I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1017 This is the cook of our legion

Chapter 1017 This is the cook of our legion

"Mianyou, you are a bit reckless!" After Yaozi left, Monton sighed full of sorrow.

"What's the matter? Why is Monton so powerful?" Zhang Mengyu said with a smile.

"Very powerful," Monton said, "The reason why the 404th Legion is the most powerful legion in our seventh universe is because their overall strength is very strong. After a period of training, their recruits can basically reach 200-300 The average score, the combat power is at least 30% stronger than ordinary troops.

"What about this Yaozi's army?"

"They took an elite training route," Monton said. "He poured almost all his resources into some squads, which made his troops very different in combat effectiveness, but in some battles, he used those cannon fodder as The main force attracts the enemy's firepower, and the elite squad can often play some unexpected roles."

"It can be regarded as a bit of an idea," Zhang Mengyu nodded, this Yaozi took the elite route of abandoning most people.

"And he also established a reserve corps in the universe in private. This batch of recruits are all trained in this reserve corps. They are cultivated by geniuses he found from the forces under his own cosmic empire. The tempering of the battles I have experienced is very powerful."

"Look at that young man," Monton pointed to the slender warrior behind Yaozi, "a soldier of the Lengfeng tribe, I heard that he served in the army of Yaozi civilization before he entered the army. The item value should be above 600."

"600, that's pretty good. It's almost five or six times the minimum conscription standard. If you increase it a bit, you can even fight against ordinary sixth-level life forms."

"Why don't you look nervous at all?" Monton looked at Zhang Mengyu curiously.

He knew that Zhang Mengyu and the officers under him were very powerful, and the strength of the sixth-level life forms defeated those base cities, but they attributed the reason to Zhang Mengyu's civilization or organization.

And those people under him are all cannon fodder brought over, even among the cannon fodder, they are all fighter jets, their natural strength is a bit lower than others, and this martial arts tournament will definitely suffer.

It's impossible for him to train them as well as the division heads under him in just one year, right?
"Could it be that these three people under your command have undergone your special training?" Monton had a whim.

The life breath of people like Zhang Menglong is less than 30 cosmic years. If Zhang Menglong pours resources into some people like Yaozi, maybe he can also cultivate some special people.

"No," Zhang Mengyu shook his head, "All the people in our army are trained in a unified way, and there is no individual tutoring. To be honest, I didn't know there is such a thing as a martial arts competition until those few days."

"Then what kind of special race are they?" Monton looked at the three warriors more, as if he wanted to get some clues from them, but looking left and right, they were all so common in the entire universe that they couldn't be found in the universe. common race.

It is even considered a miracle that they are so ordinary that they can have the current level of life. For these civilized people, it is already smoking from the ancestral graves that they can usually become a third-level life form.

"Don't look at it," Zhang Mengyu said, "I just randomly pulled them out of the army. You guys, introduce yourself to the commander of the Monton army."

The three stood up and saluted a standard Chinese military salute to Monton.

"Report to Commander Monton, I am Olenia, a soldier in the cooking class of the IPX-001 regiment, SRIO-045 division."

"Report to Commander Monton, I'm IPX-001 Corps, CWP-79 Division Logistics Soldier Dias."

"Report to Commander Monton, I am IPX-001 Corps, IPZ-398 Division Guard Soldier Lobian."

"Cooking class? Logistics class? Security department?"

Monton's mouth parted slightly in shock.

At the beginning of the establishment of each legion, organizations such as the cooking team and logistics team have been established. These people do groceries. Even if these soldiers on the battlefield are cannon fodder, they are all top-level life forms at any rate. It's not their turn to do these things.

Zhang Mengyu's people are relatively weak, and there are not many of them. He really can't understand how to waste manpower to do such a thing!

The most ridiculous thing is that you guys are all cooks and logistics, even if it is a symbol, you have to pull two people out of the regular army. You find two firemen and logistics to come to this martial arts competition where masters gather and elites are everywhere. What do you mean?Sensational?
"Forget it, as long as you are happy." Regarding this, Monton could only smile awkwardly. It seems that Zhang Mengyu is really planning to break the pot. In this case, if he takes the second-to-last place, no one can Take the last one.

"My lord general is here!"

At this time, under the coercion of a ninth-level life body, Luo Ze finally appeared!
The whole training ground suddenly became quiet, especially those fifth-level life forms, even trembling under Luo Ze's breath.

Even if a ninth-level lifeform did not deliberately release its pressure, it would be difficult for an ordinary fifth-level lifeform to resist.

At this time, Monton suddenly noticed that the three soldiers behind Zhang Mengyu looked calm and calm. Not only did they not bend their backs, they even seemed to not feel the pressure at all.

"These three have something!"

"Everyone, I'm very glad that everyone can gather here today," Luo Ze said with a smile. In this martial arts competition, I hope everyone can show the style and level of their troops."

The rules of the martial arts competition are very simple. There are more than 7000 contestants in two groups. If there is an odd number, they will be promoted directly. Until the top three are finally determined as the winners of this martial arts competition.

In the first match, the 103rd Legion played against the 733rd Legion. The strength of the fighters on both sides was very close.

First, you can get to know your opponents in the future, and second, you can learn something from them.

Only Zhang Menglong and the other four started to doze off with their chins neatly propped up.

"It's really an insult to the honor of a soldier."

"If it looks like this on the battlefield, how can we fight?"

Several legion commanders around showed disdainful eyes. In their view, Zhang Mengyu was not qualified to be the commander of a legion at all.

There were more than 3000 matches in the first round. From these matches, a group of very good fighters emerged. They defeated their opponents cleanly, and some even showed strong fighting skills and talents. The legion he belonged to fought fiercely for some face.

Finally, in the 833rd game, Zhang Mengyu was about to play.

"Look, isn't this a member of the IPX-001 Legion?"

"It's really unlucky. Their opponent is from the 812th Legion, and their combat effectiveness can be ranked among the top 50."

"It's their turn. Guess how many minutes they can last?"

"Hahaha, I think maybe the first move is about to be defeated? Maybe he just surrendered."

"Look, Zhang Meng's eyes are still squinted, is he asleep?"

"Miao Meng, is this someone from your army?" Unlike the others, Luo Ze looked at the soldier with a very interested look, "Why does he look sleepy? There won't be any problems, right?" ? Do you want to pause for a while?"

"General, he's fine," Zhang Mengyu said. "He's a cook in a division of our army. He stayed up late last night to cook supper for everyone. He must be a little sleepy, but it won't affect the result of the competition. Let's start!"

(End of this chapter)

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