I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1665 My Rules Are Rules

Chapter 1665 My Rules Are Rules
"What's the matter, Gu Xiao?" Seeing Zhang Mengyu who suddenly stood there, Lan Xin was also curious.

"Look." Zhang Mengyu took out the Jiao Ling of the day, "This thing is starting to flash."

"It's a good thing!" Lan Xin said excitedly, "I heard that when the Tianjiao Ling starts to shine, it's time for those top sects to start recruiting disciples. With your ability, you can definitely join those sects, and even The opportunity was favored by important figures in those sects."

"But what's the use of light? I don't know how to find them."

"Follow me!" Lan Xin pulled Zhang Mengyu out of the room, and as the night starlight scattered on the Tianjiao Token, it gradually stopped blinking and began to emit a purple light.

A moment later, an image similar to the projection of the whole system appeared on the Tianjiao Token. This image seemed to be a map, and in the center of the map was a red light spot.

"This should be the gathering place for those superpowers to absorb their disciples," Lan Xin said, "It seems that this should be near the Hongyun Empire, which is a ninth-rank empire, which is stronger than our Yanlan Empire. How many."

"You understand quite well." Zhang Meng said with a smile.

"One of my imperial brothers once got a Tianjiao Order by accident, so I know it naturally," Lan Xin said, "Within 30 days after the summoning signal is sent out, everyone must go to that place to gather. If you are late, you will lose your qualifications for this assessment. It is said that every competition is very fierce, and even casualties are normal."


"These super powers are far above our empires. Even a ninth-rank empire, in the eyes of those powers, is just a power that can be easily destroyed. It is said that in those places, there are even people above the level of spiritual cultivation. The strong, that is a realm that we cannot even imagine and understand, and once you become a disciple of those forces, even the most ordinary ones, you can bring great glory to the empire."

"How to say?"

"A long time ago, our Yanlan Empire was only a second-rank empire. Later, a senior was favored by a force and became one of its registered disciples. Later, our empire received a lot of treasure rewards and was directly promoted from a second-rank empire. Arrived at the sixth-rank empire!"

"Then why has it become a fourth-rank empire now?" Zhang Meng asked curiously.

"Because that senior died in a mission, we can no longer get the resources of that superpower, so it began to decline again and became the current fourth-rank empire."

"So that's how it is," Zhang Mengyu nodded, and gained the Tao by himself. This is probably what the chicken and dog ascended to heaven. "Then what about your imperial brother? Has he successfully joined the superpower?"

Lan Xin shook her head, "It's not so easy, their selection requirements are extremely strict, and there are so many talented people in the world who will join this selection, and those who can be selected are rare, my brother did not go to In the end, he was killed."

"Killed?" Zhang Mengyu exclaimed, "Why, this selection is life-threatening?"

"Yes," Lan Xin nodded, "It is said that those forces will have some extremely difficult tests, and a large part of those who fail will die in the tests, and some will kill each other, so the death rate is very high. "

"But I believe you can do it," Lan Xin said. "With your talent and ability, you are definitely the most dazzling one in today's talent-gathering selection. I believe those super sects even have They may rush to choose you, and you must not miss such a good opportunity."

"Well," Zhang Mengyu nodded. He didn't forget the purpose of his trip, which is to find the door from this world to the other two worlds, and then balance the quality of the three worlds. The world can continue to maintain stability.

Coincidentally, now that the unlucky guy Gu Xiao can't be resurrected, Zhang Menglong can still use his identity to continue to participate in the selection of this super sect, and he can also temporarily separate from Lan Xin, lest this chick really fancy him, which night? Quietly executed the Fa on the spot.

Zhang Mengyu has attended the Men's College of Virtue, and in this regard, he is very principled!
"Lan Xin, how long does it take to go from the Yanlan Empire to which Hongyun Empire?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

"It's very far away," Lan Xin explained, "If you use walking, it will be impossible to reach even in a million years, and you can only use the teleportation formation, but our teleportation formation here is too low-level, so you can only reach it." First, we need to make a transit from our Yanlan Empire to a place called Qipin Empire, and then we can get there, and we have to go through some unintentional areas in the middle, and it will probably take 20 days anyway."

"The three-way zone?" Zhang Meng asked suspiciously, "What kind of place is this?"

"It's a place where humans, monsters, and orcs are mixed with fish and dragons," Lan Xin said, "There is only one teleportation array near us that can reach the Hongyun Empire within 30 days, and that teleportation array is in the no-care zone I mentioned. The most powerful force in that zone occupies it, and anyone who wants to transit through that teleportation array must pass through that place."

"It sounds dangerous."

"It's very dangerous!" Lan Xin said seriously, "Although I haven't been there, I heard that it is a place that eats people and doesn't spit out their bones. Anyone who can get a place in that place is not a simple role. Murder is the most common in that place, and there are even some heinous people who hid there in order to avoid the pursuit of certain secular empires or forces."

"When my brother borrowed the way there, he was robbed of all his belongings. If he hadn't met a few noble people, he might not have reached his destination at that time."

"Good guy, it's simply the contemporary Golden Triangle." Zhang Mengyu sighed, "But I just follow the path and don't provoke anyone, so I shouldn't cause any trouble?"

"You must not have such thoughts," Lan Xin said, "It's right not to look for trouble there, but it doesn't mean that things don't come to you. You must keep a low profile, and you must not expose your alchemy and equipment The ability of the formation, maybe some force will forcibly arrest you and let you refine alchemy for them. It is said that the strong spiritual practitioners walk everywhere there, and the masters of divine breath are not as good as dogs. When you go to that place, you must be careful."

"You still care about me," Zhang Menglong couldn't help but tease.

Lan Xin's face was up to her neck immediately, now that she has completely brought herself into the identity of Gu Xiao's wife, naturally she is very worried about him.

"You mustn't talk nonsense," Lan Xin said, "No matter what, you must reach the Hongyun Empire safely, and I'll wait here for you to come back after you become famous."

Zhang Mengyu nodded, "Don't worry, I'm sure I'll be fine. If no one bothers me, I'll just find a way to go, but if someone really wants to trouble me, then I don't mind." Change the rules of the three-way zone, maybe my Gu Xiao's rules will become the rules of that place in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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