This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 934 Don't doubt my identity

Chapter 934 Don't doubt my identity

Just as the players were resting between courts, the MVP of the first game was given.

Lin Cheng's bust appeared on the broadcast screen.

He is slightly sideways, with his left hand hanging naturally, and his right hand in his pocket. His handsome face is slightly smiling, his body is straight, and smooth muscle lines are faintly visible under the loose team uniform.

Corgi: "Uh~~~ All 12 votes were cast for Brother Chengzi. It seems that everyone can understand the game, there is nothing wrong with it!"

Wanwan: "This is Brother Chengzi! He will always show his best side on the court. He has extreme aggressiveness in him. His operations are delicate, elegant and full of creativity. But he also Steady to the extreme, he never lets his creativity become a burden to the team, it's really hard to find a reason not to like him with such a player."

"Woooo! Wanwantie has a crush on Brother Cheng."

"It has been given in vain! I testify."

"Damn it! I just fell in love with the female commentator and got cheated?"

"One thing to say, Brother Chengzi is really likable."

"This poster is simply a top male model! Doesn't it blow the steamed buns into scum?"

"Brother Cheng's only shortcoming is that he has a girlfriend..."

"It's okay! He doesn't have a boyfriend yet, I can!"


"Freud said: The human spirit is divided into id, ego and superego. I have the first two, and Brother Cheng can give me the third."

"This one is even more heavyweight."

Soon, the screen switched back to the scene, and the second game was about to start.

What is surprising is that the second game of T1 did not adjust the lineup like the last time the two sides played against each other. It was still five young people who came up and were beaten.

In the Huya live broadcast room, even the viewers wearing the T1 fan badges were fighting one after another, making KT kill him.

Originally, the number of science fans in China was overwhelming, and most people naturally wished that Closer's game would lose to an explosion.

Go to Nima's Youth Storm!

Go to your uncle's future can be expected!
Brother Li doesn't know how long you can play, who cares about your future in T1?

Although last year when Teddy Cuzz was present, T1 fans were madly scolding, I hope the newcomers will come up and fight side by side with Brother Li.

But now that the newcomers have come up, and Brother Li has been carried down, who cares about them?

Ke Fan naturally hopes that T1 will be as miserable as possible.

To be honest, among the five starting players in T1, only Keria has a complete season experience. According to the normal situation, it is definitely necessary to give newcomers a certain amount of time to adapt to the game.

Not everyone is Lin Cheng. Most of the players who have really played well have experienced at least one season of tempering.

Abin, who was known as the strongest top laner in the LPL World Championship last year, was once a laughing stock in the spring split.

This is actually the case with this group of young players in T1 now. There are operational skills, but they still need to be polished on the field.

But the biggest problem is that T1 is a very special club.

The pressure of public opinion on this team is very high, and there is no room for trial and error at all.

Just imagine, what would happen if EDG suddenly wanted to have a youth storm, put on five youth players, and put the juniors and younger sisters on the bench?
If the rookie can slash the victory, it can naturally suppress the rhythm, but what about the rookie's performance that is not satisfactory?

Needless to say, the first one to be rushed was the coach who lined up.

Even if Qijiang sat on the coach's seat again, it is estimated that this situation will still be overwhelmed by starch, and Piggy can't protect him.

This is the case with the new supervision of T1 now.

The results fluctuated, the fans in the team were divided into several factions and fought endlessly, and the coaching staff panicked more than the players.

T1 is not a DWG that came from the grassroots. The runner-up coach Danny quickly saw the different atmosphere from DWG.

At the beginning of the S8 deduction, fans and science fans scolded him bloody. Danny didn't say anything to Li Ge when he first arrived, and made a mess of the team's record. Now he is even more scolded in the Korean Open.

Danny has long been scolded enough to close his online account for comments and private messages.

The invincible rookie in the training match is not acclimatized, and the pressure from outside public opinion is huge. Danny can only show his attitude to the outside world by constantly changing players:

I'm really trying to adjust. If you don't believe me, go and see my starting list for the next game.

But this kind of operation can only exacerbate the turmoil in the team.

The current T1 is a quagmire. What needs to be solved urgently is the turbulent atmosphere in the team, not tactical issues.

In the second game, BP Lin Cheng still became the target of KT. In T1, even BAN Daomei, Qinggangying, and Gnar came up.

Wanwan saw blood for a while, "KT didn't target Lilia, so T1 still has a high probability of snatching Lilia, and can continue to take the combination of crocodile + Lilia."

The homework was not in vain, and T1 really snatched Lilia.

No way, Ellim's advantage over the other two junglers is the proficiency of the wild core Lilia. Without Lilia, even many viewers don't think he is better than Cuzz.

Originally, it was a good choice for KT to continue to grab the man + Kai'Sa, but KT chose to lock the man + Thresh.

Corgi: "Didn't grab Kai'Sa! Then KT wants to get the Hammer Combination by themselves? In the last game, there was no brother Chengzi on the line to come down to make that wave. In fact, T1 has an advantage. It is also possible to target T1's Hammer Combination."

Wan Wan: "Does KT want to take Jinx? Jinx is also very popular in Korean server recently. He is the hero whose appearance rate is second only to Kai'Sa. This hero happens to be the signature of Deft."

Sure enough, as Wan Wan expected, when Kai'Sa was taken by the blue side, the third floor of KT chose Jinx instead of Aphelios.

There is no doubt that Jinx is the most famous hero in Deft's career. His career winning rate has reached 90%. It just so happens that the attack distance of Jinx's Q skill in the form of cutting guns has been improved in this version, and he has become a T1 level in Korean server AD.

The passers-by in the live broadcast room had already knelt down for Wan Wan, and the predictions were simply amazing.

Even though Wanwan couldn't see the barrage, she still had a little bit of joy.

My hard work preparing for homework was not in vain.

Of course, there is also a little help from Brother Chengzi.

Lin Cheng told Wanwan during the chat before that KT's Hammer combination is actually not a high priority, and it is far from the suppressive power of T1's bot lane.

Coupled with Deft's recent RANK record and played a lot of Jinx, Wan Wan naturally guessed that KT actually wanted to take the Golden Hammer combination.

However, Wanwan's pride didn't last long, and the biggest Waterloo of today was soon ushered in.

In the second round of KT, Lin Cheng continued to compress Lin Cheng’s choices, and Wanwan confidently gave a prediction direction: “I think Chengzi is either Quinn or the barrel! The barrel is more stable, and Quinn is the fiercer. In yesterday’s RANK, he Just used Quinn to fight the crocodile twice in a row."

As soon as the words fell, KT finally locked the captain.

Wan Wan: "Huh? Captain? Why is it the captain? This is unscientific!"

Corgi joked: "What's going on? Who are you fans of Brother Chengzi? You guessed the heroes of your teammates all right, but you guessed the wrong top laner. The audience friends will start to question your identity as a fan of Brother Chengzi."

"The main reason is that Brother Chengzi hasn't used the captain lately..."

Wanwan just wanted to explain, but suddenly realized that it involved a matter of principle, and changed the subject:
"You are not allowed to doubt my composition!"

(End of this chapter)

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