This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 968 Please eat beautiful sister

Chapter 968 Please eat beautiful sister
The live broadcast continues.

What's funny is that the program team found Brother Hanzi's in-team voice in FPX last year.

A section of the voice was full of beep beep beeps, and Lin Cheng almost went crazy laughing after automatically making up the quintessence of Chinese culture.

Brother Hanzi also said that after returning to the LCK, he must pay attention to the scale when speaking, and usually endures very hard.

After playing the interesting voice, the next step is the audience interaction.

The director will extract questions from the barrage in the live broadcast room and let the host ask questions.

Jin Zhixian held the tablet in his hand, "This question is very interesting. The four contestants, please write down on the answer board the moment when you think the opposite sex is the most attractive."

Cheng Shengjun: "I bet this is definitely a question from a female audience."

Brother Hanzi joked: "Are you sure you are asking all of us? Including me?"

Let’s not talk about Lin Cheng being so handsome. Faker’s popularity is the only one in the LCK. Even Rascal is a bit handsome, but Brother Han’s image is out of place, and he belongs to the kind that even filters can’t save.

Cheng Shengjun hurriedly cheered: "Don't underestimate yourself, at least player Khan, you have a very interesting personality."

"Ah~~~ Can I only talk about character? It's so sad."

Brother Hanzi deliberately acted like he was injured, which amused everyone.

Cheng Shengjun: "This is just Khan's strengths in my eyes. You must have more strengths in the eyes of others. Are you right, Miss Kim Zhixian?"

Jin Zhixian nodded with a smile and passed the ball to Lin Cheng. .

"Contestant Lin Cheng, what do you think?"

"Of course!"

Lin Cheng affirmed, "Jin Donghe, you don't have to be discouraged, you are definitely not useless except for your character, for example..."

Looking up and down at Brother Hanzi, Lin Cheng tried to find out more things to praise.

But his brows gradually wrinkled, and his expression became serious.

"For example...Forget it, let's talk about personality."

The crowd laughed.

The overwhelming barrage in the live broadcast room never stopped.

"Laughing to death! Brother Hanzi said he was very embarrassed!"

"Knowing that brother Cheng is a good chatterbox, the young lady still dares to pass the ball to him."

"The person who asked the question has a problem. Why did he ask the opposite sex? Is it okay to like the same sex?"

"This must not be a fan of Brother Cheng Zi's studio."

"I'm not a fan of Brother Hanzi either. Brother Hanzi's live broadcast room is full of fencing."

After hurting Faker just now, Lin Cheng turned his head and gave Hanzi another heavy hammer, and Rascal hid beside him trembling.

Soon the four of them wrote the answer to this question on the board, starting with Brother Han Zi, they showed their own boards one by one and gave explanations.

Brother Hanzi thinks girls are most attractive when they smile.

My brother thinks girls are most attractive when they lift their long hair around their ears in the breeze.

The pictures of these two answers are very strong and easy to understand.

When it was Faker's turn, the answer on the board was a little bit unexpected.

Li Ge wrote: When moving heavy objects alone.

Brother Lee explained: "One of my favorite dramas is "Strong Woman Do Bong Soon". There is a scene of Park Bo Young pushing a heavy object alone. I think the moment when the heroine is serious, strong and independent is really interesting. charm."

No one would have thought that Lee Sang Hyuk, who is boring and gourd, would give such an answer.

But after thinking about it carefully, the scene was indeed quite vivid, and the men at the scene immediately found a sense of identity.

Lin Cheng clapped his hands: "Ah~~~ You like hard-working and serious girls, right?"

Rascal: "Thinking about it this way, it seems really exciting."

Cheng Shengjun: "Then Faker saw this scene, will you take the initiative to help?"


Brother Li shook his head: "I'm just watching from the side."

Everyone: "???"

Suddenly there was a bit of silence, and this kind of steel straight man's answer caught everyone off guard.

So...after you find a girlfriend, are you going to be a servant?

But if you think about it carefully, this melon skin seems to be such a straight man.

When recording a program during the offseason last year, Faker interacted with a Youtube female blogger. Faker said that he usually likes to watch dog videos, which are very warm and healing.

The female blogger said that Youtube also has a lot of her videos, and hoped that Brother Li would have a chance to take a look.

As a result, Faker said on the spot: Are you a dog too?
The barrage audience twitched from laughter, but Lin Cheng's answer was a bit flamboyant.

Lin Cheng wrote down the answer in Chinese and Korean at the same time: Every moment when my sweetheart is by my side makes my heart move.


The four men hissed.

Everyone is answering the question seriously, are you talking about love here?
"As expected of a talkative king, 23333."

"Brother Chengzi not only speaks flirtatiously well, but also has a set of love talk."

"I really envy Mrs. Cheng, she must be very happy."

"This guy is sitting next to the host, make sure he's teasing the young lady (funny)"

The entire live broadcast lasted for an hour. After the end, the two hosts and the contestants took a group photo in the background.

Brother Hanzi likes to be funny. When everyone took a group photo, this guy was cross-eyed next to him, and he managed to get the style out of the way by himself.

Jin Zhixian and Lin Cheng took another photo alone.

"Guess! Look at the camera and smile."

Lin Cheng didn't make any poses either, he just looked sideways at the camera with a clear smile on his face.

"Hmm~~~ Very handsome! Remember to give me likes on INS."

Jin Zhixian was very satisfied with the photo, Lin Cheng naturally nodded in agreement, took the bread beside him and continued to eat.

"Have you not eaten?"

Lin Cheng bit the bread, and explained vaguely: "I just came here after recording an interview at the club in the afternoon, and I have to be busy getting familiar with the live broadcast process here, so I didn't have time to eat."

"Then do you want to have dinner together later?"


While uploading photos to INS, Kim Ji Hyun casually said, "I haven't had dinner yet, let's have some at the cafe next door? I'm treating you."

Speaking of treats, Lin Cheng felt a little embarrassed.

"Let me treat you... It seems that I still owe Miss Zhixian a meal?"

Lin Cheng had long said in the interview that he wanted to invite this fan to dinner, but he forgot about it when he turned around, and he never put it into action.

Jin Zhixian put down his phone and looked at Lin Cheng with a smile: "Do you still remember? I thought Lin Cheng was just talking."

"I didn't release pigeons on purpose. It was because of epidemic prevention before... Be careful."

Jin Zhixian didn't care about Lin Cheng's explanation, and asked a few other players to confirm that the rest of them had dinner.

"Hey! You wait for me first, I'll go to take off my make-up first... But I'm going to treat you to this meal later, you owe me so long, you can't send me away at the cafe next to you, next time you invite me .”

Lin Cheng's character was not too polite, and he readily agreed.

"Okay! Beautiful sister, please eat, I've made money again."

(End of this chapter)

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