This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 960 Dating With The Little Wife

Chapter 960 Dating With The Little Wife
April 4st is April Fool's Day.

After three days of high-intensity training, Lin Cheng finally had a short vacation, and Lin Cheng was preparing to sleep in in the apartment.

Han Shuyan has already gone to work, and Enxi's little girl has also been sent to kindergarten. No one should bother him to sleep late.

At around nine o'clock, Xiao Tong sent a text message urging Lin Cheng to have breakfast.

Lin Cheng ignored it and continued to sleep soundly.

Xiao Tong rushed over directly, ready to wake Lin Cheng up.

Lin Cheng was sleeping soundly with his hips pouted, but the first thing Xiao Tong noticed when he entered the bedroom was the mess in the room.

It's fine that the bedding is messy, and a pair of silk stockings are thrown randomly on the floor.

It's still the war-damaged version in Syria.


Last night, he took over Sister Shuyan. This guy really didn't do a good job.

Xiao Tong gritted her teeth.

According to Sister Shuyan's temperament, she must have been tossed too hard last night, and today she was in a hurry to go to work, so she didn't even have time to tidy up her room.

Thinking of the bad things Lin Cheng did to him, and imagining how Sister Shuyan was being bullied, Xiao Tong's blood pressure immediately went up. .

Sister Shuyan!My sister Shuyan!
The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, she simply stood by the bed and kicked Lin Cheng.

"What are you doing?"

Lin Cheng was a little dazed, his eyes opened with difficulty when he woke up suddenly.

"Wake up and have breakfast! Sister Shuyan sent a message in the morning asking me to bring you breakfast."

The little wife's tone was foul. Lin Cheng didn't know where he offended her, so he waved his hands and shrank back under the blanket.

"Don't eat, I'll sleep again."

Just after closing his eyes for a while, Lin Cheng felt his nose was pinched.

"What are you doing? Let me sleep again. I slept very late last night."

Hearing this, Xiao Tong became even more angry.

The later he went to bed, the later sister Shuyan was tortured.

That's abominable!

She slapped Lin Cheng fiercely through the quilt.

"Get up quickly! After you die, you will have time to sleep... tidy up the room by yourself, and don't throw it to Sister Shuyan again."

Hearing this, Lin Cheng raised his head and glanced at the room, and only then did he roughly understand the reason why the little wife had such a stinky face early in the morning.

But what a thick-skinned Lin Cheng is. Wrapped in the quilt, he smiled and squeezed his eyes, "Are you jealous? Sister Shuyan's jealousy?"

"I'll eat you big-headed ghost!"

Xiao Tong was ashamed and angry, and raised her fist to give Lin Cheng a hard time.

In the end, before the powder fist landed, Lin Cheng grabbed her wrist and pulled it hard.


Xiao Tong couldn't stand still, she fell on the bed and was hugged by Lin Cheng.

Xiao Tong still wanted to struggle, but Lin Cheng hugged her tightly.

"Sex embryo! Let me go."

"do not move."

Shouting, but under Lin Cheng's powerful arms, Xiao Tong's struggle was useless at all.

Lin Cheng lowered his head and looked into the little wife's eyes with a smile.

Xiao Tong seems to have woken up early today. At this time, she has already put on light makeup, her eyelashes are naturally straightened, and the pink eye shadow that is smudged seems to be mixed with some sequins, which makes Lin Cheng look at it curiously.

Embarrassed by Lin Cheng's stare, Xiao Tong lowered her eyes, her cheeks seemed to turn pink.

She lowered her head to avoid Lin Cheng's sight, but still did not forget to issue threats.

"Let go! I'm going to sue Sister Shuyan."

"Don't move! Let me give you a hug."

Lin Cheng forcefully suppressed the little wife's struggle, and hugged Xiao Tong in his arms.

Xiao Tong gritted her teeth, not wanting to be bullied by Lin Cheng so easily, so she ruthlessly twisted towards Lin Cheng's waist.

"Hiss~~~ Pain! Pain!"

"Hey! Tell you to bully me... eh!"

Just as Xiao Tong raised her head and was about to be proud, Lin Cheng suddenly lowered her head and blocked her lips.

The last time Lin Cheng was sneaked away by his little wife just as soon as he made a surprise attack, this time he was well prepared, holding Xiao Tong in his arms and never giving her a chance to escape.

The fiery breath hit her cheeks, and Xiao Tong's head suddenly became dizzy.

Her first reaction was to close her eyes.

She was a little afraid to look at Lin Cheng who was stuck in front of her.

The two were intertwined between their lips and teeth, and Xiao Tong only felt a little weak in his body.

Xiao Tong couldn't help but let out a slightly greasy moan in his nasal cavity, Xiaotong felt very ashamed for no reason.

And this guy Lin Cheng has already started to push forward, trying to make a move.

"Ah! Color embryo! Go to hell!"

Her mouth was very fierce, but the little wife didn't even have the courage to look at each other. She pushed Lin Cheng away fiercely and hurriedly got up with her head buried.

In desperation, Xiao Tong struggled to break away from Lin Cheng, but almost fell down.

Lin Cheng hurried to pull her, but Xiao Tong shook off Lin's hand as if bitten by a snake, turned around and fled the bedroom quickly.

"Hey! I haven't gotten up yet! Aren't you calling me for breakfast?"

"Eat one less meal and survive starvation!"

Xiao Tong's panicked voice came from outside, Lin Cheng almost laughed out loud.

Every time the little wife yelled loudly, she was actually a paper tiger.

All drowsiness disappeared, Lin Cheng hummed an out-of-tuned ditty and walked to the bathroom to wash up. By the way, he tidied up the room and went to the next door to prepare for breakfast.

He was bullied by Lin Cheng just now, but Xiao Tong didn't escape back to the bedroom like last time, instead he sat on the sofa with a pillow in his arms and watched TV seriously.

"Yeah! Where did you buy your breakfast? This barbecued pork bun tastes really good."

Lin Cheng kept praising the breakfast, but Xiao Tong ignored him and kept staring at the TV screen.

Knowing that the little wife was still shy, Lin Cheng didn't bother to tease her anymore. He happily finished his breakfast and played with his mobile phone.

One played with the mobile phone and the other watched TV, and the two stayed like this until after 11 o'clock.

"Hey! Lin Cheng."


Seeing that the little wife finally took care of him, Lin Cheng quickly put down his phone and looked over.

As a result, seeing Lin Cheng's gaze, Xiao Tong immediately turned his head away.

"That~~~ Today is April Fool's Day! The milk tea shop in the back street is holding an event, and a cup of milk tea only costs 100 yuan..."

Lin Cheng was taken aback: "100 won? Does the boss do charity?"

100 Korean won is less than [-] cents in RMB. According to the price in South Korea, what is it if it is not charity?
"What do you care about other people's bosses?"

Lin Cheng's attention angle is always different from that of ordinary people. Xiao Tong secretly gave him a white look, "You just say whether to go or not? By the way, we will settle it outside for lunch."

Lin Cheng quickly stood up: "It's done! Wait for me, I'll change clothes."

"Why change clothes?"

"Dating alone with my little wife, brother Cheng must of course dress up handsomely."

Lin Cheng smiled and posed for a pose, then turned around and ran back in a hurry to change clothes.

"Go to hell! What date?"

Although Xiao Tong muttered a few words, when Lin Cheng went out, he also got up and went into the bedroom.

I'm going out, I need to dress up nicely.

Of course, it has nothing to do with Lin Chengcai!
(End of this chapter)

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