I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1653 Technology and hard work

"What kind of weapon is this? I have never seen this shape before."

"Yeah, not only does it have no blade, it doesn't even look like it's heavy. How can such a weapon be lethal?"

"And that weapon actually needs to be filled with divine breath crystals. I haven't even heard of such a weapon."

"And look at that shield. Ordinary shields are big and thick. His shield is only so big. How can it defend against attacks?"

"This young master of the Gu family is becoming more and more strange. Not only did he suddenly become so rich, but he even has so many strange things. Is it really all because of his friends?"


"Are you ready, Fifth Prince?" Zhang Menglong made a gesture of invitation.

The fifth prince lightly tapped his toes, and immediately floated in front of Zhang Mengyu, "Master Gu Xiao, do you want to fight in the sky or on the ground?"

Only warriors in the realm of divine breath can overcome the gravitational force and fly to the sky, and a cripple like Gu Xiao, who is thousands of miles away from the realm of divine breath, in his opinion, cannot fly at all. This so-called "fighting in the sky" is obviously Just disgusting him.

"Then let's go to the sky!" Zhang Mengyu stepped off the float.

"What do you mean?"

"Could it be that Gu Xiao can also fly? He is also a strong man in the realm of divine breath?"

"Impossible. Could it be that he has been hiding his strength for so many years? But why? He disguised himself as a waste and was bullied every day. Could it be that he has some strange habit?"

"No, he still doesn't have any divine energy!"

Zhang Mengyu, who jumped out of the wedding car pulled by the monster, began to fall like a free fall. Zhang Mengyu had no plan to fight the fifth prince with his newly fused blood, so he had to wait until the end to pretend .

"The anti-gravity system is activated!"

Zhang Menglong pressed a small button on his belt, and an invisible force field suddenly appeared on his body, making his body perfectly frozen in midair.

"Hold on! How did he do it?"

"There is still no energy fluctuation, my God, is it haunted?"

Zhang hazy and elegantly reached the same height as the fifth prince, "Fifth prince, please enlighten me."

The Fifth Prince's expression was still a bit astonished, he really couldn't figure out how Zhang Menglong could fly by relying on the flesh and blood of a disabled person.

Of course, there are all kinds of strange people in this world, and many people will study some weird things, but the strength of one's own body is always the most correct way, and other things are always crooked.

He could probably guess that Gu Xiao used this crooked method nine times out of ten, but it's not very realistic to want to beat himself to pass this level.

"Fifth Prince, please enlighten me." Zhang Mengyu said.

"Hahaha, Master Gu Xiao, you should invite me first. I'm afraid that if I make a move first, you will have no chance to make a move." Obviously, the fifth prince is still very confident in his own strength, it is simply impossible for him lose.

"Since this is the case, then I will not be polite," Zhang Mengyu said, "Fifth Prince, accept the move!"

Zhang Mengyu took out his gun and pointed it at the fifth prince.

"What is this!"

The moment Zhang Menglong pressed the trigger, all the hairs on the Fifth Prince's body stood on end.

Since that strange weapon is like an energy conversion device, it directly converts the energy in the Divine Breath Crystal into another kind of aggressive and destructive energy and re-emits it.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The energy of that shuttle is even comparable to the attack of a fourth-rank warrior of Divine Breath. Although it is slightly inferior in power, it has a very high range and fast speed, and the most important thing is that there is no cooldown time!
"It's so fast!" The fifth prince is indeed very powerful. He reacted immediately and quickly judged that his speed could not avoid these attacks. He immediately gathered his divine breath in his palm and moved forward. Hit a palm.

"Poyan Palm, Brother Huang was forced out of his own martial arts at the very beginning!" The other princes were all shocked, logically speaking, even if the fifth prince stood still and let Gu Xiao do it , it is absolutely impossible for him to force the fifth prince to make a move, let alone use his unique skill directly.

Zhang Menglong's attack directly hit that handprint, and every time it hit, the energy in Poyan's palm dissipated a little.

After enduring more than a dozen blows, the energy palm collapsed immediately.

But you, Zhang Menglong, continued to pull the trigger.

"It's boring, start the burst mode!"

Zhang Mengyu increased the output of energy, and the rate of fire of this weapon was two or three times faster than before.

"What kind of weapon is this!"

Zhang Mengyu's attack has no cooldown time, but the Fifth Prince's attack does exist, he does not dare to use his own flesh and blood to block it, this is comparable to the attack of a martial artist in the fourth-grade Divine Breath realm, and he will inevitably be hit. Injuried.

"Tian Lan moves!"

The fifth prince's body immediately turned into an afterimage and walked around Zhang Menglong. Although Zhang Menglong's strange weapon fired extremely fast, it was useless if he couldn't aim correctly. He just wanted to use this method to attack roundabout!
"There is a chance!"

The fifth prince finally found Zhang Mengyao's blind spot for shooting. He nimbly dodged two attacks, and finally came to Zhang Mengyong's face. As he shot in a circle, his mouth grinned for a while.

Although he didn't kill this waste so cleanly, at least the result didn't change.

Relying on this weird weapon, Gu Xiao does have the ability to hurt warriors below the third rank of Divine Breath, and even masters of the fourth rank of Divine Breath will be confused by his weird weapon, but his body is not so Powerful, it is absolutely impossible to block his own attack!
Even because he was afraid of accidentally killing Gu Xiao directly, he even took some strength.

"Good time!" At this moment, the weird shield on Zhang Mengyu's wrist suddenly released an extremely powerful energy, and actually built an energy wall between the two that blocked Zhang Mengyu's entire body .

"This thing just wants to block me?" The fifth prince sneered, and still punched forward.

However, the moment his fist touched the energy wall, his pupils dilated several times, because he could clearly feel that his fist was caught in an instant as if he had punched into a vast and boundless sea. resolve.

"This is unreasonable!" The other princes exclaimed.

"No matter how strong the defense is, the power of Brother Huang's punch can penetrate the defense, and Gu Xiao can't stop it at all!"

"No, that's not an energy defense, nor is it an ordinary physical defense, it might be a defensive formation!
Integrating a defensive array into a shield, they have never heard of such a craft!

"I see. On the weapon and shield, one is integrated into the attack formation, and the other is integrated into the defense formation. There is even another formation on him, so he can fly!"

"Oh my god, relying on a few formations, Gu Xiao, a waste, can actually make the combat power of a fourth-rank divine breath powerhouse. It's really technology and hard work. Who the hell is his friend?"

"I just want to say, where can I find such a friend? It's not a question of being rich or powerful, the main thing is wanting to make friends."

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