Chapter 1619 No, come again?
Countless people gathered at the edge of the dark forest. The place where everyone shouted because of the existence of black magicians has now become an economic and political hub of the entire main world. Drakell's status as emperor, At that time, the entire black magician will be whitewashed to a certain extent.

Not only that, he also used his own resources and energy to find out many dirty hats that had been put on black magicians. It was the first time that people understood the group of black magicians. They are just evil and have nothing to do with evil .

Zhang Menglong kept looking into the distance, as if waiting for something to arrive.

"Brother Zhang, will the God's Boat really come?" Drakell and the others also looked in the same direction.

As the legend of the entire main world, there are indeed not many people who have seen the God's Boat. Even in the ancient Cangyuan Era, there were very few people who had seen it. Even so far, no one has any evidence that they have boarded the God's Boat. Boat.

Many people speculate whether it is something created by a very high-dimensional civilization. Maybe it is the same as the gate of the three worlds, and it comes from a more developed and greater civilization. Otherwise, how can it easily come and go in each world? ?

Of course, no one knows where the limit of its ability is. It can easily pass through the main world and all the small worlds of the test field under it, and whether it can come and go freely in the demon world and the god world?

And such a thing, can Zhang Menglong really summon it?
After waiting for about half an hour, everyone was about to lose their patience, and at this moment, there was some movement in the sky, a vertical sky curtain appeared above their heads, and a vast and great force emerged.

A white prow slowly protruded from the scene. It was so holy, so noble, and so majestic. Everyone just stared at it blankly, repeatedly paying homage to a god.

They have a vague feeling that this God's Boat seems to be more noble than those Demon Lords of the Demon Race, and it is a living thing!
"This is the God's Boat? Was it really summoned?"

"I have only seen it in the records in my life. It is said that there is no place in this world that this boat of God cannot reach. Can it really bring Mr. Zhang to the world of the gods?"

"I really want to go up and take a look. I don't know if there is such an opportunity in this life."

"Don't even think about it. It is said that this God's Ship has its own consciousness. Only those who are approved by it can board the ship, otherwise they will be strongly repelled."


The leaders of various human forces only dared to look at it from a distance, and did not dare to climb up at will. In their eyes, this God's Boat is something that can be seen from a distance but not to be played with.

"Sorry, it seems that my grandma was using it just now, so it came a little late hahahaha..."

"Too milky?"

"What is the origin of Mr. Zhang? It can even drive things like the God's Boat. Could it be that he has something to do with the person who created the God's Boat?"

"I guess Mr. Zhang must be the descendant of the oldest existence in this world, he can be so powerful at will."

"Yes, no matter where he goes, there are so many powerful bodyguards to protect him, and there are so many trump cards. Maybe the power behind him is older than any of these three worlds?"

"He is all the hope of our human world, I hope Mr. Zhang can come back triumphantly!"


"I'm leaving first, we'll see you later, help me take care of the human beings on our planet during this time." Zhang Mengyu said to Delaquel.

"Brother Zhang, don't worry, I will take good care of your people. I don't think anyone has

This dare to go to your hometown to wreak havoc. "

"Yeah!" Zhang Mengyu jumped up and stood firmly on the boat of God.

At this time, several level nine perfect creatures were also a little moved. They also wanted to board the God's Boat to see the legendary ship, but the God's Boat didn't give them this opportunity.

A very shallow light was shot from the God's Boat and swept across them, as if to detect whether they had the qualifications, but obviously, none of them were recognized by the God's Boat.

With a burst of energy radiation, they were bounced in all directions.

However, the God's Ark didn't seem to want to hurt them, they were just knocked into the air, and they weren't injured.

"Hey, big guy, you have such a good temper. We meet again. This time, there is no need to pick up private work on the way!" Zhang Menglong has not forgotten that he was halfway on the boat last time, and it suddenly turned to pick up his ancestors. I lost myself in a remote corner inexplicably.

This time, he was going to the unknown world of the Protoss World, which was even more dangerous than the Demon Realm. If he lost himself to some place where the big boss practiced, he might not even know how dead he was.

"God's Boat, I want to go to the world of the Protoss, can you take me there?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

The God's Boat understood Zhang Mengyu's words, and immediately conveyed the answer to him with a kind of telepathy. Its answer was that there is no place in this world that it cannot go to.

"Then why don't you send me directly to the gate of the Protoss and Human Race, so that I won't waste time looking for it?"

Shenzhizhou agreed directly, and it didn't seem to make any difference to him where Zhang Mengyu was sent.

With the shaking of the ship, the God's Boat set off carrying Zhang Menglong. It plunged into the sky and disappeared from everyone's sight.


The God's Boat travels through a white world, and Zhang Mengyu doesn't know where he has come, so he can only silently pray in his heart which ancestors must not jump in line at this time!
Suddenly, the entire God's Boat shook violently, and Zhang Menglong lost his balance and almost fell to the ground.

"I'll wipe! What's going on, come again?" Zhang Mengyu began to panic.

However, the shock did not seem to be that the Divine Ark had received other orders suddenly. Goudan told Zhang Mengyu that no one was calling the Divine Ark, but that the Divine Ark had arrived early for a strong attack from the outside!
There are three life levels that have reached the peak of super life forms and are attacking the God's Boat!
"Is MD sick!" Zhang Mengyu yelled, "Who the hell is it!"


At this moment, on the outside of the God's Boat, three figures wearing silver armor are frantically attacking the God's Boat.

"The devil's boat! The devil's boat is here again!"

"The demons brought by this demon ship almost turned our entire world upside down last time, and this time there will be absolutely nothing good!"

"Everyone work hard to shoot it down, and we must not let it come to our world with some certainty!"

These three people seemed to have seen the God's Ark before, and it seemed that the last time the God's Ark brought them some unpleasant memories, which made them hate the God's Ark.

"Dog, this God's Boat won't be destroyed, right?" Zhang Mengyu asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, Dean, the God's Boat is very strong, and this attack has not yet reached 10% of its upper limit!"

"Then I'm relieved!" Zhang Menglong breathed a sigh of relief.

"But God's Boat said just now that it will not indulge anyone who wants to attack itself. It is going to start the battle mode. For the safety of the chief, it will randomly teleport you to a certain place in the Protoss world."

"Random? Come again?" Before Zhang Menglong could say a word, a ball of light enveloped him and teleported him out.

Vaguely, Zhang Meng saw countless gun barrels appearing on the God's Boat, followed by a scream...

(End of this chapter)

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