I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1625 I Haven't Made Money For A Long Time

Chapter 1625 I Haven't Made Money For A Long Time
Gu Qiufeng hugged his waist on the ground and screamed, he really didn't know why Gu Xiao's elbows and head were so hard!
And his luck is too good, this is a subconscious dodge action, but it gave him two heavy blows impartially, making him almost unable to stand up, the pain was so severe that Gu Qiufeng forgot irrationality.

He is a second-rank divine breath warrior. To Gu Xiao, the skin on his body is as hard as steel. If such serious injuries were caused to him, his elbows and Tianling Gai might have already been shattered.

But Gu Xiao just covered his head and yelled exaggeratedly, he didn't hit his head at all, which is completely unreasonable!
Gu Meng was obviously aware of this, and now he was holding his son, how could he be indifferent?And if these two strikes are too strong, I am afraid that people will be disabled!

He immediately checked Gu Qiufeng's injuries. Zhang Menglong's attack was really sinister and ruthless, and almost smashed his waist on both sides at once. Even the precision of this force was controlled very well, and the position He was impartial, and if it was an accident, he would never believe it.

"Quick, come here, send Qiufeng to be treated!" Gu Meng ordered immediately, send it to rescue now, and the two kidneys should be saved. If it is later, it will be troublesome. The broken internal organs need to be regenerated. Excellent pharmacists and pharmacists can't do it.

"You all saw it. It was he who made the first move. I was just dodging. I didn't even fight back. It's none of my business!" Gu Xiao raised his hands with an innocent face, and even his head was gone. It hurts, just like a natural look.

The members of the Gu family naturally saw the scene just now. Gu Xiao did not make any aggressive moves. All his actions were only used to protect himself. How stupid it looks to bump against the hardest part of Gu Xiao's body.

You just said that he was protecting himself and hurting others unintentionally. Can you blame him?And anyone with a discerning eye could see that it was Gu Qiufeng who provoked the incident first, and what Gu Xiao said was just a counterattack.

"This child has good talent, but his temperament is too bad!"

"Yeah, I became angry from embarrassment after being criticized by words. I was really injured by a piece of trash. After that, I can see my achievements at a glance."

"Hey, if Gu Xiao's body hasn't been destroyed, he must be a good seedling for cultivation. Maybe he can inherit his father's mantle and become the guardian of our Yanlan Empire."

"Yeah, it can only be said that it is good fortune to trick people!"

The Gu family members around were whispering, not only did they not have sympathy for Gu Qiufeng, but they were more sorry for Gu Xiao.

"Xiao'er, come here, I'll check your body!" Gu Meng couldn't just watch his son get hurt, and immediately challenged Gu Xiao, "Your body is so weak, you might be injured too!"

Of course he was not so kind to help Gu Xiao check his injuries, he wanted to see if Gu Xiao's bones were really that hard!
Gu Xiao obediently walked over, Gu Meng put a hand on Gu Xiao's body, suddenly a force surged into his body violently, this power will not damage his body, but it will inevitably hurt some flesh. suffering.

However, Gu Meng was surprised to find that Gu Xiao's body was not as weak as he imagined. It was true that the strength of his bones had reached the strength close to that of the first grade of divine breath. In this case, Gu Qiufeng did not have any precautions There is indeed a way to hurt him!
Although he is much worse than his peers, but he has no cultivation talent, how can he exercise his body so strong?
But as far as he knew, Gu Xiao's physical fitness was not even a tenth of what he is now, so how could he have such a solid body?

"Xiao'er, what's the matter with your body?" Gu Meng asked directly.

This is of course Zhang Mengyu's masterpiece. If Gu Xiaofeng's original body is really used to fight against Gu Qiufeng, Gu Xiao will definitely be injured!

When no one noticed just now, Zhang Meng secretly stuffed a diamond pill into his mouth. This pill has no special effect, it can only make people's body stronger in a few hours, but in During the duration of the medicinal effect of the elixir, no energy can be activated.

He is a good thing for a body-training warrior, but it is very tasteless for others, but it is completely a good thing for Gu Xiao now, that is, relying on the strengthened bones, the elbow strike and the top of the head just now Only then can Gu Qiufeng suffer a dark loss.

"What question? Third Uncle, what exactly do you want to ask?" Gu Xiao pretended to be stupid.

"I'm asking you how your body suddenly became so powerful?"

"Oh, it was my father who found some natural and earthly treasures for me to exercise my body," Zhang Menglong had already thought up a set of excuses just now.

It is well known that he cannot cultivate, but it is still possible to use some natural and earthly treasures to forcibly improve his physical fitness, just like in the world before Zhang Mengyu, body trainers only exercise their bodies, but they cannot cultivate any energy .

This explanation is reasonable, after all, Gu Xiao's father is the current head of the entire Gu family, and it's really not difficult for him to use his own energy to make some things for Gu Xiao to strengthen his body, but it's just a waste of these good things.

"Go down!" Gu Meng could only suffer a dull loss. Everyone saw that it was Gu Qiufeng who made the first move. If Gu Xiao was punished at this time, everyone would say that he was partial to his weaknesses. Prestige is no good!
"Arrange someone to watch him, this kid has a ghost!" Gu Meng said to his other son, Gu Qingyang, "The death of the housekeeper and your brother's injury are definitely not accidents!"

Gu Meng was not a fool, even if Gu Xiao suddenly had a powerful body, it would be difficult for him to keep up with Gu Qiufeng in terms of physical reactions, it was definitely not as simple as what he said was all accidents!
"I know my father!"

Now that the housekeeper is dead, it is not difficult for him to place someone beside Gu Xiao.

After returning to the room, Zhang Meng fell into thinking again. In this situation, it may be more difficult for him to get some good things through the Gu family, and it will definitely attract the attention of Gu Meng and others.

The life level of this Gu Meng is also very close to the super life form. At least it is much stronger than any fighter Zhang Mengyu met in the human world, such as the Titan King. If there is a conflict, he will not be exposed. Less stuff.

For him, this is a small hour, but he is afraid that I will hurt the unlucky Gu Xiao again.

"I can only rely on myself!" Zhang Menglong sighed, and the only way to get those medicinal materials was through the outside world.

But in this case, he needs a lot of money, but for him, making money is not very difficult!

"It's been a long time since I made any money," Zhang Mengyu rubbed his hands excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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