"Is he all right? I seem to see him bound up by vines or tentacles."

"I don't know. Although Mr. Zhang said that he is a demon king of a super world, he is just a weak child no matter how you look at it."

"Look at the sky! It seems that something has fallen."

"I seem to feel a very powerful magic power!"

Among the crowd, several magicians were the first to feel this extraordinary power. The strength of this magic power was like a dazzling bright light appearing in a turbid darkness. The strength and solidity of this magic power, It really shocked them!


A huge fireball dragged a tail and hit the top of the huge fungus incarnated by Xi Mozun. The solid body was directly smashed through a huge hole, and then a violent explosion occurred.

Then, a whirlwind seemed to blow in the dense fog, instantly dispelling the dense fog caused by the fireball, only to see a pair of huge wings flapping slowly, and a monster over 10 meters tall emerged from the dense fog.

It has red muscles all over its body and a pair of huge horns on top of its head. It also looks like a terrifying demon.

"Is that summoning magic?" Several magicians looked at the summoned demon. The aura of this demon was unfathomable, as if it was summoned by the boy named Limuru.

Following a flash of sword light, an extra sword appeared in the young man's hand at some point, directly cutting the vines wrapped around his body to pieces, and he separated a distance from Xi Mozun with a few jumps.

"Hahaha, little brother, why did you run away?" There was a disgusting squirm on the huge toadstool, and then the figure of Xi Mozun appeared.

Then, a demon warrior split from that huge body.

This demon warrior was born directly from Xi Mozun. Unlike other ordinary demons, a clone has almost 50% of her body's power.

The Demon Lord's avatar really showed great strength, its speed was almost too fast for people to see clearly, and it struck towards Limulu like a dark shadow.

However, at this moment, the demon summoned by Limuru moved. He seemed to have seen through the movement of the Demon Lord's avatar, and he pinched it in his hand as soon as he stretched out his hand. The avatar with half the power of the Demon Lord struggled, but unexpectedly There is no way to break free from its grasp!

But at this time, the huge demon opened his bloody mouth, and a flame from hell spewed out from his mouth, directly burning the demon's clone into nothingness!
"So strong!"

"The demon king summoned by this child may not be weaker than Xi Demon Lord!"

"This appearance is too deceiving, he is really so powerful."

"Looks like there is a second game!"

According to the bet just now, as long as they win two games, these demons will all withdraw, and they will never be allowed to step into the human world!
However, Xi Mozun grinned, the real battle had just begun!

In terms of one-on-one, Xi Mozun is not the strongest, but if there is a group fight, no Mozun is his opponent, and she alone can resist thousands of troops!
Countless individuals split off from Demon Lord Xi, and the densely packed demon clan made people feel a little tingling. Even though it only had half the power of Demon Lord Xi, that power was at the level of seventh-level and eighth-level super life forms. .

"This Demon Lord Xi may be the scariest among these Demon Lords." The human warriors all seemed a little terrified, surrounded by countless Demon Lord clones, could this young man really be able to deal with it?

Although he can summon magic, the magic needed to summon magic is very scary
The demon that was summoned just now must have consumed a lot of his strength. He probably would be exhausted after summoning two or three more at most?How to face the army of clones summoned by Xi Mozun?
However, everyone is still worried about Limuru, who has started to summon demons again!
But this time, there was a rain of meteorites in the sky, and none of the meteorites was exactly the same as before, and some meteorites were even two or three times larger than before!
These meteorites directly smashed Xi Mozun's transformed body, but this did not cause any harm to her. After all, she only needed a moment to recover from this purely physical attack.

However, after a while, demons drilled out of the meteorite one after another. The number of these demons was also dense, not even less than the clones summoned by Xi Mozun!

Those demons are all high-ranking demons!In the division of demon levels, Demon Zunlou is almost equivalent to the top demons, and these high-level demons are only one level weaker than him. His super life form is much stronger!
Some of these demons breathe fire, and some are extremely powerful. Their attacks can almost instantly kill the clones summoned by Xi Mozun, but the attacks of those clones seem to have no effect on them, and it is even difficult to hurt those demons!

The flames on these demons that only burn on their own are extremely lethal to those clones.

In just a few minutes, most of the demon king's split body was wiped out. Although her energy came directly from the demon world, her energy was not endless. Facing the menacing army of demons, her expression gradually became fearful and hopeless.

"Little brother, I admit defeat, I admit defeat!"

But Limuru didn't seem to want to let her go.

Those demons burned all the clones, and then launched a fierce attack on Naxi Demon Lord's body.

Painful and shrill screams were heard immediately.
A few minutes later, the huge fungus transformed by Xi Mozun had shriveled up, and with a disgusting wriggling, it finally shrank back to Xi Mozun's body. She exuded a burning smell after being burned. Although he hadn't died yet, his injuries were almost the same as those of Bei Mozun.

"Are you going to admit defeat directly, or are you going to complete the third battle with me?"

Piccolo came out from behind Zhang Mengyu. He took off his weight-bearing suit, threw it on the ground, and it shook like an earthquake.

The three Mozuns looked at Nan Mozun, and now even if they won the third game, it would be meaningless, and they might even be killed directly.

You know, just now it seems that the two best bullies are so powerful, this guy whose face is scared green may be even more powerful, and they will definitely not be able to deal with it.

"We admit defeat!" The four Demon Lords had already been defeated, and there was nothing left to insist on. They originally thought that their goal of conquering the human world could finally be achieved this time, but they did not expect that under Zhang Menglong's sniping alone, they would be defeated. Complete miscarriage.

From now on, the Demon Race may never have the chance to step into the human world again.

"All fighters return to the demon world! From now on, it is forbidden to set foot in the human world!"

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