I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1657 I will lose face

Chapter 1657 I will lose face
"Father, I have already told you many times that the child's affairs are up to him. Today, let Lan Xin be self-willed for once!"

"It's up to you!"

From the depths of the palace, a flame-like welcome flashed across the air, and an extremely majestic figure suddenly appeared in front of Lan Xin.

He is Yan Tianyao, the emperor of the Yanlan Empire, a powerhouse of the second-rank realm of spiritual cultivation!
"Do you know that father's life was given by the Patriarch of the Gu Family? If there is no Gu Family, then there would be no current royal family, let alone you. The Gu Family's kindness to our royal family is immeasurable."

"Do you have to sacrifice your daughter's happiness in order to repay your kindness?" Lan Xin asked, "Father, I am your daughter, not a gift you give to others. I also want to find someone I really like." Instead of being arranged by you so plainly, to marry someone I have never met, let alone someone I like or not."

"Is there no other way to repay the Gu family's kindness?"

"No!" Yan Tianyao didn't think about this question at all, "Although Gu Xiao can't cultivate, his body was destroyed because of that assassination incident, so our royal family must be responsible for his situation to the end. Although it is very unfair to you, since you were born in this royal family, this is your fate!"

"So in your eyes, I have never been a real person, have I? I can't have my own feelings, can't I have my own thoughts?" Yan Tianyao's words made Lan Xin feel like a knife, and even had some Weeping.

"You will always be my daughter," Yan Tianyao sighed, "I am also very reluctant to part with you, but once a word is made, it is hard to follow, and I can't break my word."

"So, in your heart, the country will always be the number one priority." Lan Xin is already very aware of her father's attitude, and it is already impossible to persuade her father to cancel the engagement up.

"You can think so!"

"Okay," Lan Xin took a step back, "In this case, please forgive my daughter for being unfilial. No matter what happens today, I will definitely not get married!"

"Do you dare?" Yan Tianyao didn't expect Lan Xin to be so persistent, "If that's the case, then I'll personally escort you to the Gu family!"

"Well, my lord, why don't you listen to me," Qing Kong, who had been on the sidelines for a long time, finally said, "The so-called parents' orders and matchmaker's words are indeed correct, but they are already very It's an ancient custom, and now young relatives like to pursue freedom, so why do you forcefully bind a marriage?"

"Yes, my lord," Zhan Xun said immediately, "Actually, if you want to repay the kindness of the Gu family, there are still many ways, and you don't have to marry the third princess. Gu Xiao can't practice, you It is quite good to find someone to protect him personally, reward him with some treasures, and keep him prosperous and safe for the rest of his life."

"You two..."

Yan Tianyao did not expect these two key figures of the guardian family to appear here.

One Zhan Xun is nothing more than a Zhan Xun, now that Mr. Zhan is just recovering from a serious illness, Zhan Xun has only half a foot into the realm of spiritual cultivation, and he is much weaker than the former Zhan family who were in full swing.

But Qingkong is different, as the number one powerhouse in the Yanlan Empire, not even the reclusive old guys in the royal family are his opponents, even Yan Tianyao has to give Qingkong enough face.

He even heard that not long ago, Qingkong got a holy weapon, which even caused quite a stir in the imperial city, which made his position in Yanlan Empire much more entrenched.

He looked at the positions of the two of them, and it was obvious that they were standing in front of Lan Xin and speaking for her.

He was very puzzled, when did Lan Xin win over these two members of the guardian family?

If it was someone else, he would have thrown it out directly, but the people of these two families made him feel a little helpless. He would definitely give it to the face of the guardian family.

"My lord, I think we should have a long-term discussion about the matter of the third princess." Qing Kong continued, "I hope your lord will think twice."

"I hope Your Majesty will reconsider."


"This..." Yan Tianyao immediately fell into a dilemma, "Aren't you two afraid of conflicting with the Gu family?"

"Hahaha, my lord, I will tell the truth. I owe the third princess a favor, so I dared to plead for the third princess today. If I offend the Gu family, there is nothing I can do. After all, I have already promised the third princess to be for her." This engagement is broken."

"Me too," Zhan Xun said, "This is what my father meant."

Yan Tianyao looked back at the people of the Gu family, the expression on Gu Xiao's face was so calm, he didn't look like someone who was rejected on his wife's day, which made him a little puzzled.

He immediately thought about it in his mind. It seems that these two people are determined to help Lan Xin. Although the Gu family is powerful, the Qing family broke up with them on a [-]-[-] basis. Now there is another Zhan family, unless They can win over people from other families, otherwise they will definitely be at a disadvantage.

But now Qingkong is different from the past. Relying on two divine veins and a holy weapon, I am afraid that it will not be inferior to two or three guardians of the same level at the same time. Even if the Gu family finds a helper, they may not be able to do so. Take advantage.

"Gu Meng, look at this..." By now, Yan Tianyao was already a little powerless, he couldn't possibly turn his back on the two core members of the guardian family now, right?
"Gu Meng obeys the orders of the lord of the country," Gu Meng said immediately, "but this matter, Gu Meng can't decide, if the elder brother finds out..."

"Son, what do you think?" Yan Tianyao looked at Gu Xiao, if Gu Xiao was willing to give up, then it would actually be a step down for him, "You have also seen that the current situation is a bit difficult for me, But don't worry, I will never let you be wronged, if you have other requests, you can directly ask, as long as I can satisfy you, I will definitely satisfy you."

This is already Yan Tianyao's biggest compromise.

"Gu Xiao, your Uncle Qing's words should carry some weight, right?"

"Gu Xiao, I advise you to think carefully."

Qing Kong and Zhan Xun also spoke in a slightly threatening tone at this moment.

"I reject."

Contrary to everyone's expectations, everyone thought that the cowardly Gu Xiao would probably choose to compromise directly. After all, he is a waste who does not have a spiritual realm, and he must be very timid in the face of so many strong spiritual cultivation realms. If it were someone else, I'm afraid they would directly choose to accept their fate.

And Yan Tianyao has made it very clear that he can ask for anything, so even if he opens his mouth like a lion, maybe Yan Tianyao will satisfy him.

In contrast, marrying a princess as a wife seems to be a lot cheaper.

It's just that he didn't expect that he would be so courageous, and with so many strong spiritual cultivators here, he would not even give him any face!

"To be honest," Zhang Mengyu said, "whether or not to marry the third princess is not very important to me, but now that I'm here, if I can't marry someone to go home, I will lose face .”

(End of this chapter)

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