is more disciplined than Lin Cheng, pretending to be cold and lowering the volume to express his satisfaction with the current team's record.

Yin Xiubin: "Cheng player, this is the eighth time you have led KT to defeat DK since your debut. The opponent is also the team you have defeated the most times. The outside world calls you the nemesis of DK. What do you think?"

Lin Cheng is very confident: "This description is not accurate, I should be the nemesis of all teams."

"Nai! That's true, but no other team has been defeated by you so many times like DK."

Yin Xiubin looked at the cards in his hand, "Even the Canyon players said in interviews that they lacked confidence in beating you, and you seem to have become their demon."

"Really? Kenshiki really said that?"

Lin Cheng thought for a while: "I can help them contact a psychiatrist."

God damn contact a psychiatrist!
Sprinkle salt in the wound, right?

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't hold back anymore, and the barrage flooded like snowflakes.

But Lin Cheng swears that he didn't say any dirty words.

He just cares about the mental health of Jianfu, a shy little fat man.

The psychiatrist that Lin Cheng mentioned was Xiaoying's mother, who was doing business for Jiang Subin by the way.

When I beat all the other teams in the LCK to the point where I need to see a psychiatrist, Xiaoying's mother will definitely think highly of me!

At that time, pleading with Xiaoying girl will also have a little weight.

Lin Cheng lost his mind inexplicably, and Yin Xiubin continued to ask:
"The first game experienced a very interesting BP. In the end, Cheng chose Gragas for the first time in the game. What do you think of Gragas' strength now?"

Lin Cheng: "Gragas is a very special hero on the road now. At present, he can play in any situation. It can be used as a front row control or a supplementary output. It is also a hero that is difficult to be defeated."

Yin Xiubin: "As you said, Gragas has a very high appearance rate. All LCK top laners have used this hero. Can you share with us the secret to playing this hero well?"

Lin Cheng thought for a while: "This hero is actually very simple. The first and most important thing to play well is not to use up your skills, otherwise you will easily become a clown."

Yin Xiubin: "Nei! The schedule is over halfway, and KT is steadily advancing on the road to defending the league championship. Does Cheng have anything to say to the fans?"

"Thank you for the fans' support all the time, and I will try my best to win every game... We are determined to win the three consecutive league championships."

Lin Cheng's serious face made the KT fans in front of the screen extremely at ease.

Lin Cheng suddenly remembered something again: "That's right! I still have something to say to those who have never recognized me."

"From last year to this year, you must have had a hard time, right?"

"You don't like me just because you don't know me."

"After you get to know me, you may want to kill me."

(End of this chapter)

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