This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 978 National Essence

Chapter 978 National Essence
Lin Cheng's matchup advantage has been so great that it can completely control the battle situation in the upper half, and the second pioneer T1 has no intention of going over to take a look at it.

However, Brother Li is still actively looking for opportunities in this situation. Hearing the roar of the vanguard, the information card that confirms that Riven and Gouxiong are in the upper half of the area immediately moves downward.

Chaowei reported Miss in advance, and Mr. Dai and the assistant retreated consciously.

But it's still a bit late.

The card's ultimate move, Destiny, lights up, followed by a rotating deck of cards appearing behind the two.

Soon Tam's headlights came on, too.

Brother Li flashed a yellow card on the ground to keep the small cannon that had handed over W. Although the Titan gave the card control, the bear who rushed out from the nearby wild area decisively stunned the small cannon with the flash.

Tam landed with Senna.

Mr. Dai was drowned in an instant.

At this time, the TP from Lin Cheng lit up on the first tower.

Seeing this TP, T1 decisively left the four Titans and prepared to retreat to the jungle collectively.

"Xiang Hao, save the people! Brother, come down and kill them all!"

"I'm packing, I can fight!"

In fact, Lin Cheng had already cut the angle of view to the bottom when the card was opened up, but his TP almost improved a little in the first place.

Xiaopao was dead, and seeing Chaowei's clockwork going down from the wild area, Lin Cheng decisively handed over his TP that had just cooled down and prepared to fight back.

Although Udyr can't make it through, Riven with the crushing equipment and the clockwork are really powerful in the small jungle area.

As long as Tai Tan keeps some people, Lin Cheng thinks that 2 vs 5 will be fine.

Effort is also very brave. Hearing that Lin Cheng asked him to stay, without a hook, Titan directly flashed his E skill to slow down, and then wanted to use his passive to play control.

The opponent didn't want to waste time on Tai Tan at first, but he couldn't get used to seeing the opponent flashing over. The four of them quickly killed Tai Tan under concentrated fire.

Corgi: "Clockwork is in the wind! Titans are trying their best to keep people. Will the two of KT still fight in this wave? Shouldn't it be forgotten?"

Jun Ri: "But Riven's equipment is really good, I have a chance to use it! The damage of T1 is not enough for Riven, and if Riven comes in to play a set, it will blow up."

When the Titan was killed, Riven had already landed, and decisively covered the path in the wild area under the triangle grass.

The card's big move just now saw that the clockwork was leaning downwards, and the four of T1 chose to avoid the direction Riven rushed towards and retreated near the red BUFF under heavy scruples.

When the four on the red side retreated to the red buff grass, Lin Cheng appeared in front of the stone man pit.

The grass opposite the red BUFF has KT's vision, and he saw the four opponents disappearing beside the red BUFF.

Chaowei had already waited behind the red BUFF in advance, but he didn't dare to go out to block the way alone, and was still waiting for Lin Cheng's support.

"You can fight! Go directly!"

The E skill canceled the reading bar of the ultimate move, and the rune blade in Riven's hand stirred up the energy of the holy spirit.

Lin Cheng flashed directly.

Riven only has three Qs that can pass through the wall, and since Lin Cheng had handed in his skills on it before the TP, he didn't get stuck in Q before landing.

Lin Cheng would naturally not use his Q skill to go through walls if he didn't get a Q card in advance. At this time, flashing into the field and leaving his Q skill to deal AOE damage is the right choice.

As a result, unfortunately.

Lin Cheng flashed and hit the wall.

Seeing the other party disappear in the bushes next to the red buff, Lin Cheng, who was in a hurry to enter the field, did not flash past.

"Oh my god! Brother Cheng's first name!"

It was too late to regret too much, while complaining, Lin Cheng immediately shot Q Broken Wing Dance.

There is no hesitation at this time.

Riven's amazing skills!Speed ​​of light QQQ.

Some people ridicule the speed of light QQQ and think that it is to press the Q skill three times in a row, but it is called the turtle speed QQQ at best.

The speed of light QQQ also needs to be right-clicked to cancel the back shake, and because there is no need to intersperse the forward shake of the basic attack, the speed of the light speed QQQ is very fast.

After Lin Cheng right-clicked to cancel the back-swing in succession, the three-stage Q crossed the wall at an oblique angle.

Thanks to the narrow intersection of the red BUFF grass, the four of them in the red side were very close together when they walked by.

Although Lin Cheng flashed into the wall and was delayed for about a second, the people in T1 hadn't pulled away yet.

Riven's ultimate move will increase the range of skills and basic attacks. This three-stage Q smashes down over the wall, and it just hits the three people who are about to rush towards the exploding cone. Only the card at the front is a fluke dodge.

Riven raised the rune greatsword, and W stunned the three of them.

Lin Cheng was stunned by Brother Li's yellow card as soon as he made a slash after finishing W.

But at this time, Chaowei's clockwork had already smashed out the golem, and QW hit three people to create a large number of AOE.

Tianfei Ruiwen entered the field perfectly to give control, clockwork this QW is doomed to explode in T1.

Before Chaowei pulled out his big move, he subconsciously tapped the exploding cone, and the card was bounced back by the exploding fruit.

The shock wave was about to hit four people.

Tam swallowed Senna early.

The bear jumped big on the spot, dodging the shock wave.

But at this time, this kind of operation has no effect on the situation.

After Riven thirsted for blood, she immediately read the second ult.

Gale Slash blew past, hitting three people.

The card died suddenly, and the rest of the people's blood volume was also unhealthy.

Riven held the giant sword and started hacking mode.

Although the people in T1 wanted to work hard, the bear couldn't hit the clockwork, and the damage of the three brothers was not enough to see Riven.

In the end, all four players in the lower half of T1 were killed, and Riven scored a triple kill.

Jun Ri: "The clockwork has already been hidden on the side, T1 is a very dangerous position, Riven is now super powerful... hit the wall! Brother Orange flashed and hit the wall! Oops! How can you hit the wall... Huh? The three-stage Q knocked three into the air! The clockwork followed the skill perfectly, and this wave of T1 exploded!"

Corgi: "This wave really gave KT two brothers 2 to 4. Brother Chengzi entered the field so crucially! Although he flashed and hit the wall, he hit three W in the back and let the clockwork fully hit the AOE!"

Jun Ri: "I can only say that the effect of the show is full! Seeing Riwen's flash, you think Brother Chengzi is a star chef, but then he immediately came to a wave of operations to justify his name."

Obviously the director knew where the essence was, and the playback locked Lin Cheng's first-person perspective.

It turned out that Lin Cheng's attention on the screen was fixed on the opponent's position all the time. When he saw the opponent disappearing into the grass, Riven directly ERed and handed over the flash without waiting until he was completely against the wall.

At the beginning, Lin Cheng was just communicating with his teammates in a normal tone, but at the same time as he hit the wall, a Chinese quintessence with a perfect accent came out clearly from the microphone.

"Oh my god! Brother Cheng's first name!"

Lin Cheng said this sentence completely in Chinese.

Huya barrage has exploded.

"Ahahaha! As expected of you!"

"This first name is a bit unrestrained, 23333."

"Reasonable! This pressing is really fast, and Riven fainted three times before finishing this sentence."

"Can the LCK voice speak swear words?"

"I bet! It was released because the LCK director couldn't understand it."

"Wait for Brother Chengzi to be fined, haha."

(End of this chapter)

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