This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 926 What Are You Thinking About All Day?

Chapter 926 What Are You Thinking About All Day?
People who keep pets are very willing to share the daily life of their pets. Zhiyan did not forget to show the three little guys while chatting with Lin Cheng.

"Is this Pomeranian Miss Enjing's dog?"

Enjing interrupted: "This is not a Pomeranian, Mushroom is a Maltese dog."

"It doesn't matter... what are you all busy with recently?"

"What can I do? Because I haven't been to the dance studio for that matter these days, I just occasionally play live broadcasts and play games."

Ji Yeon is very optimistic, as if she has made money because of the death threat, "Eun Jing O'Neill has a TV series coming out soon, remember to help promote it when you have time."

"No problem, how to promote what you say."

"You can wear women's clothing to make a video promotion, and the number of views will definitely explode."

"Hey! What did you just say? The signal is not very good. Let me hear the previous sentence again."

"I said, you can wear women's clothes to help promote it, and the broadcast volume will definitely explode..."

"Not this one, but the previous one."


Zhiyan thought for a while, "Hmm~~~ O'Neill has a new drama coming out, I asked you to remember to help promote it when you have time."

"I'm busy!"

Ji Yeon:"······"

Enjing couldn't help laughing at the conversation between the two.

"Look over there! Look over there!"

Just as they were talking, Dobby accidentally threw the ball into Snow Flower's cathouse, and the two puppies stood next to the boss and watched eagerly.

Snow Flower was still lying lazily in the soft cat nest, flicking its tail back and forth comfortably.

It has no interest in a ball that falls to it, but it also has no intention of actively returning it.

Dobby dared to paw at the edge of the litter box, trying to fish the ball out with one front paw.

Snowflake ignored it.

The dog's paws were not flexible enough, and Dobby tried to grab the ball with his mouth after a failed attempt.

But just as it stretched its head over, Xue Hua slapped it with a backhand.

Little Teddy retracted his head quickly, almost getting his face covered with claws.

What's interesting is that after retracting his head, Dobby squatted by the cat's nest and raised his two front paws, making a gesture similar to raising his hands in surrender, as if saying:
Brother, I'm here to pick up the ball!Do not misunderstand.

The three of them were amused, they didn't expect Little Teddy to have such a talent.

No one has ever taught it this kind of action before.

Licking his nose aggrievedly, Little Teddy stretched out his claws again and failed to catch the ball, and then wanted to poke his head over. Snowflake quickly slapped him again.

Dobby had been beaten a lot, and his reaction was really quick. The moment Snow Flower turned around and swung his claws, little Teddy took a step back to avoid the attack, but Dobby couldn't squat firmly with only two hind legs, and fell backwards. It's all over the place.

The kitten gave Dobby a threatening look, and continued to lie back comfortably, wagging its tail.

The good brother had a bad start, so Mushroom volunteered to catch the ball with his claws, following Dobby's example.

But it didn't work either, just as the mushroom was trying to bite the ball with its mouth, Snowflake slapped it quickly.

You can use your hands, don't bring your heads together.

Mushroom was a little dazed by this slap, with grievances and humbleness written all over his face.

"Snow Flower is not allowed to bully mushrooms! Everyone should get along well."

Zhiyan hurried up to help the two puppies retrieve the ball, and the two puppies finally had fun in the room again.

Seeing that there was no excitement over there, Lin Cheng said goodbye casually, "That's it, I'll hang up first."

"Okay! Let my sister give me a kiss at the end! Mua~~~"

"Psycho, you!"

Lin Cheng quickly hung up the video call.

Over there, Ham Eun Jung squeezed Ji Yeon's cheek angrily.

"Ah! You crazy girl! He has a girlfriend."

"I know, that guy even claims to be on two boats."

"Really? Let's hear it."

"say what?"

"The thing about him stepping on two boats."

"Yeah? Did you miss the point? What the hell do you care about?"

"Of course I care about gossip."

The next morning, after Lin Cheng got up, he sweated profusely in the base gym for an hour, then took a shower, changed his clothes and left the base.

It was already ten o'clock when we got back to the apartment.

When he entered the door and saw Han Shuyan, Lin Cheng went up and gave her a big hug.

"Sister Shuyan, I miss you."

Han Shuyan stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the cheek, and said with a smile: "Okay! Let me go, I'm just going to go out to buy some food."

"Yeah? So you want to send me away? Not enough, no!"

Lin Cheng lowered his head and pouted.

Han Shuyan looked at Lin Cheng's slightly childish movements amusedly, the waves in her eyes were as gentle as water.

Seeing that she didn't express it, Lin Cheng pursed his mouth in disgust on purpose.


After gouging him out, Han Shuyan raised her head and kissed her boyfriend's lips proactively.

Lin Cheng was intoxicated by the soft and moist touch.

He knocked on his girlfriend's teeth decisively and launched an attack.


Han Shuyan's position was easily lost, and she responded slowly.

After a while, Han Shuyan finally pushed her boyfriend away, panting, seeing that this guy was about to kiss her until she fainted, "Okay! Let go of my sister, or we'll have to drink the wind at noon."

Lin Cheng smiled and said, "I'm willing to drink the Northwest Wind when I'm with Sister Shuyan."

This guy talked one way and another, Han Shuyan held back the smile on his lips and gave him a white look.

"Where's Xiao Tong?"

"Still sleeping late, Xiaotong stayed up late again last night."

"Then leave her alone! Let's go shopping together."

"Don't run away as soon as you come back, I'll go alone."

"How can I do that? Such a beautiful girlfriend, I can't read it without even looking at it."

"Alright, alright."

Han Shuyan couldn't stand him a little bit, "If you want to go, just follow me honestly, don't make trouble for my sister."

"As ordered!"

Lin Cheng saluted, and sat on the sofa in a well-behaved manner, waiting for his girlfriend to pack up and get ready.

"Sister Shuyan! Although it's our date, it doesn't need to be too grand."

"What a date! Don't make noise, just wait patiently."


Han Shuyan didn't take long to prepare, and she came out of the back room soon.

She put on light makeup, and a light-colored thin coat couldn't conceal her beautiful curves. Light blue jeans wrapped her slender legs.

Lin Cheng was a little jealous.

Only he knows how ecstasy it feels to have these beautiful legs wrapped around his waist.

Han Shuyan walked to the entrance and leaned over to put on her shoes. Lin Cheng curiously pointed to a pair of silver high-heeled shoes on the shoe rack next to her.

"Huh? Whose shoes are these?"

"Mine! I bought it with Sister Shiyan yesterday, isn't it pretty?"

"Put it on and have a look."

"What will you wear? Who wears high heels when you go grocery shopping?"

"That's right."

Lin Cheng thought about it, and suddenly leaned close to Han Shuyan's ear, " sister will wear it for me at night, okay?"

"Yeah! What have you been thinking about all day, you bastard?"

(End of this chapter)

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