This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 964 Domestic Interview

Chapter 964 Domestic Interview
The way Lin Cheng collapsed to the ground amused Xiao Tong.

"Hey! Do you want to be so exaggerated?"

Lin Cheng sat up and looked at Xiao Tong eagerly, "I was thinking, did I miss the only chance in this life just now?"

Xiao Tong suppressed a smile, "Yes! Anyway, I won the bet, you have no chance."

Lin Cheng became even more decadent, staring blankly at the replay highlights of the first round on the TV screen.

It's hard to calm down.

Can you lose with such a good start in the early stage of T1?
The line power is so stable that the pioneer dragons in the early stage can't control even one?
What is Cuzz doing?

Just in time, the data panel came out after the game.

Lin Cheng almost froze.

Cuzz Bear's output was 0.9K, which was lower than the support of both sides.

Is this the kind of damage a human can do?

You must know that the game lasted more than 10 minutes.

Cuzz, whenever he jumps into the crowd with his big move, he will do more than 900 damage.

Now it seems that the factory director's original 4396 is really getting whiter and whiter.

Of course, the main reason why 4396 has been hacked for so long is not because of its low damage.

In that game, the factory director actually said that the game idea was very good. He did a good job of counter-squatting in every wave, and almost predicted all the movements of Peanut.

But the problem is, Seven Sauce does the wrong thing at the right time every time. .

He seized every opportunity very well. From the perspective of God, the audience thought several times that the factory manager was going to become the savior.

As a result, he always performed spicy eye manipulations.

The blind monk caught the next lane and found that there was no energy to release the second-stage Q. After the big move kicked people, the Q was not allowed... These low-level mistakes made the audience numb at the time.

Typical operations do not keep up with awareness.

And Cuzz's game is even more excessive than the factory manager, which is due to lack of operation and awareness.

The whole audience was hard-working, and I didn’t even initiate an active GANK, so I didn’t say anything. I didn’t win any of the three or four disciplinary fights in the early stage, and lost resources crazily.

Cuzz, the only wave of 5V5 team battles, was even more outrageous.

The bloody bear didn't dare to fight for punishment, he flashed and hit the wall after handing in his ultimate move, and the fire dragon soul was given to the fire dragon soul for nothing, and the team was wiped out.

It's also fortunate that Lin Cheng doesn't smoke.

Otherwise, he probably wouldn't be able to figure out how to play this operation Cuzz even after smoking a whole pack of cigarettes.

Of course, the state of the players is indeed very metaphysical. Just because they played well in the first few T1 games, it cannot be assumed that they will be able to play well in the next game.

In e-sports, everything is possible, and it is normal to lose and win.

Lin Cheng could only comfort himself like this.

However, the situation behind this game made his blood pressure full.

In the case of losing one game first, T1 simply and neatly drew three games in a row, allowing one chase and three to advance to the semi-finals.

These men are playing me!
Lin Cheng was very angry.

T1 happened to be rotten in the first game when Xiao Tong was about to give it away for free. As a result, Lin Cheng lost the bet and they changed teams again.

Isn't this playing what is he?
Lin Cheng immediately sent a message to the coach:

Just choose T1! ! !

The opponent in the semifinals will choose T1!

Be sure to choose T1!

I want to crush them! (Crazy) (Crazy) (Crazy)

Kang Dongxun looked at the news on his mobile phone that almost overflowed the screen with resentment, and he was also a little confused.

What's the matter? T1 fans scolded him again?

But he never saw Lin Cheng so angry when he was scolded before, did he?
After the match between T1 and Hanwha, the official LCK staff quickly got in touch with the KT club and asked KT to exercise their right to choose their opponent.

Kang Dongxun did not hesitate and confirmed T1 as his opponent in the semifinals.

After all, Lin Cheng has spoken, and the absolute core of the team still needs to be respected.

The news that KT chose T1 as their opponent in the semifinals came out, and T1 fans were a little upset.

Their one-to-three miracle has just begun. According to the counterattack script, it is perfect to beat DK first in the semifinals, and then knock down last year's world champion KT in the finals.

On the other hand, KT chose T1 as their opponent in the semifinals. Don't they think they are a soft persimmon?
Of course, if they saw the message Lin Cheng sent to Kang Dongxun, they might have another idea.

The little wife didn't catch her in vain, Lin Cheng originally wanted to seek comfort from the eldest wife at night, but it's a pity that Sister Shuyan pulled Xiao Tong early and decided to let Lin Cheng stay alone in the empty room.

Lin Cheng was extremely wronged, he just felt that everything went wrong today.

Han Shuyan saw that he looked unlovable, and taking advantage of Xiaotong's absence, she leaned into Lin Cheng's ear and explained softly: "It's all your fault yesterday... my sister is still a little uncomfortable now."

After finishing speaking, she patted Lin Cheng's head comfortingly: "Be good! Be good... next time sister will show you wearing your favorite black silk."

Sister Shuyan is usually gentle and graceful, but when she occasionally utters such greasy words, her allure to Lin Cheng is fatal.

Lin Cheng stopped being decadent all of a sudden.

Long live Sister Shuyan!
However, he still corrected him seriously: "Don't make me so obscene, it's not that I like black silk, but I like it because Sister Shuyan wears black silk."

"All right, all right! You're right."

Han Shuyan pinched her boyfriend's nose amusedly, and quickly kissed Lin Cheng on the cheek.

Lin Cheng suddenly smiled.

really!She is still the most caring wife.

The next morning, Lin Cheng bid farewell to his concubine after eating the loving breakfast left by Sister Shuyan, and left the apartment slowly.

There are many things to do today. In the afternoon, I will be interviewed by the domestic media "Big E-Sports". In the evening, I will participate in the recording of the peripheral program of the LCK semi-finals with other players.

It was still early when we arrived at the base, so Lin Cheng simply got into the gym and sweated wantonly for an hour.

Sitting in front of the computer for a long time is prone to physical problems. Fortunately, Lin Cheng's long-term fitness habits have not fallen behind. Not only does he have a strong physique, but he also has an invulnerable kidney.

After exercising, he simply took a shower, and Lin Cheng ran into Mr. Dai while having lunch in the cafeteria.

The rest of the teammates ran out, and only Mr. Dai couldn't escape because he was going to be interviewed with Lin Cheng in the afternoon.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, the two accepted an exclusive interview with "Big E-sports" in the honor room of the base.

In fact, interviews like this last spring were usually held in the media room, but who made KT come back with so many honors in just one year?

If you can't show it off, the trophy will not feel so dazzling in the honor room.

The two faced the camera, and the center of the showcase behind them was the dazzling Summoner trophy, and on both sides were the league championship trophy, and even the 7-shaped trophy of the Kespa Cup.

The trophies for KT's participation in all competitions throughout last year are here, showing off the taste.

The host of the interview was YaYa, a reporter from "Great E-Sports".

YaYa: "Hello, both of you, first of all, would you like to introduce each other to the fans?"

"Introduce each other?"

Lin Cheng felt that this method was a bit interesting, so he glanced at Mr. Dai and said, "You come first."

Mr. Dai and Lin Cheng looked at each other, thought for a while, pointed at Lin Cheng and said:
"Hmm~~~ How should I put it? Although this person has served as the captain of KT, he is more like a team bully."

Lin Cheng turned his head with a black question mark face.

Is that how you see me?

(End of this chapter)

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