I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1602 Which one of my mounts do you want to see

Chapter 1602 Which of my mounts do you want to see

"Okay, deal!"

The sentence "This is another price" Zhang Mengyu did not expect at all.

In fact, the Demon Dragon needs to re-change his body structure after his body recovers, and eliminate all the organs related to eating, so that even if there is delicious food in front of its eyes, he will remain indifferent.

But now that he has tasted this taste, this feeling has penetrated into his bone marrow, and it is almost impossible to get rid of it.

The magic dragon sighed, not because he was not loyal to his race, but because the treatment of his unit was so good and the food was so delicious!

"But it's not safe just like this, I have to use some means to control you." Zhang Mengyu waved towards Drakel.

"Brother Zhang, what's wrong?"

"From now on, you are the new owner of this dragon!"

"Huh? The new owner?"

Drakell was taken aback, isn't this the mount of a demon emperor?How he became the new owner is a bit confusing.

"Just do what I say later!"

Zhang Mengyu took out a bunch of materials and began to arrange a contract formation on the ground.

After all, he can't protect Drakel all the time. God knows if these people will have any thoughts in the future. Even with Zhang Mengyao's help, it will not be a matter of time for Drakel to surpass these people, so he intends to make this dragon recognize virtue. Lord Raquel!
With the activation of the tactics, a quaint rune rose from the ground.

"Infiltrate it with your soul." Zhang Mengyu said to Draker.

Drakell complied, and the rune immediately bore Drakell's mark.

"Now it's your turn big man!"

Although the magic dragon didn't know what it was, he knew that once he branded his soul on it, from now on, he would become an accessory of this human being.

"What are you waiting for?" Zhang Mengyu asked, taking out another cup of milk tea, and the aroma made Molong salivate again.

"Can I take a sip?" Molong looked at Zhang Mengyu pitifully.

"I'll suck it for you when the contract is completed."

"A word is settled!"

As if afraid of Zhang Mengyu breaking the contract, Molong immediately put the soul imprint on it.

"Damn it, this magic dragon is still a foodie." Zhang Menglong couldn't help laughing.

The easiest girlfriend to coax in the world is a foodie, and the same goes for this mount.

As the contract was completed, Drakell immediately felt the bond between himself and the dragon.

This is a kind of master-servant contract, as long as he has a thought, the soul of the dragon will be destroyed immediately.

Although the demon is also aware of this, for it, as long as it has delicious food every day, even if it is an unequal treaty, it can still accept it.

"It seems that besides practicing, I have to guide you in cooking!"

The others walked far away, and they didn't know what Drakeer, Zhang Menglong and the magic dragon were talking about. At this time, Zhang Menglong canceled the formation, and with a roar, the magic dragon spread its wings and flew up.

Half an hour has passed, the power of the potion on the magic dragon is fading, "Paratrooper No. [-]" regained its activity, and its body suddenly began to swell again, and soon returned to a length of tens of meters, and its breath also expanded by more than ten times .

"Yes, Mr. Zhang can't trap it anymore!"

The crowd was shocked.

"It's true, Mr. Zhang. I was able to kill him just now. What should I do now?"

"What else can I do? Go all out!"

They immediately took precautionary actions, waiting for the arrival of this fierce battle.

However, the magic dragon circled in the sky and swooped down towards the ground, aiming at the position where Drakell was.

No one dared to step forward to stop it, because they knew that no one could stop that magic dragon!
However, that dragon didn't attack Drakel, and even Drakell jumped up, directly onto the dragon's head as it swooped down, and then drove it back into the sky again.

"This... Lord Human Sovereign tamed it?"

"It's unbelievable. If this demon dragon is tamed, then once a demon general comes out, the dragon flames of this demon dragon can even destroy it directly!"

"We have a chance!"

"That's right, as long as the demon dragon recovers its strength, even if the demon emperor appears, Mr. Zhang can weaken him to the limit by asking you to kill him three thousand times, and this demon dragon can definitely deal with it!
But at this time, they also had some worries in their hearts.

The inferiority of human beings is engraved in the DNA. Even if they succeed in expelling the demons, after peace is restored, this so-called human alliance will lose its common enemy and will fall apart.

If it was the former Drakell, they would not need to give him this face at all. To be honest, his Emperor is completely the majesty established by Zhang Menglong.

But now, with this magic dragon as a mount, things are completely different. Just this weak magic dragon is enough to wipe them out. Once the magic dragon returns to its peak, what will they do? What about confrontation?
In other words, the current Drakell really has the real support to become the emperor.

"Wuhu!" Drakel enjoyed the pleasure brought by the extreme speed. Not only could the black mist on the dragon's body not cause any harm to him at all, it could even feed back a wave of pure energy to him. For it, the magic dragon is even a cheat for cultivation!

After flying around a few times, they landed on the ground.
"Brother Zhang, this mount is so cool!" Drakell said with insatiable desire, "Brother Zhang, why did you give me this dragon? Don't you need it yourself?"

In his heart, only Zhang Menglong is worthy of such a mount, and he is simply a bit of Zhang Mengyu's light.

It seems that in his impression, Zhang Mengyu doesn't have any mounts yet, right?In the main world, most of the strong men have their own mounts.

"I have no shortage of mounts," Zhang Mengyu said, "To be honest, I really don't like this kind of magic dragon, as long as it doesn't have a cool appearance and a very high-level bloodline, it's only slightly more powerful. "

"Is this not good enough for him?"

"This magic dragon is already a creature beyond the realm of perfection, right? Then what kind of creature is worthy of being his mount?"

"I really want to see it."

"I don't know if I'm bragging."

"So, Brother Zhang, you already have a mount?" Drakel looked at him expectantly, "Can I have the honor to see it?"

"Which one do you want to see?"

"Which one? How many more? Of course it's the most powerful one!"

"Since you want to see it, there's no harm in showing it to you," Zhang Menglong pressed a few handprints and slapped the ground, "Come out, Omega!"

As a dazzling beam of light appeared in the sky, a huge creature slowly appeared. He had the head of a dragon, a gun barrel in one hand, and a sword in the other. A cloak, this is a creature that none of them have ever seen!
And under the breath of this creature, the magic dragon actually trembled a little. The passivity of the dinosaur nemesis, even the magic dragon can't avoid it. If you say you are a dragon, you are a dragon!

"This... is Brother Zhang's mount?"

 Brothers have a sheep, rest for two days
(End of this chapter)

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