I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1612 Primordial Demon

"It has to be him!"

"At this time, he can still say such a thing?"

"He stood in front of the Demon Lord and said that, isn't he afraid of being beaten to death?"

The originally quiet crowd couldn't help whispering, and at such a time, they could still speak coquettishly. There is no other person in the world except Zhang Menglong.

Everyone was ready for Zhang Mengyu to be slapped to death by the Mozun, but this scene did not happen. The Mozun looked at Zhang Mengyu with a richer expression, because he really didn't know Zhang Menglong Where did Meng Mo get the confidence to make him say such confident words.

"You want to drive me back?" Mozun laughed.

"Yes," Zhang Mengyu glanced at the time, "You still have 1 minute and 28 seconds to see this world more, I'm afraid you may not be able to see it in the future."

"Hahahaha!" The Demon Lord didn't laugh, but the Demon Emperors and Demon Generals behind the Demon Lord laughed so hard one by one, as well as those members of the Demon Race who were pulling at the gate connecting the two worlds, they laughed so loudly. Perverted.

Want to drive the demon back?Unless it is the coming of the Protoss!

But is it possible?First of all, the entrance of the Protoss is at the other pole of the human world, and secondly, the Protoss and the Humans have no contacts, and it is impossible for them to help humans.

"You still have one minute," Zhang Mengyu said, "Why don't you take a few photos with a camera, and I can help you."

"Human, I want to know where your confidence comes from." For some reason, Zhang Menglong's bluff made him feel vaguely uneasy, because he clearly felt that Zhang Menglong's mood hadn't changed in any way.

If it's just that kind of empty-fortune strategy, even a re-appraisal person can't have no waves in his heart. As long as there are emotional fluctuations, he will definitely be aware of them.

But Zhang Mengyu gave him the feeling that when he said this, it was just as it should be, and he was just stating a fact!

"1 minutes left!"

As Zhang Mengyu began to count down, not only did the breath of the humans become a little dignified, but even some demon kings and generals felt some pressure in their hearts.

Even if it is the Demon Lord, he can't help being shaken in his heart, but as the Demon Lord, the leader of the entire demon world, he must not let others see his inner anxiety.

"Okay, it's time for 2 minutes," Zhang Mengyu turned off the timer, "My friends from the demon race, Mr. Mozun, it's time for you to go back to your own world."

"Human boy, your jokes are not funny at all," Mo Tu obviously had no patience, "If you don't want to join the demon clan, then you can only perish with humans."

Black flames began to burn on Mo Tu's body, and the murderous aura on his body also began to spread, "Demon Warrior, follow me to conquer the entire human world!"

"In that case, then I'm not going to be polite." Zhang Mengyu touched his dean's ring quietly, "Teacher Chonglou, here we come for business!"

"Your name is Mozun? If you are called Mozun, then what am I?"

At this time, a voice full of energy came from the void. In front of Zhang Menglong, violent ripples suddenly appeared in the space, and scarlet energy fluctuations announced that someone was going to come out of it.

A figure with a height of about two meters walked out of the ripples. Red and black air currents flowed from his body. With a burst of domineering aura, black wings stretched out overwhelmingly. Come.

It was a man about two meters tall, with a pair of horns on his head, wearing a war robe, and a red demon mark on his face. He even looked a little like Motu.

"Just now you called yourself the Demon Lord?"

"Who are you?" Mozun Motu looked at the person in front of him.

The aura on his body was completely non-human. To his horror, he was unable to judge the life level of the creature in front of him!
"Mozun, Chonglou!"

"Another demon?"

"What kind of Demon Lord is this? Which Demon Race?"

"There are other demons?"

Humans and demons were in a mess, and two demons suddenly appeared on the field. Who has seen such a scene?More or less, people's brains can't turn around.

But for human beings, this is undoubtedly a piece of good news, because no matter how you look at it, this new Demon Lord seems to be invited by Zhang Menglong. Could it be that this is his unscrupulous secret?

"Hahaha, Demon Zunlou? I have never heard of you. Where do you come from from the mob clan?"

"Miscellaneous demons?" Chong Lou sneered, as the immortal supreme of the demon world, this was the first time he had received such a question, "You lowly demons are not qualified to know the origin of this seat!"

When Chonglou raised his hand, there was a wave of black flame magic, and this wave of energy contained a powerful force of space that directly hit Motu's chest.

Mo Tu's pupils dilated several times in an instant, and the power of this power far exceeded his imagination, and even brought back a past event that he didn't want to look back on.

That was the last time, when he accidentally opened the gate of the God Realm, the power at that time was almost comparable to this power!

But this time, Motu was also much stronger than before, and he immediately mobilized the magic power on his body to resist, but Chonglou, as an ultimate life form, was not at all a super life form like Motu that could match it.

This blow almost scattered the magic power on his body, Motu's whole body flew out, and dragged on the ground for hundreds of meters before stopping in front of him.

The way he looked at Mozun had become a little different at this time.

"it is good!"

Demon Tu's defeat made the human side cheer. This new Demon Lord actually repelled him with one blow. What kind of life form is this?And such a high-level existence actually obeys Zhang Menglong's command like Zhang Menglong's bodyguard?
"You dare to call yourself a Demon Lord with this level of ability?" Chong Lou sneered, "I don't know how many demons under my command are stronger than you. It's really an embarrassment to the Demon Race!"

"You..." Looking at the Chonglou, Mo Tu suddenly thought of some information that he saw in the old Mozun's classics.

The current demons are actually not the oldest and purest demons. The current demons have undergone various changes in the demon world, and they are already very different from the oldest demons.

The oldest demons are the most perfect and powerful demons.

It is said that when the demon world was the most chaotic, some ancient demons left this world. Later, no one knew whether they were still alive or where they went. Could it be that the demon in front of him is the oldest demon?
"Could it be that you are the primordial demon?" Mo Tu looked at Chonglou. Since the other party claimed to be the Demon Lord, there was probably only one explanation.

"You are not qualified to know!" Chonglou said condescendingly, "You have only one choice now, which is to follow the order of the dean and go back to your demon world, otherwise the demons will prepare to change to another demon master! "

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