Chapter 1600

A green flame shot straight into the sky, and everyone saw a sea of ​​green flames appearing in front of them. This flame intertwined with the black flame on the opposite side, and it actually covered it directly!

There were even ear-piercing screams from the black flame, and only then did they realize that this flame was not a dead thing, this black flame was alive!
"It turns out that this thing is Paratrooper No. 1!" Zhang Mengyu wrapped a ball of black fire in a different fire and sent it to his eyes. After infiltrating it with his spiritual body, he found that the structure of this black flame was almost exactly the same as that of those demons. .

At this moment, Zhang Mengyu's two eyes showed different colors, one was greenish, the other was shining white, and the breath on his body became unattainable, and he couldn't help but make people feel like that human emperor not long ago. The remnants of the souls are linked together.

"Brother Zhang, you." Drakeer and Zhang Menglong had been together for a long time, and this was the first time he saw Zhang Mengyu's true strength at this time.

This force is majestic, powerful, and unattainable, as if everything can be easily destroyed in front of him.

"If he just forced us to accept the Emperor, none of us can disobey him!"

Titan King and the others have always believed that they are actually the most powerful existence among the living people in this world, but the power displayed by Zhang Menglong has obviously directly defeated their worthless self-confidence.

The strange fire directly covered the black fire, and even ignited on the body of the demon emperor's mount, and the demon dragon let out a scream.

As a higher-level creature than the Demon General, its basic constituent units can even withstand ten times or even higher temperature than the Demon General. Originally, its power has not recovered, but Zhang Mengyu's flame is so powerful that it can burn the ignited area. Burn into nothingness.

Paratrooper No. 1 on his body is splitting crazily, but the speed of this splitting is far inferior to the power of Zhang's hazy flame, this kind of flame can even directly destroy its body from the microscopic structure!

The body of the magic dragon began to shrink rapidly, even from a length of tens of meters to only five or six meters long. weaken.

Just like what Zhang Mengyu said, when the number of its body parts is reduced to a certain level, the structure on its body will start to go dormant. Of course, this kind of dormancy does not mean that it has completely lost its activity, but is split. The rate of differentiation is greatly reduced.

But due to the biological self-protection mechanism, under this extremely weak condition, the defense of all the individuals that make up the body has increased significantly, and its vitality is almost several times stronger than before!
But at this time, Zhang Mengyu suddenly put away the flames.

"Brother Zhang, what are you doing? Why did you stop all of a sudden?" Delaquel asked, he could clearly feel that the current Zhang Menglong could completely rub this dragon on the ground.

In just a few seconds, Paratrooper No. 1 on Demon Dragon's body began to split rapidly again, and even his body shape began to recover. It can be seen that the vitality of these demon creatures is indeed unbelievably strong.

"Just to do an experiment!" Zhang Menglong appeared next to the magic dragon with a flicker.

"I want you to die for three thousand!" Everyone pointed to the test tube in Zhang Menglong's hand, which was exactly what Zhang Menglong developed to deal with these demons!

The magic dragon seemed to feel a great threat from the things in Zhang Mengyu's hands. When he turned his head, a flame went towards Zhang Mengyu's face.

However, Zhang Menglong just tilted his head, easily dodging the flame attack, and then he hit its chin with a fist, directly buckling its upper and lower jaws tightly together.

The dragon screamed, and flames burst out of its nostrils and ears.

"Be quiet, sir!" Zhang Menglong raised his fist and punched it on the head.

When did the magic dragon suffer such a beating?Although it is the mount of the Demon Emperor, the Demon Emperor treats it with great respect. It is completely a partner and friend attitude, and there is no such distinction between superiors and subordinates.

Not only that, since it came to this human world, it has hardly been beaten, and it doesn't know what it means to be beaten. Even if it is sealed, it has never tasted such severe pain. Now, Zhang Meng's Every attack can almost blow its head off.

The more it screamed, the heavier Zhang Menglong's fists became. Reasonably, shouldn't these humans be weaker than the group of Cang Yuanji?Why is there such a fierce one?
"Should you still bark?" Zhang Mengyu pressed the dragon's head to the ground, pinched its neck and questioned.

"Why is he so fierce?" Tai Tan Wang and others looked at Zhang Menglong's display of supernatural power. He obviously could destroy these demons by himself?What else do we need them for?
Of course they didn't know that this state was obtained by Zhang Menglong's spending a lot of time. Of course he can kill all the demons by himself, but the premise is that they all gather together and let him kill them!When a vitality bomb hits it, it is guaranteed that not a single Paratrooper No. [-] will be left behind.

According to the current situation, no matter how many seals he has, he will not be enough!

And now Zhang Mengyu thought of a better way to deal with these demons, this magic dragon is an important tool!

The dragon lowered its head and dared not move again.

"Open your mouth!" Zhang Menglong walked in front of the magic dragon.

However, Molong looked at the things in Zhang Mengyu's hands and knew what he wanted to do. He would never open his mouth to say anything!
"If you are told to open your mouth, then open your mouth!" Zhang Menglong kicked up, directly breaking a tooth of the dragon.

The magic dragon screamed again, and Zhang Menglong poured the liquid into its mouth.

After a while, the potion took effect, and every component of the dragon seemed to be burning, and its body that had just recovered a little began to shrink again, and it couldn't even recover anymore!
Until the effect of the medicine is exhausted, the dragon will remain in this weak state, and in this state, it is only not much stronger than a nine-level perfect creature like the Titan King!According to Zhang Mengyu's estimate, this state can last at least half an hour!

If it is those of the level of demon generals, this thing can directly weaken most of their strength. At that time, ordinary nine-level perfect creatures can deal with it!

Zhang Menglong was overjoyed by the effect of this experiment!So now there is only one problem left to be solved, how can we kill those demon emperors who have fallen into a weak state?

Zhang Mengyu looked at the magic dragon, "I'll discuss something with you! I'll give you a chance to turn your back on the dark and turn to the bright, how about joining our human camp?"

"Human beings, don't even think about it! I can't betray my own world!" The magic dragon actually spoke out at this time!
"Wuhu, can you still speak human language? I thought you were a beast!" Zhang Mengyu said, "Really, if you hang out with them, you are just a gangster. If you hang out with us, I will make it for you, including food. Cover that! How about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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