This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 947 LCK Version 6V6 Battle

Chapter 947 LCK Version 6V6 Battle
On March 3, the tenth week of the LCK started.

KT ushered in the last opponent of the regular season this season, GEN·G, in the morning game.

GEN·G is currently ranked third with a record of 12 wins and 5 losses. It is one game ahead of DRX, which is in fourth place, and the small points advantage is enough. Therefore, no matter whether the last game wins or loses, it will not affect the final regular season ranking of the two sides.

It stands to reason that this is a game that does not matter to either side.

Chinese streaming studio.

Today, the senior Xingza Zeyuan and the newly promoted Chengzi brother Tiefan Wanwan are sitting in the commentary booth. The appearance of both parties ignited the enthusiasm of the audience.

What's outrageous is that the bullet screen is full of shouts for Wanwan's wife.

With her fluent commentary and beautiful image, Wan Wan has conquered countless Huya audiences.

Zeyuan: "Welcome to the last week of the regular season of the LCK2021 Spring Split. The match between KT and GEN·G will be held soon. Hello everyone, I am Zeyuan!"

Wanwan: "Hi everyone! I'm Wanwan."

Zeyuan: "Because the points in this game have been scored, it will not have any impact on the situation. It doesn't matter if you win or lose. You can watch today's game with a relaxed mind."

Wan Wan: "Well~~~ I can't say it doesn't matter, if KT wins 2:0 today, it will set a record of 100% winning percentage in the regular season, and Brother Cheng's solo kill record is still being refreshed. A win is still important."

Zeyuan: "That's true... But GEN G is definitely not willing to be the background board for such an important record, and I am the best top laner in the LCK this season besides Chengzi. Let's see if I can defend Chengzi alone today. elder brother?"

"Of course it doesn't matter if you can't defend! For KT, this game may have a certain meaning, but for GEN·G, it doesn't matter whether you win or lose."

Wanwan: "Really? Then why did you go to Brother Chengzi's studio to collect gifts?"

Zeyuan: "Uh~~~~Except for being tortured by blood..."

"Laughing to death! The colonel has already figured out an excuse for being beaten violently, and he still refuses to let go at night."

"Low EQ: protection fee, high EQ: fear of being tortured by blood."

"The last one who made the Colonel overwhelmed was God K."

"Bengbu lives! 6V6 battle, right?"

"Fast forward to the commentary booth and start fighting."

"It's impossible to fight, just fast forward to Ze Yuan's pig liver face."

Before the pre-match analysis and broadcasting had time to upload the data, the two commentators explained what it means to be like a treasure.

Wanwan: "Last week, I played against KT and Hanwha Chengzi and got a total of three solo kills. If I remember correctly, his number of solo kills has reached 48. If today's BO3 can get two solo kills, he will enter the top 50. close."

Zeyuan: "But I'm so steady! In the last ten BO3 games, my brother has not been solo-killed once, only he has solo-killed others! It's not so easy for Chengzi to break through today."

Obviously at the beginning they said it was an irrelevant match, but in the end, the two of them just wanted to convince each other in a daze, and the effect of the show was full if you said something to me.

At this time, the scene has not been cut in, and the director first gave a short interview video.

The short film was specially recorded by the staff at the LCK team base in advance, just to show it to the Chinese stream audience.

It was an interview with Ruler at the beginning, and Ruler greeted him in substandard Chinese: "Hi everyone! I am Ruler, thank you!"

Chidi only knew one sentence in Chinese, and then began to answer the host's questions in Korean.

In the end, Ruler also thanked Zeyuan in particular: "He seems to support us all the time, thank you very much! I also want to repay with grades, thank you!"

What's very funny is that when Ruler expressed his thanks, Chinese streaming bullet screens had an idiom:
Repay grievances with virtue!
Don't you think that the support of the colonel is a positive BUFF?
After Ruler's interview was over, the director gave Lin Cheng a short video.

Lin Cheng's interview seemed relatively relaxed. After greeting everyone in Chinese, he also expressed his confidence in the upcoming games.

The host asked: "The Chinese stream commentator Wanwan is your loyal fan, do you have anything to say to her?"

Lin Cheng: "Well~~~ Really not, because we are friends, I have finished talking to Wan Wan on WeChat if I have anything to say!"

The host asked again: "Since I have nothing to say to Wanwan, do you have anything to say to Guan Zeyuan? Although he is a GEN·G fan, he also supports you very much."

Lin Cheng thought for a while: "Then if KT and Gen. G face off, will he still support me?"

The host's answer was very sincere: "Then I don't think so."

"I see."

Lin Cheng nodded, and looked at the screen seriously: "Guan Zeyuan, listen carefully, next time I will personally smash your beloved GEN·G to pieces!"

The short film ended here, and the barrage exploded in Huya's live broadcast room.

"I'm dying of laughter! This is the result of the senior colonel's confession?"

"It seems that the protection fee is reduced, which has the opposite effect."

"Small mouth with honey! As expected of Brother Chengzi."

"Focus on it, do it to pieces!"

"Shouldn't the point be that there is Brother Chengzi's WeChat account in Wanwan? I don't know who to envy."

"Kill Orange Dog! Grab Wanwan!"

Zeyuan: "What the hell! I'm numb! It's the first time a player points at me and says they want to destroy the team I support after so long in the commentary."

Wanwan comforted: "It's not against you! Brother Chengzi is such an outspoken person, he speaks the truth."

Zeyuan: "...then I will feel even worse!"

In fact, I really can't blame Lin Cheng for turning his face after accepting the gift. The main reason is that the short film was recorded a few days in advance, and it was already too late for the senior colonel to submit the confession.

At this time, the live scene finally cut in.

It happened that Lin Cheng was waving at the camera while he was still talking.

It's a pity that the sound recorded by the microphone is too small to be heard clearly.

Viewers of the Chinese stream started to whisper the devil's whispers, expressing that Ze Yuan and GEN·G are about to suffer.

Soon the camera cut to GEN·G's training room, and Rascal's face appeared in the frame.

The barrage exploded again.

Brother's memes are very popular in China. Every time GEN·G's barrage exceeds 90%, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is top-notch.

The main reason is that everyone thought Rascal was a villain at the beginning, and the joke was for ridicule, but in the end it was discovered that he was really a gentle and caring person.

Although domestic audiences do not buy the strict etiquette in South Korea, the main reason is that they have seen too much bullying.

Someone like Brother who respects the seniors and loves the younger ones, even if he is a little pedantic, he really can't hate him.

"Brother's smile! This is a kiss!"

"Brother: I heard that your kid wants to crush me?"

"Do you think brother won't be crushed?"

"Damn it! Ever since Guan Zeyuan started talking one brother at a time, watching GEN·G games now really can't open barrage."

"Do you think brother's barrage needs you to watch?"

 Recently, everyone has reported that the perception of the game is not good, mainly because I want to briefly write and fast forward.

  I went to look at the alliance essays with good grades, but it seems that I can't grasp them well.

(End of this chapter)

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