I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1655 No one is allowed to bully my brother-in-law

"Crack!" Zhang Mengyu didn't know what kind of operation was performed on the weapon in his hand, and then filled it with a breath crystal again, and saw a strange light appeared on the gun, and even faintly See the energy in the breath crystal spreading towards the surrounding area!

"Fifth prince, let's continue?" Zhang Meng looked at the fifth prince with a harmless gaze, "I heard that you are the best among the young people of the royal family and even the entire Yanlan Empire, the fifth prince, it is really unusual to see you today, If it weren't for these weapons and equipment, I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to bear your breath."

The fifth prince was a little proud just now, but when he thought about it carefully, it didn't sound like there was much to be proud of when a cripple with no talent for cultivation praised himself, and at this moment, the fire unicorn in Zhang Mengyu's hand had already begun to emit There was a terrifying roar.

The muzzle of the gun was slowly aimed at the fifth prince, and a phantom of a unicorn with its teeth and claws slowly formed behind Zhang Mengyu.

"Fifth prince, I have already turned on my fire unicorn to the maximum power, and this one will consume almost a whole breath of breath crystal, if you can catch this one, then I have no other choice but to admit defeat. "

"How can this thing have such terrifying power?" The fifth prince looked at the phantom unicorn in the sky, his forehead was already covered with sweat, and he vaguely felt that the power of this gun was close to that of a A master of the fifth grade of divine breath.

If he took it hard, he might even die!
"Father, the fifth prince won't lose, right?" Gu Qiufeng looked anxiously at the two figures in the sky. Of course he hoped that the fifth prince could defeat Gu Xiao, and then the third princess could justifiably refuse to marry.

She didn't regret the marriage, it's just that Gu Xiao has no ability, no wonder she.

After his father Gu Meng became a strong man in the realm of spiritual cultivation, he, Gu Qiufeng, would have the opportunity to marry the princess!

And after going back, Gu Xiao must be tortured and asked to give all the information about that mysterious friend. If he can get some benefits from it, it is not impossible to replace the fifth prince and become the first among young people. thing!

"The fifth prince will not lose... If he can't avoid it, he may die!" Gu Meng's answer made Gu Qiufeng fall into an ice cave.

Gu Meng is at the ninth grade of divine breath, and even half of his foot has entered the realm of spiritual cultivation. Naturally, he can see at a glance how powerful the spear that Zhang Menglong is accumulating is for a person of this age. unbelievable.

Not to mention the fifth prince, a fourth-rank divine breath, even a master of the fifth-rank divine breath, if he doesn't have any housekeeping skills, it will be difficult to catch this blow!
"His friend's ability is beyond our imagination!" Gu Meng said.

Although he doesn't understand formations, he still knows some common basic knowledge and common sense.

Although the power of the formation is strong, to drive the formation, not only an energy source is needed, but also a person who drives the formation!
According to the usual logic, to drive a third-rank formation, at least a second-rank martial artist is needed!
The power of this formation is estimated to have a fourth rank. Under normal circumstances, only people with a divine breath of third rank or above can activate it. This is the most basic threshold!
But that weapon doesn't seem to have any restrictions, as if anyone who presses the button to shoot may burst out with enough power to instantly kill a fourth-rank warrior of Divine Breath.

Such a thing is simply a plug-in!

"It's terrible!" Gu Meng was still in shock and couldn't extricate himself. If such a weapon is produced with energy, our Gu family can definitely become the strongest guardian family. It is impossible for any other family in terms of comprehensive strength and heritage. Compared with us, it's a pity...

"Well, Master Gu Xiao, let's go here!" Seeing that the unicorn was almost formed, the fifth prince quickly waved his hands.

He's still young, he doesn't want to die!There is no need to play himself to death in order to fulfill a promise to his sister.

"Fifth Prince, we are not over yet!" Zhang Mengyu said.

"Hey! We're just sparring, just play a little bit, and I've already seen what you're capable of," said the fifth prince, "We're not here to stop you because we don't want you to marry Third Sister. It's that we want to find someone who can protect her."

"In the past, we brothers were the ones who protected her. Now I have seen your ability. Although it is a foreign object, you still have the ability to protect our third sister, so we are willing to entrust the lifelong happiness of third sister to you. you!"

"Fifth brother! That's not how we discussed just now!" Another prince whispered in his ear.

"If you are not afraid of death, you will pick it up just now!" The fifth prince also had a speechless expression on his face. The power of the shot just now is like whoever comes and who dies. He is still young, and he still has unlimited potential. !

"Why don't you compete with him?" Seeing the other princes who were unwilling, the fifth prince was also speechless, couldn't they see how powerful Gu Xiao's weapons really are?

"No, no, no." The so-called good guys don't suffer from immediate losses. Since they know that the fifth prince dare not take these attacks, why are they rushing to seek death?

"Fifth prince, have I passed this test?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

"It's passed, of course it's passed, come here, open the door, and let my brother-in-law in!"

"Thank you, Brother Five," Zhang Mengyu was also very sensible, and quietly stuffed a bottle into his hand, "Brother Huang, this is Gu Xiao's kindness, please share it with other Brother Huang."

The fifth prince was overjoyed immediately, thinking that Gu Xiao was too good at being a man, although he didn't know what was in the bottle, but what he took out of his hand was definitely not rubbish.

"Fifth brother, take a quick look, what is it?" After Gu Xiao's wedding party entered, several princes couldn't wait to surround them.

"I've never seen it before, and I don't know what it is." The fifth prince looked at it. This elixir is purple, and the pattern on it is also very beautiful, but he is not an alchemist, so he has no way to judge it directly from its fragrance and appearance. , after all, there are too many pills in the world.

"Fifth brother, look at the words on the bottle!"

The fifth prince quickly turned the bottle around, and a few words came into view immediately.

"Asura Pill, the Holy Grade Pill, can directly break through the bottleneck after being taken by the Ninth Grade Divine Breath powerhouse. You only need to accumulate enough energy to break through."

"Holy medicine pill!"

"Break through the divine cultivation directly?"

"It's against the sky! It's so against the sky! He suddenly took out this thing and gave it to us?"

"Fifth brother, we made a lot of money this time!"

"Listen to me, all of you!" said the Fifth Prince, "From today on, Gu Xiao is our brother-in-law, my own brother-in-law, if anyone ever let me hear someone say he is a waste, I will beat him to paralysis first! "

"That's right! Count me in, whoever dares to bully our good brother-in-law, I will make him disappear from the Yanlan Empire!"

"Let's go! Let's go to Sanmei's place first, it will be more lively with more people in a while!"

"I'll hurry up and get some banners to welcome my brother-in-law!"

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